Vote 5* to Spread the Miracle Ground
Vote 5* to Spread the Miracle Ground

If you are in alignment with our messages to the world (see below), and wish to see it spread far and the video context we have co created...please vote 5* for both Animiracles and Indimiracles in the listed DVDs at the link below. Simply go to the link below
and as you watch press 5 stars if you feel us worthy and if our video delights you.. This helps us to spread the light and love...our commitment is to face everything in the light and dark so as to return to full love in this honesty.

Messages from Dr. Laurie and TMG

There is One Heart ...
Dr. Laurie Moore reminds us that animal hearts and human hearts share the same truth.

To Witness a Sister or Brother as Perfect is to Awaken...
Dr. Laurie Moore invites us to awaken through unconditional acceptance of each other.

Press here: 5 stars vote

Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, Animal Communicator
(831) 477-7007


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