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Belinda Dunn

Harmony Astrology
828 215-2101

- Transits & Progressions
- How to Interpret Trends in Your Astrology Chart
Saturday, January 23
10 - 4 pm
Please email for questions and registration

12 month update of Cosmic Trends (Transits and Progressions)  -  Personalized to you, this complete interpretation includes eclipses, Mercury retrogrades, current challenge and opportunity areas, long term trends activating this year and much more. Clearly and consciously prepare for 2010  and a new decade.  $95.
Full listing of services and prices at


 by Belinda Dunn
January 2010
Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse
January 15 @ 2:11 a.m.
Mercury Direct
 January 15 @ 11:52 a.m.
Leo/Aquarius Full Moon
 January 30 @ 1:18 a.m.
A New Year . . . a new decade. With Y2K and 9/11 far behind us, it is time to look forward with open eyes, and discern planetary patterns in light of the past, but not limited to the past. Many significant steps and changes have taken place over the past decade. And we know one thing for sure, the rapid acceleration of change is not due to slow down anytime soon. From the big global picture to our individual lives, each of us are faced with the necessity for adaptation, flexibility and open minded responsiveness to the events at hand.
The year begins, as in any given year, with the Sun in Capricorn. This is the zodiac sign of maturity, organization, planning and goal setting. The realism of Capricorn grounds us, tests us, and refines personal motives in light of professional and socially responsible goals. This is the zodiac sign of "dharma," loosely translated as duty. Typically, duty feels like what we have to do, tinged with obligation, guilt and resentment, but dharma is defined by a sense of overall contribution and purpose.
This is the time of year to think through your current circumstances and ask yourself, "If I continue with this course of action, where will it take me one year from now, two years from now, a full decade from now?" This may sound frivolous and ridiculous to the more spontaneous types out there, but, those of you with Capricorn prominent in your astrology chart, understand the flow of time. You recognize how time can so easily get away from us, and how fulfilling it is to follow a plan, and manifest your goals in a responsible way.
January is a naturally introspective month as Mercury is in Capricorn and retrograde until January 15. The energies of January almost insist upon evaluation. In fact, during a Mercury retrograde period, life circumstances tend to support review and consideration of all plans. For some of you, this can be frustrating and maddening in light of things not working, or a lack of clarity, but most of us will experience this phase as complimentary and necessary in the cycle of life. This is an excellent time to modify goals. Not in a rigid, self judging way, but in a way that takes into consideration who you are now.
January 15 stands out in other ways. The day Mercury goes direct, giving us the go ahead, there is a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. This combination provides an intense recognition of what needs to be discarded, and what needs to be developed and maintained. Capricorn is all about structure, the social structures of government, business and economics to the basic structure of the human body, bones and teeth. The structure of time in the flow of our days, and the flow of life cycles. In most cases, the theme of re-organization will take place throughout January and the first week of February. Whether we like it or not, recognize it or not, January 2010 sets the pace for this year and years to come.
Eclipses are the exclamation points of life on Earth. They bring that which has been hidden, suppressed or denied to the surface, front and center. You may recall the Lunar Eclipse on New Year’s Eve was felt earlier in December. People have been extra sensitive, emotionally tender and reactive. Secrets burst out of hiding into view. The current eclipse cycle activates the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Cancer, emphasizing themes of emotional safety, security, gain/loss, family responsibilities and career goals. Despite the intensity, eclipses help us balance these fundamental areas of our lives by showing us what is out of balance.
Saturn is the planet associated with Capricorn. Saturn is very strong this month, as it begins its yearly retrograde motion on January 13. This calls for patience. What needs to be accomplished cannot be done in one day, or one week. The landscape is changing, and it is time to re-evaluate. Especially consider the changes in your focus and attitude since November 1st. At that point, Saturn entered the zodiac sign of Libra. In order to meet the challenges of our times, it is necessary to partner with others. Partnership takes many forms, but the overall theme is cooperation, fairness and balance. January will bring inconsistencies, and unfair circumstances and social injustice to the surface. But, there is no time to wallow in pity. Only clear communication and realistic appraisal will lead to sustainable partnership, and effective action.
Jupiter enters Pisces on January 17th, making its yearly shift into another zodiac sign. Jupiter has a twelve year cycle, and spends approximately one year in each zodiac sign. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system with sixteen moons. It’s massive size and influence is seen in social trends. 2009 was the year of Jupiter in Aquarius, emphasizing themes of equality, humanitarian progress, technological advancement and invention. Jupiter in Pisces will turn our attention to those less fortunate. Economic conditions have left their mark on many lives, and we can look forward to a rebirth of Pisces values, compassion, faith and trust in things unseen. This makes 2010 a year of spiritual seeking for the masses. People are asking the deeper questions. Why are we here, and what is life about? Why is there suffering, and is there a God? Attention will turn to matters of the spirit, opening the door for grace to manifest in many lives.
By January 19, the Sun enters Aquarius, setting in motion a powerful Full Moon on January 30th. This Full Moon is very active. The days of evaluation and resolution are over. People want action. But, impulsive action won’t bring desired consequences or get the job done. This Full Moon urges each of us to embody our unique perspective. It is a volatile, passionate, creative time. Employ the key phrase of Aquarius, "I know." Get in touch with your knowing, the truth for you. Don’t allow circumstances and habits to dictate your future. It is perfectly wonderful to dance to the beat of your own drum.
The month concludes with a transforming Saturn and Pluto square, exact on January 31st. These two planets activate collective trends. This combination is stressful, pointing to the on-going social upheaval. In mythology, Saturn is known as the grim reaper, and Pluto is god of the underworld. Not a happy partnership, but necessary in the long run. Forms that have outlived their purpose; institutions, traditions, beliefs, relationships . . . you name it, are a catalyst for rebirth. However, if we put our focus on what is not working, then we miss the mark, and encounter the downside of Saturn and Pluto, depression, resistence, frustration and fear.
Better to focus on what is being revealed with an attitude of gratitude, and willingness to adjust to the new landscape. I realize this is easier said than done. Saturn and Pluto are heavy handed planets, and they do not hand over their treasure without challenge. And what is the hidden treasure? The realization that life on planet Earth is temporary, but there is purpose. To use our time wisely, to buckle up and buckle down, accepting reality in light of the greater Reality. It is not meant to be easy here. This is the dimension of spiritual growth, the training ground for mastery. Contrast provides the optimal environment for choice. Humanity abides within its own devices, the dark, misguided, self centered creations of ego. Every moment Creation offers peace, love, solace, healing and inspiration. As 2010 unfolds, more and more of humanity will choose their Divine birthright in the kingdom of kindness. The rigidity and stress of Saturn and Pluto gives way to extraordinary breakthroughs in this extraordinary year. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for sharing the journey with me, and I look forward to sharing the gifts of astrology as a New Year unfolds.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 35 years experience. She is available for personal consultations in person/ phone/email. 828-215-2101 or tollfree 888-215-8595

Harmony Astrology • 16 Norton • Arden • NC • 28704

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