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Monthly News for April 2018
Minister's Message
Despite the chilly mornings and evenings, Spring is in the air. The Spring Equinox occurred on March 22 and the days are already longer. It is a time of new life, hay-fever and other allergies, and perhaps a bit of romance is in the air as well. Yes, romance! The winter garb comes off, brighter colors are worn, more skin is somehow showing and a young person's (perhaps I should say the young at heart) fancy turns to...romance? I know. It sounds so cliche, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Whether one explains it with the saying "opposites attract" or "like attracts like," there is something mystical about the way we attract people into our lives, particularly our lovers.
There appears to be some type of intelligent set up by the universe that ensures we attract the people who will cause us to take a deeper look at ourselves. At least it seems like that to me. The people we are attracted to and who are attracted to us are the ones who volunteer consciously or unconsciously to heal our unseen wounds....                             Minister's Message continued
Sunday Services 

Sunday, 8 April 2018, 11 amsulock
Dot Sulock
“Resisting Militarization”

Two problems threaten human civilization, climate change and nuclear war. Climate change is a slow moving threat. Nuclear war could begin in a half hour. We need to resist both connected problems. Resisting climate change helps resist militarization because scarcities such as less living space and less food will cause conflict. Resisting militarization starts with painful awareness of militarization followed by persistent creative action. Actions can be centered in individuals, the family, educational institutions, churches, financial institutions, the political arena, the arts, the United Nations, NGOs and other arenas. Acting benefits creation and benefits the actor as well. Dot Sulock taught at UNCA for forty years. Her teaching for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) has included renewable energy, nuclear weapons nonproliferation, missile defense, the smart grid, the UN, and refugees. She is involved with many organizations including Sierra Club, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Women in Black, the World Affairs Council, and the United Nations Association.

Sunday, 15 April 2018, 11 am
Rev. Michael J.S. Carter
“The Harvest of Their Tongues”

The Teacher Jesus reminds us that it is not what goes into the mouth of an individual, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles him. (Matthew 15.11) One of the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha is “right speech.”  Once a person asked the Prophet Muhammad for a description of what kind of good work would admit him into Paradise and distance himself from hellfire. The Prophet Muhammad said, "does anything topple people headlong into Hellfire more than the harvests of their tongues?” Hinduism says that talking too much is like scratching an itch. You talk and talk until somebody changes the subject for you, or until somebody does something else you can comment on or talk about. Let’s talk about the trouble our constant talking can bring us and what is appropriate speech.

Sunday, 22 April 2018, 11 am
M Carter by H Way (1)Rev. Michael J.S. Carter
“Have a Heart”

In a society which prizes intellectual acuity, that worships the life of the mind, what price do we pay when we neglect our hearts? This morning’s talk focuses on the strongest  muscle in the human body and how we ignore it at our peril. By listening to the subtle energy and wisdom each of us has within our hearts, we can learn valuable lessons for loving, working, playing, and healing. We may also have a better relationship with our planet and each other. Happy Earth Day!
Sunday, 29 April 2018, 11 am
Sally Coxe
Peace, Love, and Bonobos:
How a Great Ape Can Lead Us to a Better World

Bonobos are endangered great apes, sharing almost 99% of our DNA. Our other closest primate relative, the chimpanzee, is known for its male-dominated, competitive and sometimes brutally violent society. The bonobos, by contrast, exhibit a peaceful, matriarchal, and cooperative culture. At this time in our own cultural evolution as a species, we humans would do well to learn from and emulate the bonobo side of ourselves, in order to save our own species and our planet.  An Asheville native, Sally Jewell Coxe is founder and president of the Bonobo Conservation Initiative. She has dedicated her life to protecting bonobos and their habitat in the Congo Basin.
Sunday, 6 May 2018, 11 am
Rev. Chris Andrews
Real Magic

Rev. Andrews is a frequent visitor to our congregation. He writes, "I am going to use some ideas from a book I read recently by Dr. James Doty--'Into the Magic Shop'. He is a neurosurgeon who, as a young boy, has the good fortune to meet a woman who teaches him the magic of opening his heart through a series of exercises.The lessons learned as a teenager guide Dr. Doty in his career of medicine. He shares how an open heart brings one to the real magic of accepting others and caring deeply for all."

The Rev. Chris Andrews has lived in Louisiana for most of his life. Formerly a minister in the United Methodist Church for 42 years, he served at 1st UMC in Baton Rouge for many of those years. He now leads Jubilee Pioneers, an eclectic group of folks in Baton Rouge seeking ways to practice “good religion.” He is not a Christian, but instead calls himself a “follower of Jesus.” 
RE News 
We are rapidly approaching the end of the program year here in Children's Religious Education. This month we will be reviewing what we've learned and coming up with some groovy ways to share it with you all at the Religious Education Service in May. 
Please stay tuned for details about our summer activities that are in the works right now. Do you have a hobby or passion that you would be willing to share with the children? Talk to Beata to find out how you can show our younger UUs you think they are important!
And now for our Meet Children's RE!
This month I would like to introduce you to Remy​!
Remy is a ball of energy who loves the outdoors. He is in Cub Scouts and likes trying new food his dad makes. The "travel" in the Passport to Spirituality class has been right up his alley as he wants to see the world and learn everything!                               
Climate Justice 
From Sustainability to Climate Justice Conference
May 20 - May 25 2018
at the Mountain Learning and Retreat Center in Highlands, NC

 "It’s easy to become discouraged or overwhelmed by the climate crisis. We feel better when we take small steps toward sustainability, but the scale of the global challenge is vast. Responding to the comprehensiveness of climate justice issues, this conference is designed to broaden your understanding of:
  • the science of climate change and its worldwide impact
  • opportunities for addressing climate justice – personally, locally and globally
  • the importance of self-care in the work of climate justice"
Editor's note: if you are passionate about the environment this conference promises to inspire, inform and empower. There are some stellar featured speakers for this program, including (famed singer/songwriter/advocate) Rev. Fred Small, storyteller David Novak, environmental scientist Richard Cume and several more. If you've never been to "The Mountain," a UU retreat center near Highlands, this might be just the time to go! Take a like-minded friend or two along for synergy, and then bring it home to UUCSV!
Board Report
From your Board of Trustees: This is a summary of the minutes from our March meeting. The detailed minutes are posted in the foyer.
     The Treasurer's report was submitted in writing because Lee was not able to attend the meeting.
     Ursula Goebels-Ellis submitted in writing that she would like Jay Ellis’ bequest to the congregation be used to fund the Memorial Garden, with any remaining funds going into the church coffer. 
     Problems with the AV system include the wireless microphone, an outdated data projector, an older DVD player, and a need to upgrade computer inputs for modern laptops. Around $3000 would replace existing equipment that needs replacement. There has been a request for a wireless hearing aid loop system which would cost an estimated $6000. David Reid suggested the audio quality on Sunday morning is the highest priority. The next priority would be to replace the LCD projector. It was decided, at this time, to replace the lapel mic by a certified installer. Other replacements/purchases will be considered for budgeting at a later time.
     Recently someone used the lockbox to access the building but did not lock the building or put away the key when leaving. The BoT decided to have Tricia keep a list of persons who have the code and to change the code periodically beginning July first.  
     The Board established a nominating committee for the recruitment of future Board Members.
     The Board decided to allow Rhea to dispose of the folding chairs which have been stored outside under a tarp for several years.
     The Board approved Emory to place on our website contact information for out-of-town UU's seeking homestays with hosts from our congregation, as a fundraiser for the congregation.
Next month, the Board members will discuss the, Safe and Civil Church policy.
Minister's Message continued
...Within each of us are the impressions of every experience we have had in our lifetime, Some of those impressions are smooth. Some are very rough and rocky. Some of the imprints are shallow and others are very deep. The depth and texture of each one depends on our response, our reaction during an experience. 
The smoother, more shallow imprints may indicate a gentle more peaceful experience. The rougher, deeper imprints may indicated harsh, less loving experiences. As we have new experiences, some of the patterns are repeated, creating mental and emotional responses within us. As far as relationships are concerned, we attract people whose impressions are similar to our own. The interactions we have with the other person evoke the responses within us that require healing. By the same token, our behavior stirs the responses that are imprinted within the other. The healing takes place when WE CHOOSE a new response. All is choice.
The next time your interactions with another person evoke anger, fear, sadness, or any other painful response, know that you are in the process of healing if you choose to learn from the experience! In the precise moment that you feel the need to react instead of respond, call on love and thank the person (verbally or internally) for showing you things about yourself that you need to know. Those who sometime push our buttons are our teachers. Of course this does not mean allowing anyone to abuse you, for good boundaries are essential. When someone evokes a negative response in you, remember they are helping you to heal. 
In the meantime, enjoy the fancies the season of Spring has in store for you.
" ... Spring is a finishing but it is a beginning too. We celebrate our Easter times and talk of resurrected gods and men in our forgetfulness. It's only right that such ideas should come in Spring. We forgot, and didn't have our priests walk out across the earth and see its waking up. We ought to rake up the sophistry and sacred stillness, and simply walk upon the land, and stop to hear its yawning after sleep and see it stretch up for sun.... we ought to join again the family of the earth. We ought to go as worshipers and see the face of God speak to the earth and speak to us from out the folds of burdock sprout, and the moist brown mass of April clod.
                                           --- Max Coots (Seasons of The Self) 
In this issue:
Minister's Message
Sunday Services 
RE News 
Climate Justice 
Board Report
Opportunity to Serve
NVC Study Group
Garden Sprites?
Choir News
Women's Group
Friday Fling
PSI Group
New Members Preview
Care Team 
Opportunity to Serve
UUCSV needs to fill three upcoming vacancies on the Board of Trustees. If you are interested in serving, please contact a member of the nominating committee: Susan Culler, Pam Sain or Dave Wells. You must be a member of UUCSV to serve on the Board.
Candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees will be voted on during the upcoming congregational meeting.  New members of the Board will serve a two year term starting July 2018.
NVC Study Group
The NVC/Compassionate Communication study group sponsored by the Social Action Committee will continue to meet on Monday nights throughout April from 6:30-8:00 pm.  Drop in if you would like to learn more.
Garden Sprites?
Do you love to garden but don't have the space?  Have we got a deal for you!  Phil Evanzo is unable to work his garden this season and would love to supervise some willing workers. He will buy the seeds, plants, mulch, etc. You do the fun, sweaty work. Your reward? Half of the harvest.
If this sounds like fun to you, please contact either Phil or Tina at 828-686-0530.  Many Thanks.
Choir News
In the month of April, the UUCSV Choir will perform on the 22nd. We will rehearse on April 15th at 12:15, on Wednesday the18th at 7 PM, and then on Sunday the 22nd at 10 AM before the service. We are enjoying several new singers who are really rounding out the choir.   Come and sing with us!   Linda Metzner,  choir director
Women's Group
The Women's group will
meet on Friday April 13 at 1:00 pm at the Lynx Condos Community Room. Discussion will focus on a quotation, currently being selected by the members.  The topic will be announced in the Current on April 9th.
Friday Fling
April’s Friday Fling, a fun party for grown-ups, usually every third Friday of the month, will be held on 20 April at the UUCSV church. Red and white refreshments will be provided; please bring a potluck dish to share.
First movie choice: Sordid Lives (2001; Olivia Newton-John, Beau Bridges, Delta Burke; hilarious black comedy about white trash, and the consequences when Grandma Peggy dies after tripping over her lover's wooden legs). Second movie choice: Calendar Girls (2003; Helen Mirren, Julie Walters; middle-aged women in a small English town pose naked for a fund-raising calendar).
Potluck begins at 6:30. For further information call Norm Kowal (458-4537).   
PSI Group
The topic for the Psi (Intuitive Development) meeting on April 24 at 1:30 pm is Morphic Resonance described by Rupert Sheldrake.  He proposed that biological memory is inherent in nature. Since 1920, developmental biologists have proposed that biological organization depends on fields, variously called biological,  developmental, or morphogenetic fields. These fields evolve. The fields of Afghan hounds and poodles have become different from those of their common ancestors, wolves. How are these fields inherited? Sheldrake proposes that they are transmitted from past members of the species through a kind of non-local resonance, called morphic resonance. 
New Members Preview
 Ruth Pittard
 Andy Reed
Please welcome these new members and come back next month to read their  biographical introductions!  In the meantime, here's a trivia question for you. Ruth and Andy happen to have something in common that has engaged them in service to the UUCSV,  What is it?
Care Team 
Deb Vingle is the coordinator of our Congregational Care Team. You can reach Deb at 828-674-4290 or at
Thanks, Deb! 
Next Newsletter 
The deadline for the May Newsletter is  April  25th. Please  submit  items to this   address. The best format is simply in the body of an email. 
UUCSV Leadership
Board of Trustees:

Jim Carillon
Kathryn Coyle
Susan Culler, Vice-Pres.
Bob Falanga
Pam Sain
Carol Sheeler
David Wells, President 
Rev. Michael Carter,
ex-officio, non-voting
Board Member
Lee Reading

UUCSV  •  500 Montreat Road  •  Black Mountain, NC 28711

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