News from Laurie~June 15, 2009
Just a quick update on what has happened since I let go of TLC in order to share my gifts in what ever way the universe provided.

It has been effortless and my health and financial flow has come back again. It was a big lesson in letting the universe handle the metamorphosis ~ so pleasurable.

Many many people are benefiting as is my intention always!!!!!!!

I am getting hired right an left to do what I do~ write on all my favorite subjects, teach in Hawaii, swim with dolphins (yes!) , see clients and it is all being organized for me. No applications, office work, no managing…it just comes to me more and more each day.

After fully surrendering to Divine source with a willingness to give this love and release all management for this task, all that is needed for me to share with the world has come in easily, effortlessly and abundantly. This is one of the happiest and most peaceful times in my life. Contracts are being offered to me, clients are coming to me and I am not having to work for this …it is being given in ease.

Ray, Jessie and I are in Heaven with our new life of no strain with great giving out and great receiving in back balance.

I am soooo excited to offer the retreats to you all in this new energy. It is an energy of love beyond the I, informing the I because the I stopped being in charge and just let be. It is in this spirit I offer the new retreats. It is a greater depth of love than I ever knew. If it is mine it is yours and I offer the retreats to share this and assist you in accessing it for yourself! See you in Hawaii and in Santa Cruz if you feel the call. In peace....

Much love.


  Dr. Laurie Moore
The Love Climate w/Dr. Laurie Moore • Peace Rd. • Soquel • CA • 95073