San Rafael: Yesterday, 8/9/11, Dr. Harte, straight chiropractor, testified before the Marin County Board of Supervisors, regarding their support for the new DPT booster shot for 7th to 12th graders. He urged the Board to refrain from any faciliation of the new law. Further, he asked them to make the personal exemption known to parents, and to inplement a policy of informed consent. Pick up the PAPER COPY of the Marin IJ today, with the good photos. If you can't, click here.
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Become a fan. Go to my Facebook page. Join the conversation. (It makes way more sense than the typical "Who's going to what doctor for what" conversation.) HEY! You're reading this stuff. Many of you are Practice Members. You have way more insight that the average pill-popping sheep-in-the-street. So... EXPRESS YOURSELF! |
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New Video on the Website: New video, new stuff on the home page. SHARE IT. AMAZE AND HELP YOUR FRIENDS!
GOOD STUFF in the site:
- Meet Dr. Harte
- Ethics
- Published Articles
- What to Expect
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The 3rd phase of this Special Offer ($170 off) is almost over. Call now for details. 460-6527
People you know are sick and subluxated. Some may now be dying from the effects of Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). HELP THEM. GET THEM HERE ASAP. Now, with the Fire Sale, they will save substantial money. Call me: 460-6527 |
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