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Awaken New Perspectives This Week
Happy Valentines
Happy Full Moon in the Sign of Love -Leo Today.
May you always remember that love is the only truth, as you navigate the highways of your life. Be Love.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter of inspiration and information to assist you on your journey. Janet
In This Issue
Emotion - Action
"Crankiness continues this week and we are not sure why. We may be quick to blame the weather, but their are inner storms bubbling up interfering with delight and peace. Raise yourself into higher mind to see the play of emotions, thoughts and fears and how they are engaging you. Life is love, peace and joy from higher mind and truth. Let go of cranky and remember all is perfect and love. From this space you can find your way out of emotion into action."
Magic is Real
"When we stop focusing on what we can't do, and focus on what we can, miracles happen… or is it our true reality?"
Living as God Boston 2/22
In this class we learn how to live our spiritual practice in everyday life.
Taking the tools and teachings to a deeper level of experience we live in the world and not of it. Advanced teachings to make the divine real in every moment and be free.
Past students and new students who are ready to move deeply on their journey to Be The Medicine personally and professionally.
Private home address given at sign-up.
Full Day session 10AM to 5PM,
$ 175 prepaid by 2/20.
Checks to Be The Medicine 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960.
Credit by PayPal use donate button on home page of Questions
Lead Well
Your humanity, health, wellness and life follows whatever you tell it, believe, or act on. Say what you mean. Your words are powerful in and out.
Wisdom Heals
Wisdom is the highest truth. When we live in lower mind and man made beliefs and fears, we are separate from us and all. Wisdom brings our consciousness into the level of transformation allowing the causes of problems to melt away and solutions to take their place.
Reality Break
"When your mind races and tells you lots of upsetting things, take a reality break, things are not so bad, breathe let go, and find the peaceful truth in your life." JSA
Be The Medicine 
“Be the Medicine gives healing practitioners tools they can use for their own personal work and also easily integrate into any modality (whether traditional or holistic) to create healing at the deepest levels.” Noemi Paciorek, Psychologist, Speaker, Teacher, Healer
Janet has researched and traveled to find missing pieces and complete answers to healing, enlightenment and living our best life with renowned teachers and masters. StraightArrow has been teaching holistic living since 1981 and working with clients from all walks of life bridging health, wellness, spirituality, career, relationships and purpose with their unique choices, experience and life.
Choose Well
"Your life has been created by what you have done with the raw materials of your life. Where you are now is the result of the billions of choices you have made. If you are not happy, healthy, feeling successful on your journey, or having fun - choose again, now, and every moment from now on."
Change Now
"Lots of changes have been occurring and it is pretty intense these days; do let go of any illusions-unusual sadness, fears or negativity in night time, dreams, and during the day, this is important to be present to truth.
Stay awake and be fully engaged with life.
Everybody is abnormally cranky-accept the weather, which is the outer illusion keeping us from noticing deeper interference, and move through any emotions, memories or fears.
There are major astrology alignments with increasing energy of challenge to grow and let go to become-it will be going on until April.
Now a grand trine of planets in water signs indicate that emotion is flowing. A grand square-T square in cardinal signs of each element-Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra affects all into April with other planets hitting these all along the way.
Transformation, transmutation, challenge, and freedom are all occurring, awakening deep movement and change.
It is easier to change than stay stuck now. Let go.
Know what is important, and let go of illusions or how you think things should be. Remember focus on anything negative takes you off track.
Focus on resolution, and create positive conclusions. Find joy in everyday, and follow the light in and out as one. HAVE MORE FUN! Blessings, Janet
" If you need help navigating these times, or to learn new ways to live through all challenges easily, please call or email for a session. 973-647-2500
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter as support on your journey.
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"We were born perfect and we die perfect. The spiritual journey of awakening is to remember this, let go of all else, and allow it to be so." Janet StraightArrow
True Path is Easy
When you live who you are the Universe responds with great joy! each one of us are brilliant co-creators.
Our body, mind, emotions, spirit and soul all work together to offer us the results we call for.
Let go of the illusions of separation and fear and step fully into the wholeness of you.
Be The Medicine supports you wherever you are on your journey.
StraightArrow's lifetime of experience and focused study brings everyone into mastery.
It is a joyful journey and so natural that you wonder why you did not live this way all along.
The Alchemy of Perfect Health
Miraculous transformation and means of achieving, complete and satisfactory, state of being well.
Universal Law – We are health – It is our natural state of being
Begin with this new focus and blueprint that we can use to create a body-mind-spirit that is aligned with living our nature, health.
Allow whatever transformation, actions and changes that are required to bring the body and being, back to full health. This is the opposite of how our medical focus is. We see the body as whole and healed, instead of harming the body by giving it disease to focus on.
This may seem far fetched and yet, it is true.
Wherever we focus we create. The human has lost much by separating from our truth and wisdom. It’s time to remember, allowing peace, love and joy as our nature, to reign in our lives.
Doctors of just decades ago told people they were going to heal, and they did. Our body-mind-being responds to personal belief and professional suggestions.
Saying yes to health, and no to disease allows the body to continue to flow in its natural course.
It's for us to discover where WE are off course, correct it and allow health and wellness to flow.
Never give up, be curious and open to how you can heal.
You are the owner and operator of you. 
You live in your body 24/7. 
You are the best person to know what you need,
and how to take care of you.
Learning how to align with perfect health and care for self in new ways is the pathway, and key to open the door.
Learning what all the pieces are to create the magic of healing and full living and integrate it into all of you is what Be The Medicine is all about.
Join us in sessions and classes and stay tuned for books, audios, online classes and more.
Begin by changing your focus today. Perfect Health.
Use this as a new affirmation daily. Perfect Health.
Bright Blessings, Janet 973-647-2500
Experience & Create Perfect Health - Brand New Class 2/16
For New, Current or Past students. 
Sunday February 16, Noon TO 4PM
AT Be The Medicine, 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960
Health is normal.
Come learn how to align with health and release disease, pain and depression.
This class will open you to new ways to live, heal and become the best you.
Medical Intuitive Energy Healer Shaman Janet StraightArrow has lived, studied and taught health and healing for 47 years.
StraightArrow has discovered many little known ways we can bring ourselves back to health, and maintain ourselves easily. Janet teaches you and helps you heal causes and create new solutions easily.
Her healing work with thousands of people has brought them to levels of health that the common medical beliefs and community have deemed impossible.
Everyday pains and problems are symptoms of bigger problems brewing. Learn how to look, listen and make healing actions to correct and clear the path in you to live health everyday.
There are many levels of responsibility we have to help us help ourselves. It is a joy because it works! Join us for this  introduction to how you can Be The Medicine for you.
You will also learn how to work with your medical support in ways that support you and your perfect health.
Let StraightArrow be your guide to a new way of thinking that puts you on track for a long healthy life.
RSVP TODAY 973-647-2500
Class includes recording, tools, teachings and practices.
Prepay by check to Be The Medicine 18 Bank St, Suite 300, Morristown, NJ 07960, or By PayPaL on Donate button on homepage of website
$100. BY 2/14. $125 at door. 
Free parking Sunday in the garage across the street. There will be continuing classes to take this deeper for healing professionals and everyone. Audio classes coming soon. 
Spiritual Oasis Evening Class
Third Thursdays 2/20 and 3/20, 7 to 9:30 PM
Join Janet StraightArrow for an evening of high energy, enlightenment and fun.
Deep meditation followed by spiritual teachings and sharing and more inner journeys with themes perfect for the group and night.
Each session is unique, practical, spiritual and life changing. Bring notebook and be ready to relax, receive and become more you.
Join us and bring a friend or family member for a deep experience and learning.  $40.
RSVP 973-647-2500 or 
Be The Medicine - Reiki 1 3/8
Professional Level Energy Medicine Training for Everyone.
Are you ready to heal?
Awaken your healing abilities and deeper understanding and tools to live a healthy, happy life. Begin to help others as well. This comprehensive 1.5 day class offers advanced teachings in addition to basic Reiki. Attunements, meditations and practice with everyone receiving a full healing session. A life changing class. Powerful help for people needing healing now.
Enjoy learning this hands-on healing art. Additional evening session scheduled in class by all attendees.
Reiki empowers your own healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, relieve stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, and heighten psychic abilities, aids connection to your higher power and much more! Healing can occur on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Added Be The Medicine teachings enhance the ability for you to use this in everyday life, attain great results, understand, and give and receive deep healing and relaxation.
$300. For complete training. by February 28. $325 after.
Pay by check to Be The Medicine, 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960. Or use PayPal for credit cards press donation button on home page and follow. 
Meditation & Spiritual Practice Saturday 3/15 noon to 4pm
Join us for more learning and practice. Monthly classes.
Are you ready to forge a deep connection to the divine and you? A meditation practice changes your life in all ways allowing peace and joy, love and positive focus to evolve in everyday life.
This class is for beginners and others who want to deepen their practice. Janet carries energy and teachings that take you farther and deeper on your journey. Meditation and spiritual practice helps us return to ourselves. Your life begins to make sense and become simpler. StraightArrow guides you in ways that support all of your life simply and easily.
Making time for practice is easier when you know how to quiet your mind and open your heart and souls brilliance. Janet will teach you simple clear ways to be present and clear in everyday life. Learn to tap into your spirit and soul connection and give your mind a vacation aligned with peace and harmony making all of your life happier, healthier and empowered.
RSVP required. Saturday, Noon to 4PM $100 prepaid by 2/6. $ the door. Bring notebook. Includes recording tools and practices. Checks to Be The Medicine 18 Bank St, Morristown, NJ 07960 location of the class. Credit by PayPal press donate button on home page of There will be continuing classes available.
Janet is a master who has studied with many masters, and a loving, wise guide on your journey to you.
To be responsible for self is you acting from a balanced place of wisdom, grace and love. To be responsible in the world requires you to be self-sustaining. 
We have been taught it is selfish to care for self-first, and yet it is by being awake, aware, supportive and present to the self that we can serve the world best.
It is the true self that balks and knows when things are off or incorrect. This inner self keeps gently asking you to self- correct. This same self knows the lies and wants truth. 
Return to Self-Truth-Love
We have learned since a child to know who we are by the reaction, opinion and input of others. We learned to look outside of us first to see if we are pleasing and can get what we need and want from parents, family, friends, teachers and others. This has taken us off track and created beliefs, fears and patterns that keep us out of trust and balance and out of our true self.
When we live this way, we do not learn how to be responsible and take care of us first, or even see others clearly. We do not know who we are, what we know, and what is important to us. Our brilliant core self is over lighted by people pleasing and getting others to do for us since a baby.
Learning to live from the inside out is a worthwhile practice to embody. Learning to live from your true self is an experience of growth in becoming the real you who is wise, capable and knows how to love and care for self.
Our spiritual-personal journey is to know who we are and to live from this sacred place. Unwinding the ties that bind us to our old pattern of giving to others first without considering or knowing self is a tricky process.
All worry, fear, judgment and pain is coming from a person out of touch with the feelings and needs of themselves. Instead of knowing what that is, we lash out at others. No one is to blame; it is the result of a codependent society in the midst of change.
Reacting is emotions that act like a Ping-Pong ball never to land. There is always a problem or people or things that upset you and keep you disconnected and off balance.
How to Respond & Be Present
Begin to support you and listen to your body, spirit and soul. By living in the flow of life giving energy, you give from a full cup.
Focus inward asking, "What do I need and want?" This is an important one, because when we do not pay attention to us first, we project judgment, blame and expectations on others. 
When you are not owning your center, you are tossed around emotionally and mentally which throws you into chaos.
Take care of you and getting your needs met and then you have plenty of energy and focus on what is occurring in all areas from the inside out.
Love yourself enough to live fully, freely in health and happiness, and you will be a good steward of the planet and you.
Happy Everything All!
Blessings on your Journey, Janet StraightArrow
Love To You Always-In Joy!
Know that your nature is love, beauty, light, joy, peace, health, truth, wisdom and grace.
You deserve the best and all you are here to do is be true to your nature.
Be Love and Love is all there is. Blessings of delight, Janet
Be The Medicine  •  18 Bank Street  •  Morristown, NJ 07960
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