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 • Thank you to those who saw and supported the premier of

     A Dream of Camelot and to cast and crew!

• Video from the show

 • Performances and plans

Video from A Dream of Camelot musical at Masonic Temple

Hi Everyone, 

Here's "Now" from A Dream of Camelot's Sun. March 13 performance, featuring Jen Worthen as Molly:



Call for some cast and crew to supplement our next performances, scheduled in Asheville for May 19 & 20.





We are looking for

actors who sing and we may also need additional office or production staff.


For audition schedule please call 828-658-9604 or reply to this email here.


And for more info please click here




Upcoming Events


Every Thursday (except for 4/28 see below) 8:00 - 11:00 pm playing piano with the Swing Station Band at Olive or Twist  81 Broadway, Asheville NC 28801

* * * 


• Saturday, April 16th 6:30 - 10:00 PM, The Summer Kolesar Benefit Odyssey Community School 90 Zilcoa St. in Montford.  

Summer Kolesar, a mother of two daughters and a beautiful baby boy, was diagnosed with cancer during her third pregnancy. A semi-formal benefit is being held by our community to help pay for her ongoing medical expenses as well as care of her children as she journeys back into health.


Main events at the benefit include performances by:

The River Guerguerian Project (River Guerguerian, Sage Sansone, John Vorus, Chris Rosser)

Katya Kudrova, Moonsilver Acrobalance, Richard Shulman, Franklin Keel, and Chris Stack.

for more info contact:

Sage Sansone

Benefit coordinator and Singer


Tickets: $25 at the door Volunteers also welcome.... contact Sage (above)



• Sunday, April 24th, 3:00 PM, St. Matthias Church 

1 Dundee St. Asheville, NC 28801 map & directions

Jazz concert with Brass Knuckles.... Music from the Great American Songbook featuring Rich Willey on bass trumpet and cornet, Don Hough on bass trumpet and trombone, Richard Shulman on piano, Zack Page on bass, and Russ Wilson on drums & vocals. Free to the public, goodwill offering will be taken.


• Thursday, April 28th, 7:00 PM, 11 on Grove, playing with the Wendy Hayes Quartet - Dining Out for Life Appreciation After Party - 9th annual Dining Out For Life® benefit to support the mission of the Western North Carolina AIDS Project (WNCAP). 


DON’T MISS the Dining Out For Life® APPRECIATION AFTER PARTY, as it is offered ENTRY-FREE to all who dine at any of the participating local area restaurants. This “appreciation after-party” event will provide the gracious diners entertainment to show our “thanks” on a scale of which Asheville has never seen! For more information, please visit




Thanks and Blessings, 


Richard Shulman • 419 Creekside Dr. • Asheville • NC • 28804

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