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In this issue:















"The planetary energies of this week are moving through us very quickly. Allow flow, don't hold onto to pains and problems, watch them pass and be more love. Gentle, patient and kind to self and all. Nameste."


"The power of the pause.Taking a time out allows room for genius to emerge." "Your body knows the truth. Pause and ask and listen to what your body tells you about what it needs. Develop this communication and relationship and you will be happy, healthy and free."


"Joy is the journey. If not, you might take a different road."


"Don't believe everything you think. Change the brain station into thoughts that are aligned with your highest truth. You do not have to listen to negativity and lies. Take your brain back and create the life you want."


"Love, love, love, allow Venus to awaken your heart and help you fly free. Be Love."


"We are all mirrors for one another. What we see is us, and not the other. When we see beauty, love and positive things, it is good to know that it is us too! When it is not so pretty; be loving, kind and release blame, to clean the mirror and become whole again."


See,,,, for more information and inspiration for your journey. Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine Live the Power of You!


Today more than ever people are awakening to their natural talent of healer. This does not mean it is for you to put up a shingle and create a business and leave your current profession or job.

To be a healer is to be loving, present and listening to your part in the whole. Being of service is natural, without changing clothes like Superman. We are of service being us. Our presence heals wherever we are. 

Each one of us is a tremendous light in the world. The veils of separation are lifting and we are finding wholeness and communion as separation disappears.

Many are taking classes and trainings in mind-body-spirit modalities. This is to heal you first and see where it takes you. Being more in our body and self allows us access to the divine truth of life and who we are and why we are here.

Healing is our lifestyle, one to be lived daily. It is a process of becoming, learning, correcting, making healing changes and being. Spotty attention offers spotty results. Learning to choose for us instead of against us is important.

It is a journey to be experienced day by day, year by year. There is no short cut, yet there is a straight path that takes you there more directly.

Letting go of old ways, roles and rules is required if we are going to follow this clear path to us, and new life.

Taking responsibility for you and your part helps many. As your talents and gifts awaken, allow the process and do not rush to make it something.

The ego self might get caught up in the outcome and defining purpose. Relax and allow the wisdom and knowledge to arise. Anxiousness brings forth misinformation and disconnection. Slow down, enjoy the awakening. We are all baby birds needing nourishment and support to encourage flight.

We are all in this together. Learn to discern and do not give your power away. There are healthy mentors who have walked this path who can help you make it through the jungle to the clearing ahead. Allow their wisdom to encourage, teach and heal you through your process.

The ego will be a know it all, and try to block you from going all the way. Being humble and open to learning and walking the path is important to break through illusion and blocks.

Love is the key that opens all of the doors. There is no room for fear, control or will to move the blocks out of the way. Surrender to more love and doorways melt open.

Love is healing and healing is love. Being more love, truth, beauty and light is what it is all about.

Live healing love and your life will transform and others around you will be healed as well.

Enjoy your journey as it unfolds,

Blessings and Love, 
Janet StraightArrow 

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You! 973-647-2500

Join us for our classes in Energy Medicine and Mind-Body-Spirit-Soul classes to Be The Medicine in your life and prepare you to work professionally too!


SHAMANS ARE MASTERS IN ENERGY MEDICINE AND HEALING ON ALL LEVELS. Great class for Reiki Practitioners and Masters and healers from all traditions to expand your gifts, perception, understanding and energy.

10 AM TO 5 PM IN MORRISTOWN, NJ Shamanic initiations, drumming, journeying and working with symbols, dreaming, visions, nature and the divine offers tools, teachings and wisdom to live a more meaningful life. This is a path of learning, healing and service. Skills developed will empower healing with others as well and open your gifts of perception and knowing, life purpose and profound healing. Meet your guides and guardians, and learn to work with them safely and in joy! Join us for the adventure. 973-647-2500 Take your healing practice to the next level. In my 18 years in training healers I found this class to have a huge impact on personal awareness and development and awakening psychic vision. hearing and connection to personal guides and those of others. A perfect complement to any healers training. Shamanic initiations open more energy channeling through you as well. You will deveop greater confidence and understanding working with spirit and peaple too. Janet StraightArrow Janet StraightArrow AKA as Heyoka Greywolf has been living and teaching Shamanic Practice for twenty years. Having discovered her soul lineage as a Shaman at 40 her entire life changed and has transformed daily. Extensive study with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies- Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner, and others, Apprenticeship work with 3 Shamans, Studies with Tom Cowan-Celtic, Larry Peters-Tibetan, Dona Bernadette Toltec Nagual and others from Siberian and other North and South American traditions have inspired and helped remembering and new tools and teachings that Janet incorporates into her classes. Janet has blended Shamanism and Reiki and other healing practices to awaken and deepen healing experiences for students and clients.

“A weekend workshop with Janet StraightArrow is a weekend with your soul. With humor, wisdom, honesty and compassion she guides you back to your true self. It is an amazing experience that has to be felt! And I can tell you; you will never be the same. You will be changed on a deep level; you will open up to your gifts, your strengths, and to the exciting journey of discovery. This was my first workshop with Janet and the power of it blew me away. Be prepared to laugh, because being with Janet is like being with a wise trusted friend. Be prepared to see things in a new way, her techniques are magically transforming, and healing. I had a blast! PS. Janet teaches you in a way that you do not realize you are being taught – The information just channels into you in an amazing flow. It is awesome!” Mary Archabault EZ COMMUTE NYC TRAIN AND BUS OR BY INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS REASONABLE HOTEL LOCALLY



"Janet StraightArrow provides and unparallel opportunity to bring you to the real you. It’s a well-worn path for her and she knows every part of this amazing journey. Janet emanates love, respect and most of all joy in this great adventure. If you are ready to walk the path back to you – there is no better guide, teacher, mentor and friend than Janet StraightArrow.” Christine Sokoloff

“We just finished a weekend retreat with Janet StraightArrow. We were in an amazing space but the truth is it would not matter where we were. Janet brings the safe container and then we build upon it. By safe container I mean a safe place to explore your true self, cut out the illusion and discover who we really are. We were able to experience the love within and integrate it so that we can bring it back out into the world more whole and strong and resolved to be our true selves and abide in our true nature. Janet’s StraightArrow approach is loving and keen as it cuts through the BS and helps you to heal. Janet is able to see each person as they are and kindly, lovingly move him or her into their truth. Thank You Janet, I love you.” 

“I have worked with Janet StraightArrow through many years taking classes and sessions as I continue my inward journey. Janet is profound and gracious, tender and kind guiding me through the many layers of the external, piercing through to the core. Janet has helped me find my inner peace helping me to shift and project it outward creating a stable baseline to exist in joy and love.” Maryanne Gruzecki

Janet StraightArrow provides a safe place to become vulnerable. Her love, compassion and laughter show us how to return to living life as a child. Free, happy, whole, she allows you the space to become and remember the truth of the real you. Thank you Janet for walking alongside me on my journey.” Rosemary Schultz

“This healing space is not hard, or fearful, there are gentle transitions that you can feel and sense that are mirrored with your companions-hearing their stories validates you. Your intimate personal struggles are not so different – different faces and places, the essence of being human are shared in a safe space, with no judgment. Janet makes it fun, light hearted and no big deal. StraightArrow accurately reads where you are and speaks the words that bring insights that change your personal landscape for you and new perspectives about all of the people in your life. Everyone feels included and supported, all of the pieces of the space, place and time are honored.”

Janet is a midwife who holds each soul in love and bliss helping them to surrender and be known. Every word that flows out touches everyone clearing limiting beliefs rebuilding perfect mental, physical and spiritual health. She is a blessing to all.” Ariana Loizias

“A retreat with Janet is coming home. Janet’s teachings emerge from a place of unconditional love. You come away with you and your life forever changed. Making a choice to work with Janet is giving yourself the most beautiful gift in the world.” Beth Mund

“To have a true teacher who can communicate to everyone from different backgrounds the “truth” of “love”, loving ourselves and loving each other is a rare and miraculous gift. She knows when you have a question and need to express yourself, even if you might be afraid to. Janet kindly helps you reframe your words about yourself, your feelings and others to be more aligned with love and truth. What a genuinely amazing experience and teacher.” Claudia Barish 





SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 10 AM TO 5 PM A beautiful combination of a Complete USUI Reiki 1 Class, Attunements, and Certificate blended with Be The Medicine Teachings offers you the opportunity to take the experience into deep healing, understanding and use immediately. If you are looking for a professional level of training to heal self and others, an immediate personal deep healing of your body/mind/spirit, an experience with your healing guides and advanced teaching to live healing as a lifestyle with profound tools and teachings in alignment with great health and your best life - join us. Janet StraightArrow’s 45 years of study, practice in mind/body/soul/spirit medicine from around the world, and her sixteen years as a Reiki and Spiritual Energy Teacher-Healer, Medical Intuitive and twenty years as a Shaman brings you a deep learning experience. $275 for the weekend includes a Certificate, Continuing Education Letter for your professional organization- approved for massage therapists, and a recording of the class. Call 973-647-2500 to reserve your place. Bring a friend and save $25 each. Send payment or deposit to hold your place to Be The Medicine, 18, Bank St., Morristown, NJ 07960 or use Paypal on purchase button on home page of website. More on Janet and her teachings see RSVP to insure your place in class. or 973-647-2500 for questions and more information.


Hello Fellow Travelers,


Summer is almost here and this week we are caught in the midst of major change with a full moon eclipse and Venus moving across the Sun. Awake awake it is time to be who you are and live your beautiful truth. Please enjoy the articles below and the quotes from my daily Facebook offerings to support change. The soul mate article came from questions people ask. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions and I will answer in an article next month.


In June and July there are many opportunities to enjoy a mini-class in several new locations, an energy medicine training or prepare for a Vision Quest Retreat at the end of July in the Hudson Valley. 


I am also working on publishing my first book and putting recordings out for ongoing inspiration, growth and healing.

It has been a long time of deep refining of the work and practices to prepare for this year and beyond as we continue to move more deeply into an integrated life of wholeness.

The fall schedule is still evolving and will be out soon. There will be more retreats and fewer local classes as time goes on.

Blessings, Good Health, Great Joy and New Love,

Janet StraightArrow


Change is occurring ready or not! Today many people are losing the way of life they always had or imagined possible. Homes, retirement, savings, jobs, government, corporations, religion and relationships and much more are all in flux and unsure.

When this occurs we lose the self that we were depending on; those crutches of people, position and place. It throws us in a tizzy and creates depression, anxiety and physical symptoms.

Life is not what we wanted it to be, or thought it was. A new world appears and we have to let go of the past and find a new life and future.

It is scary and uncertain, if we let ourselves stay attached to the past. Our sense of identity has been lost in significant ways and now we have to find a new foundation to build upon.

The best security is in the self. You are always here and inner resources can be drawn on no matter what or where or how.

Learning to go inside instead of out for support is important. First you must clean house and remove blocks, excess baggage and expectations.

Life is new, outside of the old box of you, and it takes some deep work and play to find a new way.

You heard me right – play. To move out of fear of limitation and direction we must play with possibilities. Play is free and open and curious. Play is courageous and innocent, full of trust and fearlessness.

Go for it, is a motto that helps us move forward through old barriers and thoughts and fear.

When stuck… its good to just move in any direction that feels most aligned and find out where it takes us.

We cannot know what is beyond a box until we get there. If here is trapping you, and making you feel hopeless, it’s important to find something that opens you to your next direction and purpose.

Taking drugs or substances to make you feel better, does not heal inertia or fear, they may even feed it.

To be free to be, and make significant changes, it is important to build up the self and let the sun in.

Who you thought you were is gone, so now its time to know who you are from a deep inner place.

Opening to all possibilities can be frightening at once. The human can be very comfortable in our limited boxes and dreams.

Security in this new world is not built on the beliefs and expectations of the old world.

Life is as you make it, more than ever, and we can become very good at being co-creators in every arena.

Being a co-creator puts you in the drivers seat with co-pilots that support you. People from your family or your past may try to hold you back to stay safe, in their mind.

You making changes, challenges their reality and may pull them out of their boxes so they try to keep you hitched to theirs in hope that things will go back to the way they were and make them comfortable again.

Many people who have left a marriage or a job or a family of origin, say that their life depended on that change in circumstance.

It is time to move forward and find your new direction, course correction and new ways to be you.

Be brave, have fun, ask for help of a higher source and inner strength, and stay free to be.

Enjoy the journey,

Janet StraightArrow

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!

Call Janet StraightArrow today for wisdom coaching, healing and support for all of the changes in your life. Solutions are often out of the box of the old ways and much more direct and clear.

One session can offer your new perspectives and options, inner connection and direction that give you hope and new life, in ways that align with you. Ongoing support can help you be the solution for you, and create a better life than you imagine.

Taking the high road is full of new adventures, safety and freedom. 973-647-2500

"Janet StraightArrow is the rainbow of love! With the skilled hands of a surgeon, Janet is able to help you reach inside to the deepest, most hidden places of yourself and give you tools to shine the brightest, most powerful light for personal & professional healing! Janet is a wonderful tour guide, providing direction and possibilities for healing as you walk your path! She is very personable, creative, and nurturing to all she meets. It is an honor and a pleasure to have her walking alongside me! Namaste'"  Elisa Maggio, Energy Healer-Teacher


In this time of awakening, people are trying to figure out what to do with feelings of deep connection and attraction that they are feeling for others. It is important to sit back a bit and be an observer before jumping in, or trying to make someone fit an idea or ideal. Be present to the gift of connection offered and be curious about the connection.

Many of our deep connections to people are soul connections, but not people to jump into bed with or have intimate relationships with or marry. Over many years I have been honored to meet many soul mates who were many things to me in my life, but not an appropriate long-term partner.

Some became intimate and some not. Both were appropriate. All were honored so that we can stay connected in ways that are correct. Boundaries are important when you have such powerful connections and energy charge between you.

Sometimes they will be long-term partners you meet suddenly and stay with. Often it is something different and if you are confused it is good to stay as neutral as you can and figure it out.

Many people have led a single life through the changes of the past decade, which was appropriate to go deep inside and awaken and heal. These people may now be anxious for a partner. Do not rush headlong into anything.

Allow the evolvement to occur. So many layers of who we are, are opening and it is good to see people for who they are to us and us to them in this process without trying to partner, marry or become romantic when that may nor be your purpose now.

I have had many people set off deep and electric connections in me. Being a student of astrology I look up our birth charts and see the connections and understand them. I see where the planets connect and go Ha Cha Cha, and yet for us it is a sizzle that sparks other things in us together, and separately. I have been confused and stepped back and realized there is another purpose of friends on the path, that is more correct than partners or lovers.

People have purpose in our lives and ours in theirs. If there is more, it will evolve naturally and you both will feel it and know it. Do not force anything that does not want to be.

Are there soul mates who are people who have been waiting to be together here now as partners? Yes. Allow them to come to you as they do. Learn to be careful in all of your relationships, and see who and what they mean now. Past life connections are not guaranteed great opportunities. Be with the people you are with and see where it goes.

I have delicious friends who I am glad we never became lovers. Our friendships are loving and deep, and to have them on the journey with me is a gift that keeps on giving. If we had crossed the line we may not have this opportunity for long-term connection, support, love and fun together.

I love many people and am sure some have been with me before. Its so rewarding to step back, and see and feel the correctness of the connection. Some people mess up their lives following electricity and emotional connections and get involved in ways that are not aligned and good for you.

Love you and all enough to take your time and enjoy what is and live and learn and love. Let go of what is not correct and allow the best to be.

Begin by being a soul mate to you. Get to know who you are, what you want and what is aligned with your higher purpose. Live your truth and allow the lessons and love to unfold in you as the world matches you with what you need.

Enjoy the Journey,

Janet StraightArrow

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You! 973-647-2500


THURSDAY JUNE 21, 7-9:30PM AT BE THE MEDICINE-MORRISTOWN JOIN US TO CELEBRATE THE COMING OF THE SUMMER SEASON IN COMMUNITY. Each season marks new beginnings to honor in each one of us and on the earth. This is a potent summer full of change and movement to honor the halfway mark of 2012. Drum, Journey, Dance, Chant and deepen your connection to self-earth and community. A deep Shamanic experience for all. No experience needed-leave renewed, refreshed and inspired. RSVP 973-647-2500 $40



A person goes on a planned Vision Quest to honor and deepen their life and personal journey. The purpose of a Vision Quest is to see and face you, and have time and space to pull away from the world and normal activities to call for a vision for the rest of your life and hear yourself speak.

With no one else, or daily places and responsibilities to distract us, we can easily let go and be. Our fellow travelers are each on their own journey in community and will mirror you as a support to learn to go deeper at times.

After many vision quests, I still long for the simplicity of living in the woods without electricity, plumbing, appliances and electronic devices. Living in tents and later under the stars, gives us direct connection to life.

Meditation and Shamanic Journey and other practices, as well as paying attention and learning to find significance in symbols in nature help us to become centered and clear.

I love comfort, so my quests have been deep, private, safe and in sacred places that are close enough and far enough away. Creating a sacred space is what people will learn to do for themselves. That space is inside you, and all of our work to prepare is to help you find and explore that inner space and find answers and truth for you.

A Vision Quest is a death to the life you have lived and a rebirth of you in more true and aligned ways. This week will take you through this process and assist you along the way. Taking a week out of your life to show up at the quest is significant in your dedication to yourself.

To stop eating for a few days, allows this letting go process go deeper. Water keeps your body functioning and so does air, sun, nature and earth. When we release our attachment to food, we then focus on ourselves. Our mind and body become light and there is no worry about what you will eat, or when, or how to prepare it or buy it. You have twenty-four hours a day to go inside and listen and learn to focus on you.

We work with practices that take us inside and work through our stories and let them go, to find a more peaceful story of freedom to be us. Being in nature allows us to reconnect to our own nature and the cycles of life in direct ways.

Every moment is precious and we experience this particularly during our mid-week fast in our own sacred spot. Twenty-four hours with nothing to distract us is a very long time. True being unfolds and you begin to realize what you do to waste time each day with thoughts, activities and unnecessary focus.

Each person has their own issues to face and heal. Our group process work will take you into a deep space with clarity and grace. My intention offered is for you to experience, appreciate and love you, and enjoy the ride.

My life purpose is to help people learn to Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You! This quest is one of the deepest experiences for you to move into you and bring back profound experiences and inner wisdom and visions to play out for the remainder of your earth walk.

I am called to offer a quest this year, 2012 in the Hudson Valley, NY at gorgeous Shanti Mandir Ashram property that has lovely hills and woods and a bubbling brook and a mountain lake. Located between the Hudson and Wallkill Rivers close to the intersection of Rt. 84 and the NY Thruway, Rt. 87. It is private, sacred and natural and yet easy to find and close to major airports and trains and buses.

Dates are July 22-28, Sunday to Saturday. Preparation begins when you sign up with regular support. Follow up is included. $775 includes donation for property, food, preparation, and weeklong quest and follow up. The group is gathering, reserve your place today and the Quest begins.

My life is an ongoing Vision Quest and it is my honor and privilege to offer this for you.

Blessings, Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500


Energy Medicine has been a traditional healing practice of traditions from all around the world. Everything is energy and there is a masterful way to work with it to help you relieve pain, quiet your mind and open and connect more deeply to your body and your soul. In this experiential class and series you will learn how easy, simple, logical and clear energy medicine can be in your life.

Energy medicine is not just channeling energy. You can work with energy powerfully in everything you think and do. Experience and learn; healing, clearing, energizing, balancing and aligning you - body, mind and spirit, in a pathway called Be The Medicine. We will use unified methods of intention, connection, breath, movement and meditation for powerful results. We will incorporate Yoga breaths, teachings and movement.

Janet brings us practices and teachings to take into our everyday life and healing immediately to experience new levels of understanding and strength. Quieting the mind and coming into connection and flow in moments allow us to be present, in the world not only in yoga class. Letting go of emotions, dialogue and fear allow us to live in our center, neutral to move energy in all areas of our body and life and to heal.

This class is perfect for yoga practitioners, healers and people new to energy work as well. Janet teaches people to Be The Medicine for themselves, and others by living many layers of subtle awareness and healing work.

A four-week series in the fall will take this work deeper and add working with our chakras in new simple, easy and powerful.

Janet StraightArrow is a full time Shaman, Teacher, Healer and Sage. As director of Oasis For The Soul and Creator of Be the Medicine, at 18 Bank Street in Morristown, Janet has studied and integrated spirituality, psychology, nutrition, movement, astrology and many modalities of healing for 45 years. Janet has researched and traveled to find missing pieces and complete answers to healing, enlightenment and living our best life with renowned teachers and masters and lives it in her life.

Janet began her study of yoga with the Himalayan Institute here in Morristown in 1979 and has continued with Iyengar and Kundalini and Hatha Yoga over the years, Her study with Swami Nityananda a Guru of the Siddha lineage, and continuous personal spiritual studies are an important part of her life and teaching. As a Rainbow Shaman Janet has apprenticed and studied with Shamans on several continent and lived this calling for twenty-years.

See the comprehensive website on Janet and all she offers and brings to us - www. Enjoy her practical and spiritual teachings and inspirational quotes on Facebook pages @janet.straightarrow and @BetheMedicine



With Janet StraightArrow – Shaman-Teacher-Healer To be who you are, you must release who you are not. Fear is what holds us back at every turn. Just when we are about to make a move, interference of ego and perception and wounding sneaks in and sidetracks us. It is subtle and real and takes wisdom, knowledge and powerful awareness and tools to move through and be free. Today StraightArrow brings us Toltec tools and wisdom and powerful energy in simple profound ways to help us find freedom and live the truth of who we are each moment. Be ready to have fun as you challenge the illusions and consciousness of what has held you back to break free and be. Janet StraightArrow has been a practicing Shaman for twenty years. Four years of study and apprenticeship with two Toltec Nagual Shamans, and living and teaching it each day since awakened the Nagual in her to be able to move assemblage points and assist students and clients who are ready to live free to be them. As Director and creator of the path Be The Medicine, Janet incorporates this work to help people be who they are and live their purpose easily. SUNDAY JULY 8, 2-4 PM Woodstock, NY to reserve your place MONDAY JULY 16 7-9:30 PM Chester, NJ to reserve your place







Be The Medicine • 18 Bank Street • Morristown, NJ 07960
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