Early Spring?
Happy New Moon in Aquarius Today.
With 5 planets in this sign of change it is the time to allow yourself to flow with what is strongly moving in a new direction in your life and learn how to create new beginnings. Pluto and Jupiter in the steady sign of Capricorn gives us stability in the swirl of change.

Happy Valentines Day!
Love is truly the answer. Be Love and see your life soar!

It is pretty intense in the country and world this month.
Slow down. As the energy and time speed up and intensify it is more important than ever to pay attention every moment. What we think and do has a great impact and leads us in any given direction more quickly.
each choice in evry moment creates your life.
Slow down, choose wisely, eat slowly and carefully to nurish yourself.
Do things you enjoy and stop doing things you really do not want to do.
Enjoy people and give them more joy also

You are your best health insurance and always will be.
Learn all you can to take care of yourself now and reverse any dis-ease in yourself. You will save energy, pain, suffering and lots and lots of money and enjoy a long happy healthy life. Instead of spending hard earned money on drugs and illness you can enjoy abundant energy and activities.

I have enjoyed a great month of meeting amazing healers from allopathic and Natural Modalities. We have been exchanging sessions and stories and information from our experiences and training.
It is so exciting to learn what we can all do to help each other and ourselves

What would you like to improve in your life?
Do you have un explained pain?
Do you have symptoms or an illness that will not go away?
Do you experience anxiety or fear or depression?
Are you struggling in relationships, career?
Have you had cancer or another disease in remission and you
would like to heal the cause to help insure it will not return?
Are you stuck and ready to move but need assistance healing what is stopping you?
Are you trying to make sense of your life and purpose?
Would you like to learn how to heal yourself and make good choices?
Would you like to learn advanced tools for healing, awareness and spiritual advancement?
Do you suspect your home needs healing and clearing?
Call me today for a complimentary interview to see how I might be of assistance.
Offering the highest level of healing possible is my goal. As humans we are blessedly simple and very complex. The starightarrow pathway to healing is not a doing, it is a co-creative allowing of deep transformative healing to occur.

Medical Intuitive Reading and Sessions


Have you noticed that time has sped up? The Mayan calendar explains this in detail.
Much has been explored and written for hundreds of years about this time. And here we are living in it!
Each day is so full. There is a polorization of opposites; materialism and consumerism, and spirituality and responsibility, Weather extremes. Global communication.
Many people are waking up to living in concert with nature. Will the earth have a major meltdown or explosion as during the end of other Ages? Will we wake up to love and spirit and our connection to the earth and stars and all beings? It is a time of alignment with the center of the galaxy. Traditions speak of how information of all that has ever been and created is stored in the center core crystal of the earth, There is also the knowledge that is available from the center of the galaxy. On December 21, 2012 these two will be in full alignment.  With us in the middle. Will this give us a major breakthrough to awaken civilization?

Shamanic Astrology: Preparing for 2012;
Alchemy of Nine Dimensions and the Mayan Code
Enjoy an evening of Shamanic experiences and learning.
Janet StraightArrow will share teachings from Renown
Astrologer and Mayan and Cherokee Shaman
Barbara Hand Clow's transformative work and books
noted in the title. You might remember Hand Clow as one
of the first to write a full book on Chiron.

Tonight's presentation will offer understanding's on what it means
to us as we near 2012 and what we can do to prepare, bridging Astrology
with the cycles of the Mayan Calendar and our lives today.

Janet StraightArrow is a Shaman, Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer
and Astrology Practitioner dedicated to assisting people in
manifesting their best health, happiness, relationships, work
and purpose. Janet is completing her first book-
Be Your Own Medicine. Janet trained with Barbara
and her husband Gerry Clow in 2006 to teach this work
and offer ceremony and initiations,
Janet will offer the complete class, ceremony and initiations 
on a separate day with enough requests.
See and
for more information and let Janet know if you are interested.

February NCGR Mid-Hudson Chapter
Monday night February 11 7:30 PM see below for location and directions in Stone Ridge, NY on Rt 209  
9 Dimension Initiations and Full Day Class offered
with enough requests in NJ and NY in March-April



By 1992 I had been a student of healing and spirituality for twenty five years. I was also one of the top Real Estate agents in the state, supporting my family and persuing healing studies. My Real Estate broker told me of a man he met that was a Shaman. He had just opened a store in a local town and sold native jewelry and did healing work. I was very curious and went directly to his shop as soon as my work was complete that day.
This was all new to me but the one thing I appreciated in his shop was the quality jewelry. He was in the back corner of the shop counseling a couple, so I stayed on the opposite side of the store looking at the cases and waited.
Finally after about thirty minutes the couple left and he came over to me. He was slight with warm, deep blue eyes in faded blue jeans and a native tee shirt and thinning ponytail. So gentle and kind, I could feel the love eminating from him. We spoke for a few minutes and he took my hand and said "You are are Shaman and will do work like I do." Quite a shock and nothing I had ever heard from my guides. Under my breathe I said "right."
Life evolved from there. I walked my path from my heart and was led to many amazing experiences that awakened my knowledge and memories. Each Shaman has many gifts and purpose that are unique to them.
Natural gifts emerged and made sense. I was guided to study with many renowned healers and teachers of many lineages around the world and found more and more ways to heal hidden problems in people and the world. This whole perspective allowed me to deepen other studies in spirituality and healing.

I learned tools and knew how to teach them to people easily. My first name given was Heyoka Greywolf, one who is teacher with comedy and opposites. Instead of one approach, I see how people perceive and think and help them break through early training and blocks to awaken their gifts.Initiations are of energy, light and spirit and each person is guided and supported to reclaim their own special gifts, abilities and purpose. Meeting guides and teachers to help you along the way, learning to discern and work safely.safely. Each person connects with their soul self and learns to live from that place.

Healing has become easier and simpler as I evolved. Much is done over the phone and remotely.
People ask if I am Native American because of my name. My name refects my soul purpose and is not from any lineage but my own. This name was given to me four years ago and became my legal name. Dedicated to finding and living truth I have continued to study teachings from around the world and find we are all one.
Each lineage has pieces of the answer and pieces of the lie. It is for each of us to discern and grow in love and healing.

Shamanism is a way of living and healing in alignment with nature and the nature in all. It is also a way of seeing and working with everything as energy.My path hasbeen to neutrlize and unify the teachings so that each person can find their own way. This is not journey Shamanism, yet you will learn to travel and recevive information in many ways including the journey. An all inclusive way to live and work that blends easily in todays world.

Soul Shamanism is a spiritual path of service and healing for the earth, others and yourself. Timeless wisdom and knowledge are available as we awaken and step up to do what we can to assist in this amazing time of awakening. We are all one and we experience this unity and power in our work together.

StraightArrow’s purpose and teachings focus on healing self first. All love and healing comes through our heart and soul and how we are connected to the divine.

It is not a doing, it is a being the healing or the medicine that heals and empowers. You can open your heart and mind to see and assist others in their unique challenges only after you have accepted yours.

As you discover your blueprint and purpose, perfecting your abilities and unique gifts to be a responsible healing presence in the world you begin to assist others easily and clearly.

Spiritual life is logical, simple and easy to understand when working with neutrality and wisdom. Eliminating fears and limiting beliefs to open to the whole is important. Each tradition holds important pieces of the whole, as we awaken we remember the missing pieces and bring them together.

Wisdom practices and healing tools of spiritual and Shamanic traditions from around the world are taught. Empowerment of all is the way. We each have knowledge, gifts and abilities to complete and add to the whole. Ancient wisdom and knowledge come through each person. Community is important as we support each other as witness and friend.

Discernment is developed as you let go of fear and ego to work with neutrality and safety as you expand your ability to connect, honor and heal.

Using Shamanic tools and awareness to work with ancestors, spirit guidance, galaxies, lifetimes, nature and the spirit in all offers clear pathways to your life and purpose and to offer good service to all we are called to support.

training and healing


Letting Go Can Be Easy To Do
You know what you want and how you want your life to be.
You have read all the books and listened to all of the Cd's and yet you are still not
moving forward in the direction you would like to. There is more than one secret!

Janet StraightArrow has studied how and why people do not heal, let go of patterns,
pain and addictions so they can move forward. This class offers solutions. In this
experiential workshop Janet will help you untangle the knots of energy, fear and
inner dialog that keep you from moving forward.

Bring with you a specific issue to
work on, you may share it with the group or not. Through the processes, tools and
healing offered, you will learn to unstick yourself and be and do what you want to do.
This class offered in Woodstock at Mirabai on Sunday April 13 and at your location
or in private sessions.

April 13 in Woodstock, NY


One of my recent healer clients gave me this feedback after a phone session with him.
Janet, I want to learn how to do what you do.
You worked on so many levels of me at once and used laser like energy and a clear energy of deep love changing everything down to a cellular level and beyond. Addressing many issues of goodness and light about me as well as removing pains and illusions that I carried in all areas mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Working on a soul level and honoring me as you addressed deep issues. This was truly amazing and masterful and I know that healers and therapists from all modalities would want to know what you have to teach them to work on this level with themselves and others.

Healers of the Future will Be The Medicine... Whatever your calling as a healing professional you have an opportunity to discover a new way of working that prevents and cures as you heal others and yourself. Practitioners from all modalities can integrate this work into their individual specialties and lives immediately. This class is one of preliminaries that build in individual work and/or progressive professional trainings. Being the medicine challenges you to be healed and whole, living health, happiness, truth, beauty and light. Your energy and body will heal and you will better reflect and be aware of what you can do to assist others in amazingly simple, clear ways.

We are self-healing, self-generating energy beings. These Ancient teachings from the future effect transformation and change. This advanced energy work includes simple, precise, clear, holistic, logical teachings, tools and awareness. Learn a science of discovery of a very high order through direct experience to become familiar with working the five physical senses and beyond. Learn how to awaken, align and balance your entire being with vibrant life force energy. To access medicine on a deeper level the blindfold of current perception must be removed. StraightArrow does this in a beautiful playful energetic way.

Learn to relinquish traumas, memory recordings, energies and all contaminations of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reclaim and empower your own energy back to health and happiness. Profound awareness work begins a deep connection to the essence of your intelligence to discover more of who you are and what you can accomplish.

Now you can discover bringing many more people and yourself back to their original blueprint of alignment and health. Learn to control the signals of the body. You can stop the trauma of electrical signals of pain, anxiety and emotions. Mental immunity is possible. Learn to redeploy and reflect energy to balance, energize and remove pain. Be aligned with all of who you are. New perceptions open you up to the real. Many diagnoses that you place on people will not be the same when you learn to experience and see the energy of disease and dysfunction.

Clients, students and healing professionals have healed themselves in ways not thought possible before and they are moving patients, clients, friends and family into incredible wellness and health. New patterns and behaviors replace the old ones that created or reinforced the dysfunction. Your work with your patients and clients can begin to discover the causes to affect the solutions. Creativity and purpose replace former lifestyles and limitations.

Learn to Be The Protected Healer - Your telepathic body emanates healing or not with your patients and clients. What energies or messages are you transferring to them? What are you taking on from them? Healers can understand Shamanic level energy dynamics and learn how to protect themselves. Healers have become ill mentally and physically from their work with people. Learn how can this be prevented and cleared. Healers and Doctors can live long healthy lives. Learn to conserve energy to be able to recover and find eternal youth. You do not have to be sick or in pain.

You may not be a Shaman, but you do have natural gifts of healing and more to discover and develop your own unique purpose and alignment. Janet offers individual phone counseling to clients and professionals across the USA and Europe. Janet is writing books and recording CD's on this exciting new Ancient work and offers classes only as the students call. Call Janet StraightArrow at 845-853-9998 for a personal interview or for more information.
Professional Healers Training
Personal one on one work is a beginning and will continue throughout training. each person deepens their healing abilities through working through their own jouney of awakening and healing.

private interview, consultation or session

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy

Jonathan Holasek, Doctor of Acupuncture, CA, L. Ac.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John Upledger in the 1970’s. CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system.

The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect both the brain and spinal cord. The craniosacral system functions to protect and nourish the central nervous system (CNS). An important component of nourishing the CNS is removing cellular waste products, thereby avoiding toxic accumulation of metabolic byproducts.

The rhythm of the circulating cerebrospinal fluid is the third major rhythm of the body, separate and distinct from the cardiac and respiratory rhythms. CranioSacral practitioners use a very gentle touch, generally no greater than the weight of a nickel (5 grams), to monitor, evaluate and release restrictions in the craniosacral system. This balancing allows improved function of the CNS and complements the body’s natural healing processes. Due to this ability to bolster resistance to disease, it is increasingly used as a preventive health measure and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:

·         Migraine Headaches

·         Chronic Neck and Back Pain

·         Motor-Coordination Impairments

·         Colic

·         Autism

·         Central Nervous System Disorders

·         Orthopedic Problems

·         Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries

·         Scoliosis

·         Infantile Disorders

·         Learning Disabilities

·         Chronic Fatigue

·         Emotional Difficulties

·         Stress and Tension-Related Problems

·         Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders

·         Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

·         Neurovascular or Immune Disorders

·         Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

·         Post-Surgical Dysfunction

An advanced therapeutic application of CST called SomatoEmotional Release (SER) helps rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma. Recognizing the tissue memory of physical and emotional traumas, their resultant energy cysts are located and released. This oftentimes includes the subsequent suppressed emotions that may be inhibiting full structural healing. Clearing these root causes results in a more complete and lasting healing process.

CST and SER complement and enhance other healing therapies, including acupuncture and other forms of energy and bodywork.



To Contact Dr Holasek


I have had my chakras balanced and had some Reiki sessions and other energy work.
Why would I continue to need energy healing?

Dear Reader,
I wondered about this myself in the beginning.
The more I live this life consciously, the more I realize that we carry a lot of old energy, patterns, and problems from this life, past life and geneology that lowers our energy and causes disease, depression and pain.
Our environment and current life experiences also impact our energy, ourselves in many ways.
We are beings of energy and light. To keep our energy high helps us release energy that is trapped in us and to create a protection from the environment. continued balancing is required as we are constantly changing and transforming.
There are ways you can help yourself each day to keep your energy raised and to empower your sessions and healing process.
1-Breathe deeply and consciously throughout the day. This builds up your energy and will help repel energy that might be affecting you in your environment.
2-Eat nutrient filled easily digestable foods. This keeps your energy smooth and balanced and builds up your energy field and body and also repels environmental energies.
3-Pay attention to your thoughts. Keep them positive, productive and present.
4-Trust your feelings. If it or someone or something does not feel good or correct, and also if it does feel correct, trust your knowing and act accordingly.
Continued energy work acomplishes a lot on many levels. Enjoy your continued healing and awakening.
Blessings and Joy!


healing, spirituality, relationships, astrology and anything you find on on


suggested books this month

WHEELS OF LIGHT By Rosalyn L Bruyere
Rosayn in renowned in the field of energy medicine.
This book is a good for healers and everyone.
Very complete and covers chakras and how to see, feel and work with energy

Uncover the secret to better health and wellness
An innovative program to ridding the body of acidic wastes
In my forty years of studying nutrition and healing this is an excellent resourse
of understanding and implementing the importance of foods and healing
Specific programs for diseases and pain

One of the most powerful books on understanding yourself through the number of your birth.
He speaks fo strengths and challenges and gives specific prescriptions for how o balance and actualize your life
I have worked with others and myself with this and it is amazingly accurate and untimately helpful


Come join us and experience healing yourself in new ways.

We each carry all of our information in our bodies and energy fields.

Learn to gain access information about yourself  physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual, and learn how to begin healing yourself.

You can know which healer or medical practitioner to work with, and more,
from your bodys wisdom.

In this class learn to open up to new tools and practices using examples of
questions you have about yourself that you bring to the class.

Be Your Own Medicine, A Journey to Healing is an upcoming book and process
of learning; perspectives, tools and practices awakening your innate abilities and
knowledge to enjoy and be in the drivers seat of your life and health.
Janet is a master at opening up the energy for you to heal, know and love yourself and the divine.

sponsor this class at your location


Please feel free to contact me if I may be of Service.
May All Beings Be Content
Janet StraightArrow

North and Central New Jersey,Woodstock, NY and Phone
I will travel to teach groups


In This Issue:

CranioSacral Therapy
suggested books this month
Progressive Dentistry
Contact Info


I am setting up a network of top practitioners to refer to clients.
We all have a variety of skills and gifts to offer.
The best way to network is through other practitioners.
No one does it all, nor should we try to.
Together we can weave a whole to offer solutions for patients and clients.

I often see clients who have deeper spiritual, emotional, mental and physical issues that are not usually completely helped through other healing modalities. As a Medical Intuitive I perceive energy, issues, memories, patterns, thoughts, pain, problems, beliefs, fears, wounds and assist the client in untieing the knots of what is holding the problems, imbalances, dis-ease in place. The body speaks to me and tells me what it needs.Shamanic awareness has helped me see deeper into things and how to extract and transform energies and help the client reclaim energy, healing, soul and purpose. Homework is often empowering and fun! Making healing changes in all levels of your life can be easy. Tracking causes and what is occuring on more subtle levels and dimensions are not seen in xrays nor do they show up in tests and in any of the wonderful diognostic machines now available. Everything has a cause and many solutions are offered as well as a very deep level of energy healing. A VARIETY OF TOOLS, PRACTICES, PRACTITIONERS OR MODALITIES ARE SUGGESTED TO HELP CONTINUE THE HEALING AS APPROPRIATE.

Once these deep places are healed the work other healers offer goes deeper and clients are able to continue to do what they need to to heal completely. Working together we can assist people reach their healing goals.

CURRENTLY I am available for sessions several Saturdays and a couple of weekdays a month in Morristown, and Whitehouse Station, NJ.
Phone sessions available each week.
New Classes for past students and new students forming.
Please contact me if you areinterested inexploring deep healing work in community.

Woodstock this Saturday 2/10 and Tuesday 2/13 a class Monday night in Stone Ridge and a healing circle- Tuesday. call for details. 845-853-9998

I will be in Woodstock the second Saturday and Tuesday of the month

Please call to schedule a session or a class.

Gift Certificates are available.
Telephone healing, counseling and Medical Intuitive Sessions
Private teaching is also available

services on web site


After twenty years of chronic back pain in my entire back, the doctors told me I had to live with from a car accident, I called Janet to work on another issue. She suggested we focus on releasing the pain in my body to help me open up to healing everything, I was so used to the pain I had not imagined I would even be free of it. In one session she helped me remove the pain from my body and when she asked me about it a few weeks later I had even forgotten I had ever had it! I am pain free two years later."

"I came to Janet with pain in my shoulder. As we worked together she was guided to my chest and asked me about my breathing. I had problems breathing for five years and had accepted it. Janet pursued the area until we uncovered what the blocked energy was and where it came from. We healed the memory and the cause and removed the energy and my full capacity of breathing has returned. Nine months later my breathing is still great."

"My right foot was in constant pain and numbness for years, I was so used to it I did not think about it. Janet noticed this when we were working on something else and immediately began to heal it. In five minutes, Janet was able to release the muscles and nerves in some way that opened my foot. Five months later I still have full functioning of my foot and remain pain free. What is amazing is that this was all done on the phone!"
"...I have found in working with Janet an inner peace and love that I did not seem to have before. The one thing that is especially true is that I felt comfort and trust with her and felt she is working from a "good place" on this planet, and her intentions are true. I found her to have “no judgments” about people and is very accepting of all and respectful of where people are in their journey. Thank you and I know you will be helpful to many others."
-Love, C.E.

"My progressive work with Janet has given me a life and health better than when I was younger. I no longer accept deterioration and pain and disease as a necessary part of aging. I have learned how to not only heal and reverse past problems but also prevent any new problems from becoming permanent."
"I brought my baby to Janet when she was three months old. My daughter would always cry with everyone except me, and I did not know what to do. Janet was able to find the memory that was keeping my daughter from feeling safe with others and healed it. She began to smile and let other people pick her up the next day. Today at eight years old she is the most social person you would

"After years of dancing I was still terrified to dance on stage and stiffened up instead of flowing as I could off stage. In one session I released a memory and fear of dancing on stage that was preventing me from living my dream. One year later I am still dancing professionally with ease".
"In one session I healed a childhood trauma that had been plaguing me my entire life. It no longer upset me or kept replaying in my head after the healing. After four more healing sessions and three classes I went off anti-depressant medication. I know I have to continue to practice the tools Janet taught me to continue my healing. Five months later I am still feeling great.




Jonathan Holasek, Doctor of Acupuncture
Mountain Lakes Integrated Healthcare
Integrative Medicine for Holistic Health & Happiness
Acupuncture, CranioSacral and MicroCurrent & Color Light Therapies
115 US Rt. 46, Suite A3
Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046
973 331 0200

contact for Dr Holasek

Progressive Dentistry

Jeffrey Oras, DMD
Holistic Dentistry
109 Main Street
White House Station, NJ
Call  Dr Oras Consultation-All ages

Integrative Medical team
of practitioners offering a holistic approach for all
Dr Oras and Dr Sharon Rasa and Janet StraightArrow

Exceptional care and treatment

IN MORRISTOWN NJ Rachael Valeich
and her team of Professionals also offer some
Home visits and Gift Certificates are Available

Janet Available in this location

Schedule a Massage

Dr Sharon Lee Rasa Chiropractor,
Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral,
109 Main St White House Station, NJ
Janet available in this location

Hunterdon Holistic Center


Shelagh Waters-Dwyer
115 Rt. 46 West Suite A 3
Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046

Phone and In Person Sessions and Classes
New Services and Classes with Shelagh
See web site below
Janet teaches classes and sees clients in this location




Janet StraightArrow
Woman of Medicine, Medical Intuitive, Integrative Energy Healer
Director, Oasis For The Soul
P O Box 196
Hopatcong, NJ 07843

• • • •

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