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Shamanism and Yoga offer a magical blend of teachings and opportunity to discover and live the God within, open to clear illusions and live your life purpose. 2012 is the perfect year to go inside and experience a vision for your life and to honor all of the changes and passages we have experienced and to welcome your new clear loving beginnings.


The process begins when you sign up. Preparation is guided and supported by Janet StraightArrow of Be The Medicine. A Rainbow Shaman and a Yogini, Janet bridges our many worlds with wisdom and grace.


Take your spiritual practices and life to deeper and higher levels as you live on the Ashrams land for a week away from the world. Quieting the mind and opening your heart helps you release ego and attachments and find truth and love inside your beautiful self.


Preparation at home will be supported and guided as soon as you sign up. The more you do to get ready for deep surrender and the vision experience, the sweeter it is. We will camp on gorgeous sacred property and be fed nutritious foods by the Ashram's cook on the days before and after our fasting.


3 days and nights in your own sacred space in nature mid-week will help you birth yourself anew with StraightArrow's loving support. Water with electrolytes if you need them, along with nature is your nourishment for these days. With nothing to distract you, you will have the opportunity to have an enlightened experience.


StraightArrow has lived her Shamanic calling since 1992 and has been participating and supporting Shanti Mandir and GuruDev’s work since 1999. Janet offers these quests when called and this year is a perfect one as we all are being birthed anew. This process will offer you deep experience and new life.


Janet's work is a perfect preparation for this experience. Students and new participants who are called will be prepared for this sacred time. The Soul Shamanism class is suggested but not required to help you connect to your deepest soul-self and profound teachings to help you know more directly who you are.


$875 for preparation, 8 days and nights including food, and follow up session with Janet. Installment payments. $200 deposit holds your place and further arrangements with Janet for the remainder.

Handbook suggested for this Quest will be shared to assist your process and preparation. The entire week will be a ceremony.


Please call to join us if you feel called. I am grateful to the Ashram for supporting this sacred work and sharing their sacred space with us. Blessings. Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500

Be The Medicine • 18 Bank Street • Morristown, NJ 07960
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