Beloved Animals who Passed Over
Beloved Animals who Passed Over

Animals Transitioning

Animals do not hold death as catastrophic but rather a change in life. When an animal transcends, (s)he says this is like taking off a costume. The soul goes into the next experience.

The Cats Reincarnation & Unconditional Trust in Love is a book I wrote about my cat's departure and return. When Jessie was reborn in a new body, he took me into an awakened place of oneness. I am grateful.

I spoke to a bird, Socrates, who told me, "Without my body, I get to fly around in light. Some times I join with the one big light where I hear the voices of all beings including myself. In this light we are all one piece of music."

Animals communicate with words, pictures, sounds and feelings. Their language is one of surrender and intention. Animals speak via the heart. The more I speak to animals, the more I experience all my human friends as souls with unique intentions. Every being has one main simple lovable intention.

A goat named Franklin, said. "I am still a healer even though my body is gone." This goat performed a healing on me.

A dog named Ted said, "I am waiting in sadness for my person to forgive herself. She blames herself for my death. I ask her to forgive herself so we may both emerge into limitless joy. My death was due to my time occurring. My person did not cause my death!"

Learn about speaking to beloved animals (domestic, wild, on earth or transcended). Receive complementary tickets to Animiracles Satsang Seminar.
Back in Santa Cruz May 9-10, 2009. Call Lesley, admin to Dr. Laurie Moore at 415-200-9391 or email to reserve your seats. We give away $399 tickets for two FREE . Ask and you shall receive in 2009: the year of love essence among all species.

"You do beautiful work with a beautiful message. I send love, deep appreciation, and gratitude. I know that you have given your life fully to be used by truth for all. You are in awakened consciousness." I rejoice in this." Gangaji

Dr. Laurie Moore is delightful, entertaining, and brilliant. Her innate ability to communicate with animals as well as humans is a divine gift that she has honed to perfection. Because she is love, all she can offer is love. And because she is light, all she can do is shine! --Jacquelyn Aldana, The 15 Minute Miracle

"Profound experiences with her cat and other animals in life and death open Dr. Laurie Moore, author of The Cat's Reincarnation and Unconditional trust in Love to a deep sense of trust in Divine love and guidance. With her background in psychotherapy, Laurie Moore shines the light of her realizations about animals and spiritual guidance onto the nature of human relationships. Through her adventures in connection with Nature, she finds the keys to unconditional love, joy and pleasure."
Penelope Smith, Global Leader ~ Animal Communication

Dr. Laurie Moore

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Satsang~Seminar Schedule 2008-2009

Press here to view our schedule at The Miracle Ground

Listen & Watch Dr. Laurie Moore

Animal Communication & World Love Satsang in Carlsbad, CA
January 9 at 7 p.m. and and January 10 at 7:30 p.m.
For tickets or info call 831-477-7007 or email

Animal Communication in Alameda, CA
January 22, 2008 :7:30-8:45 p.m.
Get details here:

Cat and Dog Teachers Stories in Scotts Valley, CA
February, 9, 2009: 7:00-8:15 p.m.
Get details here:

Animal Communication in Santa Cruz, CA
March 18, 2009: 7:30-8:45 p.m.
Get details here:

Evening Satsang in Mt. Shasta
July 10, 2009
The Flying Lotus
315 "A" S. Mt. Shasta Blvd. (upstairs)
Cost: $25 or pay $30 at the door.

Buy tickets ahead at or 831-477-7007

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Miracle Coaching and Therapy with Dr. Laurie Moore

For info visit Dr. Laurie Moore

Dr. Laurie Moore
The Love Climate

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