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Yoga Heals Us

December 2010

Winter Class Schedule

Classes begin January 3rd.  Registration early to reserve your place!



9 - 10 Mat for Seniors

11 - 12 Adaptive for MS

5 - 6:30 Gentle

7 - 8:30 Intermediate


9:15 - 10:15 Chair for Seniors

4 - 5 Synergy Children's Yoga

5:15 - 6:30 Gentle Therapeutic


5:15 - 6:45 Moderate


4 - 5 Synergy Children's Yoga


9 - 10 Mat for Seniors

10:15 - 11:15 Chair for Seniors


Click here for more information.



Winter Workshop Schedule

Yoga Hub Virtual World Yoga Conference, your own home (Use this code:  YHU219 to save $50 at registration!)

February 8, 2011

(Times below are Eastern Standard Time)

5:30 - 6:30 p Chair Yoga Basics

7:00 - 8:00 p Chair Yoga Flows


Yoga for Life, Setauket, NY

March 5, 2011

1:30 - 4:30 p Chair Yoga Basics

5:30 - 8:30 p Chair Yoga Flows


YMCA, Arlington, VA

Sponsored by the National Capital Chapter of the NMSS

9:00 - 4:00 p Chair Yoga for Every Body


Yoga Hub Virtual World Yoga Conference

Yoga, Meditation and the Philosopher’s Stone

February 8 - 12, 2011


This conference is open to everyone.  You do not need to be a yoga teacher or even practice yoga.  Attend from the comfort of your own home using your computer and / or your telephone.  This is a great opportunity to study with some of the most interesting and knowledgeable presenters in the fields of health and wellness.



Learn from 60+ world-class teachers, including Amy Weintraub, Gary Kraftsow, Arielle Ford, Nischala Joy Devi, Michael Lee, Emilie Conrad, Jonathan Foust, Krishna Kaur, Dr. Madan Kataria, Dr. Mikio Sankey, and Bill Philips - just to name a few.


There are more than 75 workshops that explore:


-Sacred Secrets of Ayurveda, Meditation, and Yoga

-Profound Benefits of Esoteric Acupuncture and Cleansing

-Awakening of Feminine, Healing Wisdom

-Affirmations and Vibrations that Enliven Life

-Plus Many Topics for Wellness Professionals

-And much, much more...


I will be presenting 2 hours of Chair Yoga.  In this 2 - part, workshop we'll first explore Chair Yoga basics followed by Chair Yoga flows, including the Sun and Moon salutations. Sign up for one or both. Many of these modifications can be used as a mainstream practice for students who have specific limitations.


Click here for more information.


Save $50!  Use this code:  YHU219 at registration.

Save the Date!

October 16 -22, 2011

North Stonington, CT


Whole Child Yoga:  Therapeutic Yoga for Children with Special Needs


This program is an IYT approved one week specialization program that counts toward the PYT 500 hour certification.


This week long training is designed for professionals who work with children:

  • Explore key critical concerns on the health problems and behaviors of children with a variety of special needs.
  • Discover and practice specific techniques to help promote optimal health, self-awareness and learning enhancement among children through a variety of effective easy to use age appropriate yoga practices and solutions.
  • Learn about a yoga therapy model designed to heal the whole child.
  • Study the many ways in which yoga and western approaches to conditions can compliment each other.
  • Practice the methodology in interactive and ‘hands on’ program sessions.
  • Earn 50 contact hours of continuing education

This program is an IYT approved one week specialization program that counts toward the PYT 500 hour certification.


Click here for information.

Books to Consider

These are some of the books that I'm reading or that are on my list:


Yoga Body by Mark Singleton

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Sayings of Swami Kripalu edited by Shobhan Richard Faulds

On-line Social Networking

Join Yoga Heals Us on Facebook

Join Yoga Heals Us on Linked-in

Join Joseph LePage Daily Yoga Scripture Study group on Facebook

Join Yoga Hub

Passing it on -

I get emails too!

Ever wonder why we get more scattered in the fall? Think of it as our insides echoing the outside wind and movement in the air. To stay grounded as we transition from summer to winter Ayurveda offers many tools for our health and well-being. Ideally, all these practices can be followed, but if the list seems overwhelming, choose a few practices that resonate with you and commit to them for up to three months.

  • Wash your face, brush your teeth, scrape your tongue, do a neti pot, and lubricate your nostrils with oil or ghee.
  • Drink hot lemon water with a little salt in the morning to stimulate elimination.
  • Meditate on grounding imagery, like a stone or a mountain.
  • Do slow, warming, rhythmic movement or asana practices to set the pace for the day. Moving slowly and consciously in your asana practice will also help to stabilize your mind and make it easier to stay focused throughout the day.
  • Perform abhyangawith warm sesame oil. Leave the oil on your skin for 10-30 minutes to help nourish and protect your skin from drying out; follow with a warm shower.
  • Homemade soups are good dietary mainstays during this season, as they are both hot and liquid, the opposite of Vata, which is cold and dry.  In your soups or stews include copious amounts of root vegetables and hearty grains to keep the essence of the earth down in your belly. In general, prepare warm, moist foods for every meal during fall.
Read more on my blog:

Thought for today

Messenger By Mary Oliver


My work is loving the world.

Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird—

equal seekers of sweetness.

Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.

Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.


Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?

Am I no longer young, and still half-perfect? Let me

keep my mind on what matters,

which is my work,


which is mostly standing still and learning to be


The phoebe, the delphinium.

The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.

Which is mostly rejoicing, since all the ingredients are here,


which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart

and these body-clothes,

a mouth with which to give shouts of joy

to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,

telling them all, over and over, how it is

that we live forever.

Message from Karen

Greetings dear one,


I love this time of year.  The weather here in New England is cool (and sometimes down right cold!)  Most of the leaves are off the trees, except for the evergreens like the pine and cedar that populates this area in abundance.  With the leaves off the trees, you can see things that were covered and forgotten in the plush foliage of summer.  Today, I see lichen on the tree branches.  At night the gray, green color seems to glow like a florescent light. 


The line from Mary Oliver's poem, "Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished." reminds me of the Bhagavad Gita which is about following your dharma, "In the beginning, the Lord of beings created all men, to each his duty.  'Do this,' He said, 'And you shall prosper.  Duty well done fulfulls desure like Kamadhenu (the legendary cow) the wish-fulfiller.'"


This newsletter has class and workshop information for casual and serious students of yoga.  The virtual yoga conference is one that I attended last year.  I meant to attend from my home but when my brother had a stroke I went to be with him and I had time to attend the conference from his home instead!  And as a conference attendee, you have access to the conference materials for 2 weeks after the conference as well.  So how do you attend a virtual conference?  From you computer or phone.  This is primarily an audio conference.  Handouts are uploaded to the Yoga Hub conference website.  You choose the workshops that you want to attend. 


For example, Karen's Chair Yoga Basics.  You'll print out the handouts or view on screen.  A list of materials will be provided via the website.  For example, you'll need one or 2 chairs (folding preferable but wood chairs work fine too), a yoga mat, yoga strap, paper and pen for notes.  The workshop will be moderated so you can ask questions which will be answered at the end.  Each workshop is one hour.  Some will have more than one part which is one hour each.  And you can do this from home!  Just think, you can get a group of friends together to attend at a studio or someone's home.  Great fun!  And lots of interesting topics to choose from.  (Save $50 when you use this code:  YHU219.  This offer is time limited so don't wait!)


Last month I had the opportunity to listen to a talk given by Dr. David Hafler, a neurologist who specializes in multiple sclerosis.  Dr. Hafler is also an immunologist who is currently working with a consortium of genetic researchers to map the human genome for multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.  You can watch Dr. Hafler on YouTube being interviewed by Richard Cohen, the author of Blindsided.  Richard Cohen has lived with MS for more than 30 years.  He was a journalist for many years and the husband of Meredith Viera.


Listen to the interview and you'll find out that there is not one MS gene but many and that other autoimmune diseases share some of the same genes.  When I heard Dr. Hafler speak, he said that there are 300 or so genes involved with autoimmune diseases.  He said that scientists have identified about 100 in MS and about half of those are shared by other autoimmune diseases.  In particular, Crohns disease looks most like MS.  Since about 90% of the immune system is in the gut, it seems that gut bacteria may have some significant involvement in autoimmune diseases. Click here for an interesting article.  This is part one.  You can find parts 2 and 3 on the same site.


Check out local events:

The Dragon's Egg is celebrating 10 years on December 11th!  Congratulations to Marya and Dan and the Mystic Paper Beasts for creating a venue for the creative and healting arts community.  Best wishes for a great day!


Peace and love to you.  Namaste, Karen


Local Events

Dragon's Egg Celebrates 10 years!


December 11th - gala - Celebration of Ten Years of fire and dream of the Dragon !!!   

401 Shewville Road

Ledyard, CT 06339


Open to the public:









Holiday sale of craft etc. items:  1 - 5:30

Poetry reading!!   includes some dance and music, mostly poets of the word: 4 pm

Dance Dance, wherever you may be!  and silent auction, from 7 - 10 pm.   (the auction may have a day long pre sale online for those who cannot come)


December 12th - Egg Clean up!!!   9:30 am - noon.   Biscotti and tea will be offered as well as a broom and some laughter.


December 18th - Marya Yoga at either 7:30 am or at 11:15 am - let me know if you are interested, and, if so, which is your preferred time.  A one hour class.


December 18th - 3 - 6 pm - Winter Solstice Baptiste Yoga, and a Gong Bath - hosted by Eliz. Johnstone


December 19th - 7:30 - 9 pm - Solstice magical Labyrinth Walk offered by Bernadette.   Golden Ratio plays music for this meditation. 


December 20th - 2:45 pm - Mystic Paper Beasts - a mini performance of Sky Tails - Native American stories about the sky, for all ages, @ $2


Contact Marya:


December Workshop Schedule

Integrative Yoga Therapy 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

As some of you know, I am a graduate of Integrative Yoga Therapy training with Joseph and Lilian LePage.  After completing 200 hours of training at Kripalu, two things happened that changed my life.  First, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and second, I heard Joseph speak at at Kripalu Yoga Teachers conference.  He was talking about a model of whole person wellness that integrated yoga tools with western medicine to facilitate healing on all levels of being.  I knew that I had met my teacher.  That was more than 10 years ago.  Since then, in addition to completing the Kripalu 200 and 500 hour YTT programs, I completed the IYT 200 hour and 500 hour programs.  In January, I will begin the 500 hour IYT internship program.


Joan Ryan, who I met in 1998 when we both attended Kripalu YTT , also studies with Joseph.  She has completed 1000 hours of study with IYT and is now one of a very select group of senior teachers who has been authorized by Joseph to teach the IYT 200 hour hour YTT.  I know Joan to be kind and compassionate, important attributes for a therapeutic yoga teacher.  She's very knowledgeable in the IYT methodology as well as therapeutic yoga for a number of health conditions.  Joan also has a business background that informs and enhances the quality of the training experience.


As you may have gleaned from my story, your yoga education can be a life long unfoldment that takes you into areas of personal inquiry and study with teachers who have walked a similar path. 


I want to let you know about the opportunity to study the 200 hour IYT program with Joan and Jim Ryan at Ponte Vedra Beach in northern Florida. The program is getting excellent feedback from the students. 


From Joan:


We are very excited about some of the updates for our upcoming Integrative Yoga Therapy Teacher Training and wanted to share them with you. If you have not recently gone to our website please do  There is a lot of additional information about the training.


We have gotten very positive feedback about the program from our students that graduated in November.


Our curriculum is learning-friendly, teaching all the subject matter required by the Yoga Alliance (see website for details). Additionally, we cover the Special Therapeutic applications listed below.


Healthy Spine Yoga

Yoga Therapy for Respiratory Health (asthma and other challanges) 

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health (Irritable Bowl Syndrome and other challanges)

Yoga Therapy for Parkinsons 

Yoga Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Yoga Therapy for Depression

Yoga Therapy for Cardiac Health


Knee Issues and Modifications

Special Practices for Hips and Back

Yoga for Scoliosis

Chair Yoga

Yoga Therapy for Whiplash

Releasing the Psoas

Carpel Tunnel Practice

Special Practices for Arms and Shoulder

and more…


This 200 hour training program run in 2 formats - two 10 day programs or a weekend format for those who live close enough to commute.  The next training dates begin in January.  Payment plans are available.


For accommodations we have host families that can accommodate 3 single or 2 double and 1 single at a daily rate of $40.00! We have negotiated a special rate at the Hampton Inn Ponte Vedra ($79.000 per night) and there are other hotels with great rates in the area as well.


This program is for those who aspire to Teach Yoga as a Healing Art as well as those who wish to deepen their own practice and their understanding of Yoga.


If you have any questions or need additional help in making your decision about the Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training, please email Joan Ryan at or give a call to (904) 280-4628.


Karen O'Donnell Clarke


Yoga Heals Us LLC • 129 Rose Hill Road • Ledyard • CT • 06339
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