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"Our greatest gifts and clear purpose are hidden inside and beneath our greatest obstacles and struggles. Like the diamond inside the coal and the pearl in the oyster we must stay the course and clear away the protection and pain to access and live the jewel inside of us."  Janet StraightArrow

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!

A New Journey

Expect the unexpected. In several decades of following my inner self I never know what will come next. None of us really knows, we just think we do, and try to plan and life happens.

When I was guided to put together this array of classes I was pleasantly surprised. I do not know when or if I will teach them again as I am busy with book writing and program development for worldwide distribution and much more. Please do take advantage when something comes up that you might be interested in. No class is ever the same. Each moment in time and group of people gathered bring out exactly what is perfect.

Every opportunity comes when it does and is a gift to attend.

Sessions and classes and retreats are all are focused on you being more you-alive, happy, healthy and whole. No matter how much work you have done or trainings you have had there is always so much more to unfold, awaken, learn and heal.

Join us for one of these journeys. You will be glad you did. See testimonials below for more.

Happy Spring. Enjoy the rebirth of everything anew.

Janet StraightArrow

 PS. Don't miss the article at the end of this newsletter. May it be a blessing on your journey. Daily facebook quotes, inspiration and teaching too. In-Joy! Professional program to Be The Medicine on location coming soon.experiential 

Heal the Healer

Janet has given me a new strong foundation and filled in many missing pieces I did not even know were needed. Working and learning with StraightArrow took me right to the core and changed my life and improved my healing practice 100%. Be The Medicine teaches you how to Be You on all levels. Thank You Janet. Glenn Jones, Energy Healer-Teacher


Hi Janet !   Another amazing weekend !   So much Love .  I was walking today and again saw a raven, which I have been seeing and hearing for a week now, and I found myself realizing how profound the teachings you bring have been for me.  Transformative is a word that comes to mind.deeply changed, and feeling it in every cell...and I say changed, but yet, I have been brought to a place that was always me...and what a joy and what peace to know this exists.  I feel honored to have been part of such a beautiful group of souls....friends of my soul !  I feel honored and blessed to have found such a teacher as you Janet, you bring lightness of being, and humor. This opens the way !! You bring your experience and wisdom with such love and humility...that the energy alone speaks for itself...this is the magic of your work...because you have done your own work, we are in turn blessed with the power you shine with...we all shine as we accept our truth...thank you for pointing the way

  with such straightforward and loving teachings ~~ with the essence of who you are !....LOVE is not complicated ~~~  what a relief !!!! Mary 

Heal Heart+Life

"Janet has given me the strength, courage and the tools to overcome my recent life's traumas. Her loving heart and guidance has helped me to focus and find my inner truth. She has encouraged me to reconnect to nature and learn to appreciate all that surrounds me. I now know that I am not alone on my spiritual journey. With Janet's guidance I am now able to allow peace and love to nurture me. Words can not express my sincere appreciation for Janet"Peace & Love, Brook

Mentor Healer

Over the past few years, I have had the high privilege to work with Janet.  She has mentored me in a wide variety of arenas to help me become the Divine being I am inside.  Her wisdom, compassion, and direct communication has enabled me to very easily navigate through sticky terrain without getting caught up in the old "traps" that lured me there in the first place.  I feel so blessed to be able to easily contact Janet whenever in need.  This is something that is rarely offered, and it is something that I deeply cherish.  Janet teaches me many things, specifically on how to support, honor, and love All.  Each day as I deepen my own walk, the gratitude I feel for having Janet by my side is becoming immeasurable.

Lots of Love and Deep Gratitude! Denise Sarocco Shaman Energy Healer

Physical Healing

People call me with all manner of physical problems. We address the body and also all aspects of self-care, lifestyle and causes of the problems to create solutions. Energy healing and Profound tools and teachings put people on the path of healing remembering that our body is self-healing and only needs us to awaken and work with it. Mind, emotions, choices, beliefs, fears, traumas and many layers of blocking our vibrant health are addressed and healed. Our body knows what to do when we know how to get out of the way and allow it. There is so much that is unknown even with all of the reading and classes you might take. 45 years of study and practice brings an abundance of wisdom, knowledge, compassion and ways to help you help you. Medical people are often amazed at how clients and students have great results without the methods, pills and surgeries prescribed. Great victories are celebrated everyday at Be the Medicine.


I have been working with people for longer periods of time together for deep life changing healing and results. Full days or longer are available. We have lovely places to stay if you come in from out of the area. Healing and changing your life on the deepest levels that create lifelong change takes your investment in you.

For local people a 1.5-3 hour session will move you onto a new track aligned withe the best you and begin a life anew in all ways.

Profound energy, perspectives, tools and ways to help you make the changes that are required to heal and move on are available for those who are ready.

Is this you? Call me today and see what we might do together to help you enjoy the best rest of your life. Ongoing support available by phone or in person.

In Love and Joy!

Janet StraightArrow

be the Medicine, Live the Power of You! 973-647-2500


One of my favorite things is teaching and building community. Any class or retreat becomes family in good ways. We learn how unique and similar we all are. Each one is appreciated for what they bring to the group with real joy. No matter who we are-age-sex-cultural lineages-we are all here now to help usher in the new age of enlightenment. I honor each one of you for who you are and what you bring. Blessings & Love.

My Purpose

I have been launching Be the Medicine for many years. Articles, blogs, newsletters, classes, sessions, mentoring and a big facebook presence with quotes and teachings have all helped many.

My inner work and ongoing refinement and study has brought great results for myself and those who are called to work with me. Later this year I will be more focused on writing, publishing and traveling. Please take advantage of my availability when it is here  In-Joy the Journey.





A beautiful combination of Complete Reiki 1 Class, Attunements, and Certificate blended with Be The Medicine Teachings offers you the opportunity to take the experience into deep healing, understanding and use immediately. Janet StraightArrow’s 45 years of study, practice in mind/body/soul/spirit medicine from around the world, and her 16 years as a Reiki and Spiritual Energy Teacher-Healer, Medical Intuitive and Shaman brings you a deep learning experience. Perfect for people who want to live healing as a lifestyle and heal themselves, as well as for people who are ready to help others. $325 for the weekend includes a recording of the class. Call 973-647-2500 to reserve your place. Bring a friend and save $25 each. RSVP to insure your place in class. 

Reiki Attunements are used to create a deep permenant healing in students and clients. I also teach and attune caregivers to help them help their family or patients and teach them how to be the healing. Self care and healing first always.

Mitote Ceremony Weekend NJ


We stay in a gorgeous turn of the century mansion with magnificent views, on the shore of Lake Hopatcong.

Break through illusions, fears and ego blocks in our deep practices and overnight dreaming work. Awaken strength, courage, wisdom and grace. Practices and teachings from StraightArrows two years with 2 Toltec Nagual Shamans in Peru, Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico in this overnight setting allows a deeper healing and opportunity to breakthrough stuck places. As a Nagual Shaman Janet moves your assemblage point enabling you to make permanent changes in your life aligned with your truth.

Everyone contributes healthy food to share. Janet is coordinating meals. $300 for the weekend workshop includes recording and follow up phone call. Deposit of $100 immediately and $200 balance due May 1. Payment for retreat house is $100 cash when you arrive.

Don Miguel Ruiz books of interest. Beyond Fear, Four Agreements, Mastery of Love. SEND YOUR DEPOSIT ASAP TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE AS IT IS LIMITED. ON PayPal purchase button of website or send Check to Be the Medicine, 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960

If you have friends who might like to join us this retreat is open.

Freedom from Fear Workshop

MAY 19, 11 am to 6 pm


With Janet StraightArrow – Shaman-Teacher-Healer. To be who you are, you must release who you are not. Fear is what holds us back at every turn. Just when we are about to make a move, interference of ego and perception and wounding sneaks in and sidetracks us. It is subtle and real and takes wisdom, knowledge and powerful awareness and tools to move through and be free. StraightArrow brings us Toltec tools and wisdom and powerful energy in simple profound ways to help us find freedom and live the truth of who we are each moment. Be ready to have fun as you challenge the illusions and consciousness of what has held you back to break free and be. 973-647-2500 JANET@BETHEMEDICINE.COM $150 Prepaid by May 9. $175 after PayPal on Website Checks to Be The Medicine, 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960

Shamanism Weekend NJ


With Shaman Janet StraightArrow

SHAMANS ARE MASTERS IN ENERGY MEDICINE AND HEALING ON ALL LEVELS.Shamanic Drumming, journeying and working with nature and the divine offers tools, teachings and wisdom to live a more meaningful life. This is a path of learning, healing and service. Skills developed will empower healing with others as well and open your gifts of perception and knowing, life purpose and profound healing. Meet your guides and guardians, and learn to work with them safely and in joy! Join us for the adventure. 973-647-2500 $325 for weekend. RSVP and deposit ASAP or by June 1. 

Vision Quest Hudson Valley



2012 is the perfect year to go inside and experience a vision for your life and to honor all of the changes and passages we have experienced and to welcome your new clear loving beginnings. The process begins when you sign up. Preparation is guided and supported by Janet StraightArrow of Be The Medicine; Janet bridges our many worlds with wisdom and grace.

Quieting the mind and opening your heart helps you release ego and attachments and find truth and love inside your beautiful self. We will camp on gorgeous sacred property and be fed nutritious foods by the Ashram's cook on the days before and after our fasting. 3 days and nights in your own sacred space in nature mid-week will help you birth yourself anew. The entire week will be a  $875 for 8 days, preparation and follow up. $ 200 deposit ASAP to hold your place. Space limited. Group meeting in person and by phone mid-May. More info on schedule page on website.973-647-2500

Treasure You Womans Retreat




Join us as Medicine Woman Janet StraightArrow leads us to be and enjoy our authentic self. Janet teaches us amazing tools from around the world to clear away old patterns and energies that are not us. She teaches that we all are Perfect Health, Happiness, Truth, Beauty and Light. She continues to teach us how to live this everyday.

Begin to rediscover who you really are as a soul, as a woman and as a magnificent being. Each one of us has a unique soul purpose to be on this earth and she facilitates you to awaken and empower that purpose and live your gifts and your dreams. You can clear away the voices and energies of guilt, doubt, fear and blame and take control of your life. As you learn to do this for yourself the world will meet you there. Community is an important aspect of the gathering. We learn from each other as mirrors and teachers. Bring your little girl self and wise woman self and be ready for mystery, magic and fun! Woman of all ages welcome and appreciated. Details soon., 973-647-2500 Let me know of your interest for best week. I am searching a couple of location options.

Everyday Mastery- blog


2012 brings in visions of many things. For me it is awakening human conscious to their divine nature and learning to live it here on earth. The goal is to live love, truth and wisdom to make our earth life work and for each one to live fully, freely and at our highest level as best we can to help the planet and us individually.

Research and living it through experience has brought a deep level of comfort and peace, health and loving into each day of my life. Helping others all along has taken me deeper and opened the journey in profound ways.

Everything makes sense and you can know how to navigate life on many levels of awareness and existence. By you embracing and being in grounded truth in zero tolerance of teachings and beliefs of fear, judgment and illusion-allows love, peace, compassion and movement in your life.

By living divine and natural laws, and rejecting fear or evil disguised as truth, we can find our way to an incredible life and freedom.


Health is our nature and not illusive when we remove the causes and the problems and live the solutions. The hypnotism of taking a pill that is poison instead of going inside to change whatever is empowering the disease, pain or depression is not logic or wisdom and is scientific and important to change in all of us.

Corporations and people are making money off of human misery and pain and it is for each person to stop it, beginning with taking responsibility for us. Magic and miraculous healing comes from knowing the nature and truth of what is occurring on many levels. Solutions are easy when you know and transform and reject what is causing the challenges and problems to occur.

“Ask and it shall be given,”

First we need to question and know that life as many live it does make sense, and instead we have a natural flow of health and happiness and answers to all problems. Confusion and complexity is a sign of missing pieces and focusing on the places that interfere with life instead of the ones that help. Whatever we need is here for us within reach of each one of each human, in every moment. There is a divine plan that we can draw on when we know how.

"Truth sets us free, Illusion keeps us in confusion."

Distraction is a huge problem as well as wanting a quick fix without looking to the wisdom of cause and effect. Avoiding pain takes us farther off course and creates more problems and pain. Going the straight path gives us all that we need to live peace, love, health and solutions easily.

How is this spiritual mastery?

I have been called to explore and blend of spiritual and human truth on earth and in heaven, studying people, cultures, beliefs, rules and religions. The magical blend of all of the elements of all is what makes life, health, peace and everything work. The call to mastery is what makes the difference for everyone.

We are spiritual beings in a material world. We do not control spiritual or material by will and human doing. It is from the spiritual wisdom, knowledge and living it that the material follows. You can reject lies and illusions in all areas of your life and discover and live truth. Mastery is the natural result.

For thousands of years the world has separated and rejected our higher knowledge and being and created fear of the very elements that are truth. Man-made teachings and separate religions laced with control and fear are exactly the opposite of divine truth and love.


Unconditional love supports everyone. Wars are religious, financial, greedy, fear based excuses to conquer and control. Unconditional love of the divine would never hurt or shame anyone for being who they are.

Our planet living the laws of the original teachings of all religions and cultures on earth would not have any wars at all. People would live in love all the time. Co-dependence based on misplaced loyalty and lies are replaced with positive loving answers and living.


Disease, pain and suffering are all caused by a misalignment with truth on some levels of the nature of life and the individual. Healing these, co-creates health and freedom. Everything has a purpose and lessons to bring us back to our original perfection.

This is the evolving process of returning to our original human nature of living in love instead of fear. Every human has much to repair and heal in his or her body and soul; it is the nature of our existence. The experiences and journey for each person are to be lived with awareness, and self-love and let go of patterns of judgment. 

Sacred and ancient wisdom texts of masters and are found in all traditions for many thousands of years and offer insight and teachings into our divine nature and how to live it. Our separation from self and division from divine truth for thousands of years is coming to an end.

No focus on one religion or tradition offers all of the answers; the truth lies in pieces of each one. By bridging the pieces together in a practical neutral way removes beliefs in separate Gods or practices.

When focused on divine natural truth all illusions and problems can be released and healed and life can be lived in balance-this is aligning with mastery of being you and co-creating life in its best possible form.


Our nature is love, truth, health, happiness, beauty and light. Anything that speaks against these or takes our power as magnificent humans is not from any divine source. The path of living love and health, and spiritual and human mastery, is also an unlearning and dismissing of elements and beliefs that hurts us all.

Be The Medicine is an unfolding path of awakening and healing. Foundational pieces are very important as they give you a new framework and perspective to build on. Students find that their lives become simple and clear with each day.

Soul Shamanism is a direct way of connecting to self on a soul-spirit level giving you deep connection, inner wisdom and clarity on all aspects of healing and living your life divine.

Your purpose, passion and core self awakens in each experience of both pathways separate and best together, bring you home to you and living a life divine here now.

Awaken to your many possibilities and release limitations. Begin today.

Enjoy your own life’s journey,


Janet StraightArrow

Be the Medicine, Live the Power of You!

Stay connected to the website and newsletters and blogs and my pages on Facebook for quotes, teachings, coming books and classes. Believe nothing. Be open to discover everything. Finding your own way with these is suggested and necessary.

Anyone around the world can schedule a session with me and work on many levels to assist you in walking your own walk effortlessly. 973-647-2500, 

Be The Medicine • 18 Bank Street • Morristown, NJ 07960
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