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Fall in the Northeast USA is all about Harvest.  Pumpkin and apple picking, hot cider and corn stalk decorations. Football and sports. Halloween. Thanksgiving celebration. Family and friends. Learning new things.
Time to reap what we have sown in all areas of our life and take everything into its next phase. What are you harvesting and what would you like to create from what has been brought forward?
It sure has been a year of letting go, change and new manifestations. Its also a time of balancing accounts and taking all the steps needed to move towards what we want to create.
Fall is traditionally a time to go inward and incubate what we have created and gathered so far. How can we have fun with this? Attitude. Getting out of the box of where we have looked or lived before.  Seeing a larger plan or reason for being here now. Clearing out what no longer serves us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Choosing to progress and have a great day, season and life ahead.
People, places and ideals are falling apart. Navigating these through love, healing and positive intention is important. Grieving what was or will no longer be and being with what is now is a process to be appreciated instead of rushed through.
The experiences of our life give us a wealth of knowledge when we listen, learn and change as needed. Having fun with change is a stretch for some. It is like the proverbial pulling teeth, which is not seemingly easy or natural.
Change can be organic, natural and painless when you surrender to the process and enjoy the new opportunities that appear. When we lose something it forces us to change.
We do not know if we will fall and scrape our knees or bruise our ego, fail or what it will be like living alone or with others or changing jobs and friends when we listen to our inner needs.
We do not know what it will be like when we stay where we do not fit or belong anymore either. Bumpy rides can smooth out with practice and you can discover new roads opening to new ways of being you!
Navigating life’s changes can be an adventure or a struggle its up to us. Fall is about change, Leaves dying and the sap of the trees going inward to hibernate until spring.
Be gentle and aware as we move into a busy season. New life and new beginnings offer deeper ways becoming rich and more meaningful.
Enjoy these short articles below to fall into you and Be The Medicine for yourself too! There is a blog from this past week at the bottom about letting go and healing from loss. May these be a blessing to you.
Enjoy the Journey,
Janet StraightArrow
Be the Medicine, Live the Power of You!
Email Janet for Coaching you into Fall and New Life!
Loving you first is so important. Falling in love with you is about appreciating, who you are and being alive. All of our problems stem from lack of self-love. So to enjoy time with you is paramount in loving others and life.
Take yourself to dinner, a show, for a walk or a journey inside of you as you move about the world in your current life. Being aware of what you think and feel as you live is something to focus on and embrace.
Living from the inside out occurs when you know who you are and how you really think and feel from a true place. Many have been raised to live from the outside in and do not realize until later in life that they do not know who they are.
Young people today are awake to this sooner and fight the system while trying to balance being loyal to family, friends and culture with their self-discovery.
It is a challenge to love you if you are not happy with how your life is going and how it does not measure up to others and you.
HOMEWORK: Stop and imagine what you want for you in your life? Take moments, hours and days to change your focus from the outside world’s desires for you and dig deep inside to open new doors and windows to your true self?
Those parts of you that may be the most judged may just be the precious parts a lover would appreciate, and now that lover is you. My parents judged my laugh, and that is exactly what many people want a recording of to keep and listen to.
Stop judging you and begin loving all of you and watch the unloving parts fall away. Be your own lover and watch the world and people respond as magic happens in your life.
PS Salt Aromatherapy baths, massages and nurturing body-honoring practices are most loving for all of us. ENJOY!
Have fun new ways to discover your gifts and life purpose.
Nourishing you is an important focus of self-love. Enjoying food that enjoys you is the key. Whole foods are what our body enjoys and craves. I heard a quote recently that if there are more than five ingredients noted on a food container, it is not a food and put it down.
I began exploring and eating whole foods when I was very sickly as a child. The modern foods with all the additives and poor ingredients that were sold and encouraged then were surely helping to break down my body.  Getting rid of white flour, sugar, margarine and other popular foods and fats brought my body and weight into balance.
I studied nutrition in college and with many in the Holistic community and found delicious ways to heal and nourish my family and myself.
Today we live in a rushed world and we can make it simple. No need for complex recipes and many ingredients. I eat a salad a day with several greens and colored veggies and maybe protein. I eat a meat or bean protein, a whole grain, and a couple of veggies for dinner. Breakfast is fruit and sometimes yogurt, sprouted bread and nut butter and banana or sprouted bread with organic eggs. There can be good variety in these meals and yet simple.
There are many possibilities as we add new things and eliminate others to ease into a healthier way of eating and feeling great!
  1. Select foods that represent a mixture of colors like green, orange, yellow and red in a day to have all the nutrients you need.  Underground veggies and squashes are fresh and local now and full of nutrients.
  2. Select foods from all the food groups without need for sugar, salt or excessive or unhealthy fats. Whole foods taste amazing and the body is satisfied.
  3. Instead of just meat and potatoes and bread or pasta and cheese– add 2 vegetables and a fruit for desert or before the meal.
  4. Eliminate starchy veggies like potatoes, peas and corn when you have rice or bread with your protein.
  5. Fresh juices are good in small amounts.
  6. Look at eat 4 Your Type by Dr Peter Adamo and you will discover reasons why some foods do not agree with you and others that may energize you better.
When we eat a lot of restaurant foods and prepared foods in boxes or cans or even from good stores our body is getting a lot of things that break it down and cause it to crave more of what does not nourish and heal.
The easy way to eliminate cravings is to begin to give your body healing foods that nourish. Foods that do not nourish cause the body to crave more and still not get what it needs.
Fresh veggies and fruit, whole grains, beans, organic meats when you can, fresh fish being careful on source, and enjoy other foods and drinks that have few natural ingredients.
Eliminate sodas, white breads, excess caffeine, sugar, salt and fats, processed foods, fast foods. Fresh over frozen or canned is optimal. Learn simple easy ways to prepare.
1 Serving of melon – my favorites are watermelon or cantaloupe
1 small lemon or half of a large one-squeezed
1 cup of ice cubes (optional)
Blend until smooth.  These are tasty, nutritious high alkaline foods that need to be eaten alone in order to digest. These are a good option to break the fast of the night and cleanse and balance the body. They are both low calorie and natural sugar, high on nutrients and fiber. Any serving of fruit or juice will be a good food choice up rising for many.
I drink this alone, before my work out and it gives me energy to last until breakfast.
Hot water with lemon is also a great drink to sooth the body and soul first in the morning and throughout the day.
Nourish yourself with an Intuitive coaching session.
How can you have free flowing fun in your life? Get off the chair, the couch, the computer and meet and enjoy people and nature.
In our recent storms people had no electricity and had to go back to basics and be together. What a beautiful thing.
Lost in the boxes of our head and electronics we barely come up for air sometimes. Oh yes, air!
Bike riding, walking, scenic drives; new places, people and things await your discovery.  Search and discover what might be fun for you.
Fun is one of the most important things to bring back into your life or take it into deeper ways of expression of you. Relationships, health and happiness thrive on enjoyment and communion with nature and people.
No need to spend a lot of money find options close by and with new eyes.
Just getting out of things and places you always frequent and stretching beyond them offer new worlds to explore. Check out your local library. There are books that open up ideas and new worlds.
What is occurring at the local University or community groups? Did you ever want to try something new or go back to enjoy a hobby or instrument or art from earlier times?
Break out of the boxes you have created and find new ways of expression and fun today.
I hope it was helpful and enjoyable for all!
My prescription for all in response to our goverment programs and insurance industry.
‎"Landmark healthcare provisions-free for everyone: Love more, laugh more, sleep more, eat nourishing foods, exercise, send blessings to others, focus on peace and positive things, breathe, let go of what hurts, receive help and love, find pleasurable satisfying work, tell the truth and live it, give compliments-even to you!" BE THE MEDICINE
blogs on
Classes, sessions, services and more articles available on website.
Enjoy The Journey!
People are surprised that they are still grieving; days, weeks, months and years after the loss of someone close in their life. I tell them it is important to grieve for as long as they do.
In our world death is a closed subject, a place many do not want to go. Birth and death are normal cycles of being on our planet. We celebrate life and still fear death. Grief seems to be inconvenient for people, both going through it, and for those in our lives.
Having lost a daughter I seemed to be given grace on this for the most part. It is accepted that a mother will severely grieve the loss of a child. I still had to struggle with the deep loss and process and learned to understand many levels of it as I was going through it and still am.  Some family members were abusive and I learned from others that this occurs occasionally when people cannot deal with their grief.
All loss is relevant and important to process, grieve and allow whatever time it takes to come back to full life and you. When someone close to you dies, be it a friend or a family member of any relation, you are allowed to grieve and need to. Life as you knew is not the same. That person will not awaken from their body and be active in your life again.
Feeling how important that person is to you and that they are no longer, puts you into shock and breaks you down mentally, emotionally and physically in ways you cannot see. You need time to heal. You can never go back to life as usual and it is abusive to expect you or others to do so.
So afraid that we are to feel, it is easy to catch yourself running from the pain and loss. You my friend are shattered on more levels than you can imagine and it would be good for you to go along for the healing ride so that you can carefully put yourself together again piece by piece.
I remember feeling like humpty dumpty with all of me shattered on the floor. Moving was painful. Talking to people was surreal. Some days were easier than others, and some days were great for being under the covers.
It felt like I was living in pieces instead of all one, and my face was so sad to look at in the mirror.
People in our culture struggle with self-love, knowledge and empowerment to begin with, when there is great loss or disappointment it takes extra strength to get up everyday and be who you are.
If you have never had a loss or allowed yourself to heal it may be difficult for you to be compassionate and loving to someone who is going through this process. Offering love and support is the best, and all many can do. You do not need to understand, loving thoughts and words and actions are perfect.
Please do not tell people to get over it or that their loved one is in a better place or other silly talk that is supposed to fix it and make them feel better. It makes it worse and gets them mad at you and life even more.  Grieving is a process that must be experienced and respected.
It is okay not to be okay. We have to fall apart in order to come back together. Relationships, divorces, friendships, health and jobs end and they require grieving the loss as well. To try to jump back into your life without skipping a beat is inhuman and abusive.
Love yourself through this time and know that you do not have the same comfort or control in being you as you are healing. It would be wonderful if people in your lives would stop their expectations and self-absorption and realize you are in trauma.
This lack of loving support when you are so disconnected from life as it was or is, can traumatize people more. You do not feel safe in your body and now there is no safety outside.
You, the one who is grieving, or the one who has found them selves in a support role, do not have to understand, it is not easy to do. To let go enough to be present is important. If we could swaddle people up like a new born during grief it would be appropriate. That is how vulnerable and precious people are.
So if you have recently, or not so recently lost someone or an important relationship or anchor in your life, please be gentle, kind, loving and peaceful with you. Allow the time to pass and all of the healing to occur.
If someone you know and love has lost people or job or home or a major dream of any kind please do not abuse them and push them. You do not want to cause more problems for them.
Grief is a normal phase of life; learn to cry, scream, rebel, and feel empty, alone, hurting and also to come back to healing, hope and new life. Support others in their healing time as well.
Even years after you experience a loss, you are still healing and recovering on subtle levels. This is logical, normal and real.
There is great strength and courage in allowing the grieving process. It is a time of deep learning, humility, grace, love and rebirth. I would not have missed it; the richness of the journey has been a gift and a blessing. Helping others through this is an honor.
Be Love on the Journey,
Janet StraightArrow
Be the Medicine, Live the Power of You!
If you need healing support in this area please reach out to me.
Janets Email
Be The Medicine • 18 Bank Street • Morristown, NJ 07960
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