Yearning for a Loving Fulfillment
Yearning for a Loving Enlightenment

Dear Lover of Life:

How are you doing with your 2007 Intentions?

Today�s Issue is a celebration of the dolphins and whales, who send out messages of unconditional bliss, devotion and awakening, helping our deepest heart born intentions to blossom effortlessly. They live fully and invite the humans to do the same. Through osmosis they can take us to peaks of joy never known before.

I�m taking a group to be with the dolphins and whales of The Big Island in Hawaii March 6-11, 2007. This is our first trip with the Hawaii whales. I have channeled the messages of whales and dolphins for several years now and wish to give people a first hand experience of being with these incredible beings.

From the time I was born, as long back as I can remember, something pulsed through my heart telling me this life was about LOVE. This incarnation was about bringing forth the deepest love I could imagine. Some times I would break out in unexplainable laughter or tears overwhelmed by the universal love, yearning to explain this to others, deeply desiring to share this in community.

When I met the dolphins and whales I realized they shared my dream. So I began to take people to meet them and watched people blossom at ten times the rate they do in my California seminars. For those of you who have attended my California seminars you have seen great miracles. You have seen people overcome heart break, back ache, despair, blocks to awakening, blocks to financial abundance in a moment. You have seen people get shaktipot, prana experiences, healings, and awakening. You may have been on of these people.

In the aloha warmth of Hawaii I am able to offer this at a very accelerated pace because the islands, the dolphins, now the whales, our cooks who make food from Heaven, our home on by the ocean and the delicious community of friends all assist. And the team of staff-assistants I bring are angels themselves.

Here are some of the results from people who have attended.

"I used to argue with my Mother and feel unfulfilled with our relationship. After the trip I called her and cried in gratitude. I let that old part of myself go. I am much happier.�
E.R., School Teacher

"When I got back home I just kept remembering the pod of people and the pod of dolphins and had some of the most amazing times in my life."
R. G., Sales

"It was the trip of a life time!"
L.L., Court Reporter

"I am going back with Dr. Laurie and her groups for a third time! Need I say more?"
R.S., Artist

"Me too. My third time!"
A.S.,Business Owner

We have two spots left for March 6-11, 2007. If you sign up with a significant other or family member we will let you go two for the price of one.

Call the office at 831-477-7007 for more info.

Dr. Laurie Moore

Sign up Now!

Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, Animal Communicator
(831) 477-7007


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