Honey Dew Breath & Sound of Life; Medicina Sonora with Susana Tapia Leon
NYSC is proud to present:
with Susana Tapia León, Ecuadorian Medicine Woman
Sat. May 3, 10:30 - 5 pm, in Manhattan (details below)
Take to Heart...
Remember to trust the inner rhythms and wisdom of the body...
As we give ourselves the time needed for the one who loves to sing and resonate...By giving the care and support to the true and naked voice of the one who loves to run in the wilderness and whisper free melodies to the wind.
We will open ourselves to the strength of the heart's voice by chanting and toning from our sacral energy called the “womb-heart”, into the solar plexus, rising into the heart and then the pineal gland.
Enjoy as we bring endorphins into our blood stream to transport us into a deep sense of gratitude by which we enter into a deep understanding that we do create the reality in which we live.
As we create a new paradigm for our community.
To Register for Sat. May 3 from 10:00 am -5:00 pm
At The Discovery Project 104 Delancey St.
Cost: $150
To Register: email nyshamaniccircle@gmail.com
or call Irma at 718 396-4246
About Susana Tapia León
She is a holistic facilitator, medicine woman, artist and Visionary she lives in Ecuador.
She is now working on a book in her experiences as a midwife ”ALUMBRANDO" Giving Light.
Founder of Samana Takiwuas; House of Music and Rest. Author of a musical CD, Despertando el Corazon, Awakening the Heart, Voyage into the Self.
NY Shamanic Circle  •  214 SULLIVAN STREET #2A  •  NEW YORK, NY 10012
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