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Enjoy the Journey to You!
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Lots to think about and work with
in each paragraph.
Blessings of Delight!
Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine

Hidden In Plain Sight

Hidden In Plain Sight
EVERYDAY LIFE. Our life and the world are full of illusions and confusion. One thing about the journey is that as soon as we think we are done, we realize that we have just begun.
How do we discern and sort this out everyday to live a successful happy life? Enjoy this short form pathway below to begin your journey.
TRUST FEELINGS. Positive feelings, sad feelings and other feeling perceptions can give us powerful information to discover truth. Tune in and pay attention to what you feel and know and act from this inner place. If it feels good follow it. If it feels bad see what it is and heal it or reject it.
QUESTION EMOTIONS. It there is emotions involved it’s good to question things; emotions show us where we are a bit off and can get sidetracked. Emotions that pull us up and down are suspect. Even if you are over the top in a positive way, note where it may be out of truth. Emotions show us where we can heal to find balance and truth.
DISCERNING. Unknowingly we are the greatest liars to ourselves until we learn how to discern and know truth. There is no blame in this just a part of living in a world of illusions and stories to be okay in the world.
UNDERSTANDING CONFUSION. If there is confusion, there is both the truth and the lie at play and it is for you to sort it out. Our inner self knows the truth and is at odds with the lies that we accept or want to be true. This is what causes confusion. What we wish to be true does not make it true and puts a veil of suffering and pain over what is and keeps us stuck.
LOOK INSIDE. We are used to looking to others telling us the truth, and knowing better than us and for us, and who we are. As we step into our own inner wisdom and knowing we can see the world in new light.
HEALING. Healing the inner wars of ego allows you to relate to others in a balanced way. Our illusions and misperceptions are the result of past wounds in our life offered skewed perceptions. when we free us from this hidden pain and problems we are free to discern truth and live it.
INNER KNOWING. The journey of inner knowing and mastery is one worth taking. To know what you know and navigate the world from this place, creates a strong, full, clear life. Stop and pay attention to what you are engaged in. With inner reflection you find you know more than you own or speak.

ACCEPT TRUTH. Truth, like it or not, gives you strong information to work with firm ground to move forward with in our life. We have been trained to protect others and us from truth, when knowing and sharing truth makes everything work smoother.
SUPPORT YOU. The more you support you the more you can offer meaningful support to others. Love you enough to discover your inner truth and bring it to consciousness. Taking care of you allows the highest perspective allowing no illusions or detractors.
TRUST. When you know the highest truth you can live your highest potential. As you live truth you can know more about the truth in others and they will trust you as well.
LIVE TRUTH. The more you live and know truth the easier it is for you to see and navigate the world. Trusting your perceptions is easier when you are clear emotionally, mentally and your ego is balanced and strong.
RESPONSIBILITY. Truth evolves in its understanding as you awaken higher consciousness. As you take responsibility for your place in the world and in your life you can assist others do the same.
COMPASSION. When you can be compassionate and loving with others and know and live truth you are free. Compassion begins with you. Honoring you and that you are doing your best and have challenges too allows you to see the humanity and vulnerability in others too.
HIGHER GROUND. When you can be at total peace in the storms of life you have balanced ego and awakened soul.
This is a journey of awakening and becoming free. Life is simpler, easier and has more joy!
Blessings on your Journey,
Janet StraightArrow
Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!
Janet StraightArrow Ready for the Adventure
Janet StraightArrow
Ready for the Adventure
Call Janet today to expand the teachings and pathway above and learn how to live it in all areas of your life. The Path of self-mastery is one worth taking. Janet’s forty-seven years of study and practice offers a neutral, professional and grounded spiritual journey for those who are ready for depth and success.
Assisting you on your step-by-step evolution to freedom and fun from wherever you are is StraightArrow’s specialty. Having walked the walk, Janet offers you a direct path to enlightened full living in business, relationships, healing and everyday life and purpose.
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