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Largo Veterinary Hospital
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June 2016
JUNE: Adopt a Cat Month
Each spring during “kitten season,” thousands of newborn kittens join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country. That means your local shelter has tons of cute, cuddly newborns, in addition to all the mellow, older cats and everything in between.
Local shelters:
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Prevent Unnecessary Euthanasia in Shelters, Choose to Spay & Neuter Your Pets

 Over 3 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year due to overpopulation. Many of these animals are healthy and safe but there are not enough owners to care for them. Spaying and neutering are effective birth control methods that help to prevent overcrowded shelters.
Other Benefits of Spaying and Neutering
  • Female dogs will live a longer, healthier life with a reduced chance of uterine infections and breast cancer. Your female will never go into heat, avoiding having to clean up stains on your furniture and carpeting.
  • Male dogs: If neutering is completed before 6 months of age, you greatly reduce your dog's risk of testicular cancer and a variety of prostate problems. Neutering will lessen a male dog's urge to roam, promotes better behavior, and will decrease the desire to mount and mark his territory.
  • Neutering creates a less allergenic cat. This means that a cat's humans will have less allergic reactions to him due to a drop in his hormones that cause major cat allergens.
  • Male cats will have improved behavior. They are more likely to stay at home rather than wandering to try to find a female by roaming the streets of your neighborhood or urinating throughout your house and yard to mark his territory. Spaying and neutering can also prevent aggressive behavior like biting or fighting with other animals later in your cat's life.
  • Female cats will no longer have the side effects of heat. When female cats are in heat, which can occur every three weeks during a breeding season, depending on your cat's cycle, they will become very loud, bleed and frequently urinate in order to attract males. These effects can be a nuisance in your home and neighborhood.
  • Owners that spay their female kitten before her first heat can help to prevent diseases like mammary and ovarian cancer and uterine infections which are highly fatal in cats.
  • For male cats, neutering can prevent testicular tumors and will reduce prostate gland problems.
Summer Safety Tips for Dogs
  1. Sunscreen Dogs, especially those with short hair, white fur, and pink skin, can sunburn. To prevent sunburn, apply a waterproof sunscreen formulated for babies or pets. Be sure to cover the tips of your dog’s ears and nose, the skin around his mouth, and its back.
  2. Pool Safety Never throw your dog into the water.  Remember that pool chemicals can bother your dog's stomach and skin so limit their time and rinse them off with the hose after swimming. If swimming in a pool, make sure your dog knows where the stairs are located.
  3. Prevent Burned Foot Pads Sidewalk, patio, street, sand, and other surfaces can burn your dog’s footpads. Walk your dog in the morning and at night when outdoor surfaces are coolest. Press your hand onto surfaces for 30 seconds to test surfaces before allowing your dog to walk on them. If it is painful for you, it will be painful for your dog.
  4. Dehydration Prevent dehydration by providing your dog with unrestricted access to fresh and cool water both indoors and outside. Ice cubes and frozen chicken or beef broth encourage your dog to take in more fluids and help keep it cool.
  5. Parasites Ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects are at their peak during the summer months. Talk to Dr. Daniels and her staff about appropriate protection and prevention.
Feline Friendly Summer Safety Tips:
Even indoor cats love to explore outdoors. Taking your cat outside during the summer gives you both a chance to enjoy the weather. Let your cat roam in a fully enclosed area of your yard. And whether your cat lives outside or has the chance to explore only now and then, here are tips to ensure she stays safe:
  • Provide plenty of fresh water and make sure she has a shaded place to nap and stay cool.
  • Check her paws often, as tar from hot pavement can become embedded between the pads.
  • Clear your yard of plants that are poisonous to cats.
  • Keep vaccinations current! Wildlife is very active in the summer, and bites can be dangerous for your cat. If your cat is bitten, consult your veterinarian immediately.
  • Give your cat a collar and tags with your phone number in case she likes to explore too far from home.
Even if you keep your cat indoors, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the season:
  • Plant a cat garden. Grow cat grass or catnip indoors in pots or in a patch of your enclosed sunroom garden. Your cat will flip for dried catnip, and will love to munch on fresh cat grass.
  • Entertain your cat for hours by placing a bird feeder on or near a window where she naps. Your cat will love to watch the birds, and you'll love to watch her.
Meet "Romeo" Isackson Our
June 2016 Pet of the Month

Hi my name is "Romeo" and I am an 11 year old, black domestic long haired cat. My owner's think I'm special because he/we think I am a human. Something funny that happened to me was the time when mommy tried to give me medicine and I hid under the bed so she had to move the bed to get me. My owner's love me so much that they snuggle on the couch every day. I am a distraction that keeps them from getting much done. I am so spoiled that I even get to sleep with mommy and daddy every night.Unlike many cats I love to visit the vet because I love Dr. Daniels!

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Largo Veterinary Hospital  •  1120 Starkey Road  •  Largo  •  FL  •  33771

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