Work Study and Volunteer Bliss Love Positions
Work Study and Volunteer Bliss Love Positions

Thank you for your interest in work study and volunteer positions. The Miracle Ground (TMG) is devoted to bringing awakening and unconditional love to our planet. Your desire to experience work~study or volunteering will benefit many, and we predict, you, most of all. People who have volunteered for TMG commonly report great fulfillment, a deepening of peace within, a more powerful appreciation of all of life's gifts, experiences of awakening into universal love, and miracles in their lives. Each person's experience is his/her own and will mirror back the person's intention.

The Miracle Ground is joyful to hear from you about your work study or volunteer dreams. Let us know which jobs give you a good feeling about life and include your resume, expertise, letter of intent, desires for this position and three reference letters. We will call you for an interview if there is a potential win win match. We especially seek grant writiers, fund raisers, Utube posters and DVD editors.

I HAVE received the deepst fulfillment, healing and awakening I can recall doing volunteer work for many teachers I have loved, communities I have loved, and especially for The Miracle Ground! ~ Dr. Laurie Moore

Thank you!

"Thank you for this honor and privilege to serve in this way. Thank you. I love you. My mantra as I do my service work (and my entire life) is 'thank you, I love you, I am sorry, Forgive me.' This keeps me in a state of love and appreciation with all beings."
Ken Ohme, Miracle Ground Blessing Manager

"I am grateful to serve The Miracle Ground and to work with you Dr. Laurie. I love what we have co-created in the merchant account department. Look how beautiful it has become with us as a duo."
Paula Joyce Nelson
Miracle Ground Accountant

"This is one of the happiest experiences I have ever had, being here in the circle with the staff. Thank you."
Mike Mittan
Miracle Ground Santa Cruz Team Manager

"I am so happy you found me and I found all of you!"
Lesley Freeman, New upcoming jack of all trades assistant to The Miracle Ground

"I love doing this. I would love to keep doing this!"
Shirley Hart
Sales Tables: Santa Cruz Satsang Seminar Team for The Miracle Ground

"We are so high and happy and in bliss from serving. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and learn by serving on The Miracle Ground Staff Team."
Maryam Larki, Santa Cruz Greeter and Portland Manager
Waldemar Drozdek. Santa Cruz Staff Team Logistics

"It is my honor to serve so many people by serving Laurie."
Ray Torres
As Ken Ohme call's him "Laurie's beloved rock of gold and central grounding heart and soul energy to The Miracle Ground."

“I love to be the C.E.O. It is the will of universal love.”
C.E.O. to The Miracle Ground

Learn more about Dr. Laurie Moore & The Miracle Ground

FREE AUDIO on Work Study and Volunteer Bliss Love Positions by Dr. Laurie Moore. This is a very inspiring two minute message. For your copy please send a request to

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