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Signs of Awakening

April 2011

Current Classes

Click here for the current class schedule.  Reminder - Ledyard Parks & Recreation classes are on break this week.  We resume on 4/25.  Also, no yoga at the Ledyard Senior Center on Friday, 4/22.


The next session begins the week of May 2 for classes at Independence Physical Therapy and St. James Church.


The Ledyard Park & Recreation summer session will include 2 new classes for children ages 7 - 11 and teens 12 - 17.

Private Lessons

Click here for information about individual yoga lessons and yoga therapy.

Face Off at the  Lyman Allyn

The current show, Face Off: Portraits by Contemporary Artists, includes the work of Jan Beekman.  The show runs through September 18, 2011.  The museum, located next to Connecticut College in New London, is a great place to visit, especially when the weather is nice.  Make an afternoon of it by bringing a picnic lunch to enjoy at the Arboretum just across the street. 

Shakti Posse Kirtan

Click here to see the flyer for upcoming Kirtans in Southeastern, Connecticut.

Tricia on Montville Patch

Click here to read the Montville Patch interview with Tricia McAvoy, owner and director of Blissworks Yoga & Healing Arts and much loved yoga teacher.


Read Tricia's latest newsletter here.

Yoga Documentary:  Enlighten Up

Click here to watch a fascinating film about one person's journey into contemporary yoga.

Yoga Heals Us on Facebook

Facebook here.

Spring Synergy

Click here to read the latest newsletter.

Free Yoga Classes at Mystic Yoga Shala

Click here to learn more.

Meiklem Kiln Works and CenterSpace

Click here for yoga, art, pottery and so much more.

What Am I Reading?

Healing Into Life and Death by Stephen Levine.  This is an older book, published in 1987, and filled with inspiration and healing meditations, including a wonderful Metta meditation and meditations on forgiveness, grief and other ways of relieving our individual suffering.

Thought for Today

"Everything not fully suffered, not fully resolved,

comes again."  - from Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse



In many parts of this world water is

Scarce and precious.

People sometimes have to walk

A great distance

Then carry heavy jugs upon their



Because of our wisdom, we will travel

Far for love.

All movement is a sign of


Most speaking really says,

''I am hungry to know you.''


Every desire of your body is holy;

Every desire of your body is



Dear one,

Why wait until you are dying

To discover that divine



- Hafiz



Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury,pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.


O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen


Message from Karen

Dear Friends,


For students who are new to class, this is the closing chant that we use each week.


Lo kaah Sama staah Suk hino Bhavan tu


May the entire universe be ever filled with Peace, Joy, Love, and Light (health and healing for all beings everywhere.)


According to this translation from Integral Yoga, Sri Swami Satchidananda explained like this, "If through these Yoga practices you have been able to tap into your own true nature and tasted the peace and bliss there, then you don't just 'hoard' it all for yourself but you release some to share for the rest of the world." Through our interconnectedness, when we practice Yoga, we benefit ourselves and all beings everywhere.


Many blessings to my Jewish and Christian friends who are honoring sacred days in the coming week.


Peace and love to you all.  Namaste, Karen


Upcoming Workshops

Adaptive Yoga for Every Body

May 14, 2011

(Note: the date has been changed from April 30th)

Preston, Connecticut


10 Steps to Freedom

June 4, 2011

Preston, Connecticut


Yes, You Can Adaptive Yoga:Teaching Adaptive Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis (TAYMS)

August 26 - 28, 2011

Warwick, Rhode Island

Sponsored by the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Whole Child Yoga: Therapeutic Yoga for Children with Special Needs

October 16 - 22, 2011

Griswold, Connecticut


Click here for information

Marma Mudra

Hand mudras are gestures that can have a profound effect on the way we feel.  Some mudras have a calming affect while others may be energizing or neutral.  "Mudras allow us to attune to specific energy frequencies with our being.  The root of the word mudra comes from two Sanskrit words, mud which means 'delight' or 'pleasure' and dru which means 'to bring forth.'  Mudras therefore bring out from within us the innate experience of bliss which is within us, waiting to be discovered."  ~ Joseph LePage, Professional Yoga Therapist Manual


Marma Mudra allows us to attune to energy points in the joints, specifically moving prana and circulation into the joints, especially the jaw.  Marma Mudra has a balancing effect on the emotions as well as harmony of body and spirit.


Marma Mudra balances the three doshas and the induces a state of calm and relaxation.


Right hand:  Thumb and ring finger together at the tips, other fingers are extended.


Left hand:  Thumb and middle finger together at the tips, other fingers are extended.


Rest the backs of the hands on the thighs.  Begin with 5 - 10 breaths to make sure that you are completely comfortable and experiencing the energetic connection that the mudra intends.  With practice, hold the mudra for 1 - 10 minutes once or twice a day.  The most potent time of day is at dawn and at dusk. 


Click here to learn more about mudras.

3 Part Breath

Click to playThe 3-Part Yogic Breath is often the first breathing technique that a student of yoga is taught.  And for some of us, learning this breath can be a bit challenging.  Please enjoy this recording of the 3-Part Breath from my CD, Healing Yoga for Every Body.  Music by Marina Raye

Patanjali Yoga Sutras 2.12 – 2.14 - Closing the Karmic Account

Interpretive Translation by Joseph Le Page


The kleshas are the root cause of karma. As long as they are present, karma’s effects, both seen and unseen, will be experienced in the form of birth, a particular lifespan, and experiences that are pleasurable or painful depending on the virtuous or non-virtuous actions accumulated in each person’s “karmic account”.


Commentary by Joseph Le Page – Closing the Karmic Account


For the person of action, likes and dislikes, habits and needs, are perceived to be “me”, while for the yogi, they are layers of belief to be released, revealing the true essence of your being.


For the person of action, problems lie in the world outside, while for the yogi, problems lie in the mind, and their solution is learning to discern between conditioning and the authentic Self inside.


For the person of action, the desired fruits are control, success and wealth, while for the yogi, wealth lies in cultivating mind-body health that slowly unfolds as the lived experience of the Self.


For the person of action, life’s many paths and promises are complex, but for the yogi, life is a one-pointed quest - to use this precious time between birth and death to unite with your spiritual essence.


For the person of action, the fruits are seldom what you expect; they range from pleasure to pain and end in addict...ion to fulfillment, while the yogi learns to rest in the Self’s essential wholeness.


And recognizing your inherent wholeness is the key to awakening freedom of being, for when you judge yourself as defective or in need, something will always be required to make you feel complete.


And no amount of action will ever fulfill your needs, because all you seek - security, prosperity community or liberty - are ultimately just dim reflections of the freedom of your intrinsic being.


And although actions that bear positive fruits are infinitely better than ones from which pain and sorrow accrue, both strengthen the ego’s “truth” when firmly bound to a doer and an end in view.


But after so many lives wearing the ego’s disguise, de-conditioning takes time, and meditation is the lens that reveals beliefs to be only movements in the mind, showing us the true face that lies behind.


For if my thoughts and beliefs are “me”, closing the karmic account will take eternity, but when they are clearly seen as only conditioned movements in the mind, their release is only a matter of time.


And you don’t need to know your past lives to see how karma obscures your sight, just reflect on how limiting beliefs constrict your light, using life as a mirror for cultivating clear insight.


And your lifetimes of karma were never mistakes, only essential steps in preparing you to wake to this unique moment of clear seeing, as you are guided home to the reunion with your own true being.


And along this journey toward pure being, your personality doesn’t cease to be, but becomes a vehicle to manifest your true... destiny, realization of the Self that is always inherently free.


And as you release belief in a life of loss and gain, there is gradual release from emotional pain, and only a single question remains, are you aligned with the Self or still struggling in the ego’s domain?


But long before the fruits of action have finally lost their hold, transforming binding desires into preferences will surely lighten life’s load, cultivating the clarity to see your own true road.


And although painful emotions may arise for a time, when they are no longer identified as “I” or “mine”, they lose their power to bind, and you come to rest in the natural freedom of the mind.


And when finally free, the jiva mukti lights the lamp of wisdom for other beings to see, but with no sense of something to be achieved or done, because the actor, the action and the result have all become one.


And as your store of core beliefs is released, your actions become reflections of your true inner being, and when the fruits of action are no longer owned, your karmic account is permanently closed.


And the sages say that this is where rebirth ends, but it is also where your life begins, for as karma’s colored glasses are lifted from your eyes, you see clearly for the very first time.

Click here for more Daily Yoga Scripture Study on Facebook

Contact Me

Karen O'Donnell Clarke

Yoga Heals Us LLC • 129 Rose Hill Road • Ledyard • CT • 06339
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