Thanksgiving: Sweet Sacral Chakra
What better time than Thanksgiving for the delicious 2nd or Sacral Chakra, nestled in the "sacred" basin of life, our pelvic cradle. Deep orange color (yams anyone?) expresses the richness of "Svadhisthana", often translated "Sweetness" and meaning literally "Self-Place", the place of our deepest preferences, likes and dislikes. Creativity and sexuality birth from this cradle. 2nd Chakra imbalance often spells trouble with appetites or emotions, running too high or too low. Bladder, kidney and plasma, our fluid-regulating systems, benefit from a healthy hip Chakra.
Sacral Chakra develops in age 6-18 months, and its block is Guilt. "Guilty pleasure" names the Sacral Chakra block. Feelings themselves are not right or wrong; it is our actions that are ethical or unethical. Unblock guilt with the sound "oooo"; energize with the voluptuous "Vam"; both can be silent or vocalized. Affirm Svadhisthana's rights: "I have the right to feel. I have the right to want." When we acknowledge our unique mixture of feelings that makes us the individual we are, we begin to know ourselves better; thus, to balance Sacral Chakra.
Anodea Judith on Chakras
Bath Yoga: Ayurveda, Abhyanga and Aromatherapy
Fight the arid winds of winter's "Vata"(space, air) imbalance. A majority of the population tends toward Vata anyway, more than "Kapha" (earth, water) and "Pitta" (fire, water). Add the hectic holiday hustle and mobility, and we seriously need some grounding and moisturizing.
An aromatic bubble bath is a great home remedy for Vata imbalance. A moisturizing gel to replace soap, will not dry your skin, and allows great gliding over the muscles for "abhyanga", self-massage. Work out the kinks of tired, sore muscles using knuckles, heels of hands, and fingers to massage thighs, calves, gluteals, and soles and arches of your feet. Do Moving Cat when you first enter the fragrant waters: inhale to a gentle spinal arch, exhale to a gently rounded spine. Seated in Bound Angular/Cobbler (Baddha Konasana), releasing outer thighs to bathtub floor, and lengthen forward from the hips, toward the bubbles, to wash your face with a washcloth when you fold forward. A Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana), with one leg straight and one knee bent, twisting toward the bent leg, cleans and rinses inside, as well as out. And nothing beats bubble bath Savasana, with face just peeking out from the hum of the underwater world.
When you emerge, slather yourself with aromatherapy lotion - traditionalists use ghee, clarified butter. Wrap in thick, grounding, earthy textures. Get some rest, sheltering the fire, earth, and water elements you need to brace for November's Vata dosha of space and air, the blowing winds.
Scott Gerson on Ayurveda
Tropical Retreat: $100 Holiday Gift Certificate!
Holiday Gift for Yourself: Yoga Retreat with Mary! Caribbean Island of St. Lucia, February 24 to March 3, 2007: 7 Days in Paradise! Air Jamaica flies direct to UVF airport, 15 minute-drive from our private resort. Snorkeling beaches, rainforest waterfalls, natural springs, lush, amazing surroundings, fresh prepared cuisine and twice-daily Yoga to tune into ourselves, Nature and Spirit: a seven-day Chakra balancing retreat! Space limited. See link for details. To redeem "Mary's Holiday Discount" for $100 off, call Patricia Perkins 212.731.2478 when you register. All levels from Beginner to Advanced are welcome.
Mary's Tropical Escape
Yoga Works: November Gift Cards!
My Thurs. & Fri. classes at Yoga Works East Side:
* Thurs. 12-1 Lunch Express Ishta Level 1
* Fri. 10:45-11:45 Ishta Level 1 & 2: Flow and Restore
GIFT #1: From Nov. 17-30, Yoga Works has a sweet "Bring a Friend" deal: if you ARE a Yoga Works student, bring a new student friend and s/he gets a week of FREE unlimited classes!
GIFT # 2 & #3: If YOU are new to Yoga Works, click link for 2 weeks unlimited classes at all four Manhattan studios, for $25! For "First Class Free" cards for NEW students, call/email me to send/give you one.
Yoga Works $25 for 2 Weeks: New Students
New York Health & Racquet Lunchtime Class
Tues. at New York Health & Racquet Club 23 St.:
* Tues. 1-2 Vinyasa Flow: level Open
Come enjoy NYHRC's flagship facilities at 23 St. & 6th Avenue. Yoga classes are booming in gyms across the country. To request more classes/styles/times, call or email Mary Ann Donner, group fitness director, To thank Jim Rodino for the yoga props, or to request more props:
NY Health & Racquet 23 St.
Gift of Support with Trees Through Boy Scouts
Buy your Christmas Tree this year through Boy Scout Troop #1 in Manhattan and support boys' ventures all year-round. Visit their 3 sites on the 2 middle weekends in December: Dec. 9th and 10th; Dec. 16th and 17th. They sell from 9am to 8pm each of the four days. Free delivery; fresh cuts; stands available. The fragrant Fraser Fir starts at $65 for 5-6' tall. The 3 sites are:
East 56th Street at 1st Ave
East 72nd Street at 1 st Ave
East 79th Street at 3rd Ave
Or: Contact me to pre-order, for truck delivery and $5 discount, and details of sizes and prices. Receipts available for your records.
Troop One: Boy and Cub Scouts
Gift Idea: New York Yoga Passbook
Try this out for the yogi in your life: a tour of NYC yoga, dance & Pilates studios! Great value!
NY Yoga Passbook 2007 |
Gifts to the World: Hunger Site
Click daily and sponsoring corporations will donate. Connected sites include Breast Cancer Site, Child Health Site, Literacy Site, Rainforest Site, Animal Rescue Site.
Click to Donate for Free |
Gift Registry: Heifer International
Heifer International provides beautiful gift cards when you honor a loved one with a gift of precious livestock and husbandry education for families and communities around the globe. They now let you set up a Gift Registry allowing others to donate YOUR wish list of livestock in YOUR honor.
Gifts of Livestock for Loved Ones |
$100 Gift Certificate: Mary's Tropical Retreat
Register by phone with Tropical Escapes 212.731.2478 for Mary's retreat and mention Mary's Holiday Gift Certificate to get $100 off the listed price!
$100 Off Mary's Retreat |
Gifts of Metta Blessings
Metta, or Lovingkindness, is the gift of kindness sent energetically through prayers or offerings in this ancient Buddhist meditation tradition. Simplest of gifts for year-round, not just holiday time.
Metta Meditations |