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Carl Robinson, Ph.D. on Leadership May 23, 2012
We help maximize the effectiveness of individuals and organizations by helping them improve their ability to lead, work together, select and develop their people.  Some of our related business services include: executive coaching, executive team coaching and executive assessments for development and selection.

Carl Robinson, Ph.D., Managing Principal
Seattle, Washington

In This Issue:

Read in President & CEO Magazine

Getting Help: Knowing What You Don't Know

Advanced Concepts: Best Practices for Organization Design

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Read in President & CEO Magazine

Read my bi-monthly column in President & CEO: 
Responding - Not Reacting is a Critical Leadership Skill

>Click here to read article

Getting Help: Knowing What You Don't Know

We've all heard the story - the story of the salesperson who was so good, so head-and-shoulders above the productivity levels of the other salespeople that she is promoted to management.
She never sells again, and turns out to be a lousy manager. The result? You've transformed a productive member of the organizationton into a less productive and less motivated (and in this case, motivating) member. Sales go down. Salespeople are fired, and eventually so is the manager.
Everyone in your organization has a specific set of tasks, and therefore a baseline of knowledge and unique set of skills that qualifies them for their positions. In the best-run organizations employees are stretched to their limits - however when a critical need surfaces these organizations also know when it's time to reach out for a new skill set, or risk costly mistakes.
In the world of professional services we see this every day. When a business needs additional help in preparing their taxes, they hire an accountant. When they need help with a legal matter, they hire counsel.
The best & most successful organizations don't stop there. They reach out for help in any instance in which doing so provides a significantly improved outcome from what they could expect to achieve if the issue was handled internally. For more information on how we can provide that value-added voice please click the button below. We look forward to assisting you.

Advanced Concepts: Best Practices for Organization Design

Rightsizing. Downsizing. Restructuring. Organizational Design.
Words that had little use in boardrooms 5 years ago now strike fear in the hearts of your entire workforce, increase the levels of stress and decreasing productivity and morale. However it doesn’t need to be that way.
Like many other management terms, organization design does not have a common, well-accepted definition. To give you some context, organization design is a structured and analytically driven systems approach to configure an organization to foster achievement of valued business, customer, and employee outcomes. In other words, it is a results driven approach that will change the way you use technology, create processes, and formulate strategies.
When is organization design most appropriate?
One of the most common mistakes made by leaders is to undertake an organization design project without doing appropriate due diligence. The targeted results are not likely to be achieved when you are addressing symptoms of the perceived business problem rather than the root cause. Listed below are the most common situations in which organization design is most appropriately used.
1.  The business strategy has changed. The rule here is “form follows function”, or more specifically, strategy drives structure. Whenever an organization is about to embark on a fundamentally different strategy or when internal factors (e.g., introducing a new product or entering a new market) or external factors (e.g., competitor actions, industry trends, introduction of disruptive technology) dramatically change, leaders should evaluate whether their businesses’ current organization structure is appropriate.
2.  The organization is under-performing. The design of an organization can have significant impact on the revenue, cost, and profitability of a business. Sometimes redesign is necessary because of performance problems created by the poor alignment of the structure. Indicators of poor alignment include lack of coordination between interdependent work units, excessive conflict, unclear roles/responsibilities, poor work flow, reduced responsiveness/flexibility, and poor resource allocation. The number of organization levels, type of structure, and which functionality is centralized versus decentralized can affect any of the following:
•   Economies of scale/cost
•   Having the right people in the right place
•   Level of accountability/role clarity
•    Ability to leverage technology
3.  The organization is experiencing strong growth. Certainorganization structures, such as a customer/market structure, a matrix structure, or a product structure, more readily lend themselves to alignment around growth drivers, while others work parti­cularly well in environments where transaction volumes are significantly increasing.
4.  There has been a change in leadership. New leaders frequently use organization design as an initiative to “shake up” or transform the organization. The redesign efforts allow executives to transplant staff whom they have effectively worked with in the past, to remove “blockers,” and sometimes to facilitate cultural change by inserting leaders who will model desired behaviors.
Organization Design Best Practices
If you are like most businesses, and have experienced significant shifts in economic conditions, workforce numbers, or new technological pressures, it is likely you’re ripe for an exercise in organization design. Listed below are organization design best practices that should be incorporated into most projects: 
  • Structure always follows strategy. An organization’s business strategy should be used as the primary driver of any design efforts. Any future structure must closely align with the strategy and cascade from it.
  • Use a formal data-driven approach. The success of design projects is greatly enhanced when organizations use a flexible and scalable process for assessment, design, and implementation. The most successful processes are data driven, capturing informa­tion from a diverse array of stakeholders.
  • Use formal design principles and metrics to objectively assess alternative design options. Successful design projects use both design and quantitative metrics  to evaluate design alternatives and later, during implementation, to evaluate the impact the selected design has had on the organization.
  • Benchmark other related structures and incorporate learning. Together, we can col­lect benchmarking information on a myriad of organization structures. Benchmarking can be used to get a design team to think out of the box; capture and integrate learning and mistakes from other organizations; and think about new ways to integrate technology, work flow, and structure.
  • Establish discipline by using a Project Management Process. Success is to a great extent dependent on an organization’s ability to set up a process and supporting tools that are not overly rigorous, but address the myriad of project details. This includes the following:
  1. Appropriate project structure (number of teams and team membership)
  2. Governance (team chartering)
  3. Issue resolution
  4. Scope control
  5. Risk management
  6. Project monitoring/reporting
  7. Communications
  8. Inter-team coordination
  • Recognize organization design as more than boxes and butts. All organizations are made up of an architecture that has three distinct elements: Technology, Organization, andProcess.
Technology comprises the data employees need to make decisions, the information systems hardware like telephones and computers, the production/operations technology that is instrumental in delivering your core product/service, and the software applications that interface with process and hardware.
The organization comprises the administrative policies or business rules that drive behavior, business systems, human resource practices, capabilities, and workforce competencies.
And lastly the process element comprises the business processes, physical infrastructure of the business and physical layout of work areas. When redesigning an organization, it is critical to fully understand the “ripple effects” that any changes to organization structure will have on each of the elements of architecture. Success is dependent on crafting a solution that proactively aligns all elements of architecture with the business strategy. 
  • Identify and celebrate short-term wins. An enterprise-wide design is akin to a mara­thon. To keep the various stakeholders engaged, it is imperative to identify, celebrate, and reward early wins. This will enhance your ability to sustain the new structure and ensure it is institutionalized. 
  • Proactively identify and address change management issues. Most design projects have considerable people/organizational implications. Examples range from culture change and stakeholder engagement to communications and modifications to the rewards systems. The earlier these implications are identified and proactively addressed, the higher the success rate of these projects.

Advanced Leadership Consulting • 2815 Eastlake Ave., E, Suite 300 • Seattle, WA 98102
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