Living, Loving and Learning through these Changing Times

My Dear Friends,
We cannot pretend that things are all right. Everything is unsettled inside ourselves and in the world around us. It is important not to fall prey to fear and illusion.
The Astrology of this summer has been affecting all of us and the earth and illuminating that this is the time for transformation of the highest order. Things cannot stay the same. Finger pointing is over. It is time to look inside and see what your part is in the world and in your life.
Everything that occurs in and outside of ourselves has a reason and purpose. This week is especially volatile as you can see reflected in the money markets and riots and family violence.
If you feel anxious or in pain and not quite yourself, you are normal. The planetary energy is quite distubing in the sky and we are each feeling it in a variety of ways, no two the same.
Breathe and take exquisite care of yourself and those you love. Do your best not to react but instead carefully act in truth and love.
I am moved to write this as this is the most challenging week of all. Many people are calling with extreme physical and emotional challenges. Energy is being unlocked from all areas of your body to be released.
Breathe, do energy and bodywork, eat in balance, meditate, pray and play! What is not comfortable in your body and life is rising for you to look at. This is occurring in the larger world as well.
Our body and mother earth are always seeking balance. Please be gentle and kind as it feels like a war in and outside yourself. Do not make quick decisions, instead be wise and process your experiences. Anything that comes from emotions may be suspect.
There may be more major world events so be aware and send love to all on this planet. Living in love instead of fear can make a difference to all of us.
Change is ultimately cleansing and has been a long time coming. It is time to live in awareness and balance, respect for earth and all who live in and upon her and all life above and beyond our immediate awareness and knowledge.
To appreciate all of life and this wonderful opportunity we have to live in light, beauty and truth in these bodies at this time is important.
Stay in love and do your part in helping all of us through these challenging times.
In Love and Grace, Janet StraightArrow
Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!
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