Invitation to Silent Kindness and Abundance of Peace

I invite you into the eternal silence where you are unconditional love. This is only because you invite yourself there. I simply remind you. You invite yourself back to unconditional joy, peace, abundance, kindness.

I invite you to be in the outward sharing of laughter, tears, heart to heart talk, dance, music, chanting where we celebrate and honor our duality. I invite you here because you invite yourself here.

You have the opportunity to be in love and be in communication with all that is because that is you: the animals, the streams, the fire and the Earth, the humans, the angels, the insects, the master teachers, the flowers, the stars, the songs, the tones, the many thought forms, feelings, cultures, dances and that which comes before and beyond and holds this all. You are invited by yourself to choose your thoughts, to be fully present to your feelings and to go beyond this. You are invited by yourself to be a witness of gratitude to the perfection of every person and animal, insect and angel, master teacher and planet, flower and sea, every life form that is in conversation with you.

I invite you into love when you experience your preferences and your non preferences.

I invite you to take full responsibility for your experience in this moment and to fall in love with everyone and everything.

I listen to the grace of the moment and from this much occurs�we may talk to animals� I a may invite you to sit with me�we may celebrate joy�we might address conflict� we may be silent� we may make sounds of laughter or music or tones or tears or words� we may be outside or inside� we may dance�. we may laugh. We will listen and see and feel into layer after layer of consciousness and remember what we are now, in the love, here in the form this moment takes on.

I invite you beyond right and wrong into sharing of infinite possibilities and being the beloved, the lover, the LOVE her~himself all within your own heart. All that you see, everything you feel, whatever you hear, and all polarities exist for you, from you, because of you, beyond you, because a dream of love.

I Invite you into a conversation in which this is all we need to say to one another is this: I love you. I thank you. I celebrate you. I honor you. I rejoice in you. I bliss out in you. I laugh with you. I am sorry for any way I do not please you. I forgive you. I invite you and me into this conversation with yourself, myself.

Dr. Laurie Moore (Ghandilee)

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Teleclass Satsang LIVE TONIGHT

Tonight, Tuesday, Oct 16, from 6-6:30 p.m. P.S.T. you can listen to an inspired message from Dr. Laurie Moore. There is also time on the call to share your deepest heart expressions to an audience that will witness in love rather than judge or fix. Be inspired by Dr. Laurie and people all over the world. You may also ask Dr. Laurie (Ghandilee) your questions during this precious and sacred phone call of the one LOVE.

Sign up for the telesatsang

Essential Oil Distributors

Sell organic globally imported aromatherapy blends for awakening

unconditional love, peace, joy, sensuality. Sell oils yourself or set up affiliate programs.

You must be prepared to sell with a good track record to take on an independent distribution sole proprietor position on contract.

Contact the Staff at 831-477-7007 for info or email

Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, Animal Communicator
(831) 477-7007


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