Perry's Ponderings
“What’s Next?”
By Perry Robinson
Many have noticed that our true family is not necessarily the people we grew up with. Blood runs thick, and I hope I never forget that part of me that is truly Jones/Robinson. I am only partially joking, when I make smart remarks about trying to bring a measure of peacefulness to the Gunn Clan [the Scottish clan of which Robinsons are a part]. I love and bless my “blood relatives”, most of whom live along the coast of North Carolina.
Over the twenty-five years of life of the Center for Peace I have come to feel a deep bond with those of you involved here. In a spiritual sense we have grown up together and I am grateful to you. I have noticed more and more people using the term “family” to describe what you feel here.
I would like to underscore that term. So I’ll cut to it and just say what has been on my mind for a few months: I believe the next stage of our society’s evolution will include the intentional establishment of “tribes”. At least, I believe that is the where the Center for Peace is headed.
I was “told” by Spirit many years ago that the next step of our personal spiritual evolution will be marked by the experience of the open heart and that in turn the open heart will open the door to the memory of our true connection to each other and to the living consciousness of this world. I not only was told this and shown glimpses of how life can be when people live that way; I experienced within myself what it felt like to be of one mind and to share experiences by way of telepathic communication.
While I am just as “dense” as the next person in my conscious self, I know that humankind has not substantially changed. Rather, the reason telepathic and empathic experiences are not common among us is because we have closed and hardened our hearts to cope with prevalent inhuman societal behaviors.
“Divide and conquer” is still the accepted tool of all those who wish to control and manipulate people for their own purposes. We need only look at the practices of politicians and organized religions to see exactly how that works. So it would be foolish for us to expect these to solve the sense of separation, but we were born with the tools of oneness “in our genes”. Jesus was neither the first nor the last to teach the two great commandments: love Creator with all of our being and love fellow humans as we love ourselves.
When we lay down the “swords and shields” which separate us and generate enmity and strife, we shall have an opportunity to discover the ways all of us are alike.
Many have experienced community building workshops and programs here at the Center for Peace and in other places. You have seen a glimpse of how, when a group of ordinary people gather and “empty” themselves of the emotions they hold against each other, a miracle takes place. It is not that they achieve community. It is that, when the obstacles to community are given up, community returns into its natural habitat: the connected hearts of human beings. Put another way: when we let go of our “stuff” Spirit’s gift of community returns.
If you desire to use historic terms like “kundalinic awakening” or the “awakening of the Holy Spirit”, they mean the same thing: human beings coming to themselves to accept our heritage and birthright.
Notice: [1] there was a marked time: “tower of Babel” [early Genesis in Judeo-Christian Bible], when communication became confused; and another,[2] the experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost [in Acts in Christian Bible], when clear communication was restored.
In fact, if you study Acts in the Christian Bible, you will notice that the experience of the Holy Spirit resulted in:
Clear communication. No matter what language was being spoken, the speaker was understood.
Community. The people were together and held all things in common.
I believe this is true and that these are offered to us today, not just because they are “written in the Bible”. [I refer to the Bible simply to illustrate that these are not new or strange ideas.] I believe this because I have experienced it in my life in some measure. I also believe it because Spirit took me up when I was in Israel [2004] and showed me how this whole world is still the Garden of Eden and we all are still Creator’s beloved – AND the tree of life still waits for us to take its fruit and eat!
Today we are literally bearing the wounds and scars of separation. People in the United States happily working, enjoying life, just a few months ago are now jobless and homeless. War veterans are returning home to a nation which may not, literally, keep our promises to them! [SSDD: grub up the money to pay for the wars but leave the veterans to fend for themselves!] How many of them with broken bodies and spirits will become new numbers on the jobless and homeless lists?
Do you think the government and churches are going to step in and solve all this for us? Do you see solutions being formulated in Washington? From where I sit our government cannot solve its way out of a paper bag! – right now.
So, what next? Moan, whimper, and give up? HELL NO!!
Things were a lot worse than this for many of our ancestors when they escaped the “lords and masters” of Dark Age Europe and washed up on these shores – bad news for the natives, though it was.
Creator has not changed. This world has not changed. Once again the rich few may have “grabbed the money and run”; but we are not bereft of our humanity. “[I]n my flesh I shall see God and My eyes shall behold and not another”, was the cry of Job, a man who had lost friends, family, and possessions and whose body was covered with sores.
Politicians and religionists make promises and do not fulfill them – probably because they cannot. Neither can I, for that matter. But Creator has promised a new heaven and new earth; AND Creator does not withhold Its gifts. It holds them out to us while we empty our hands to receive them.
Look how people all over the world are saying “enough” and assuming personal responsibility for their own destinies!
Creator doesn’t just give hand outs! What It does is clear the way in front of us when we accept Creator’s plan as the only one we are willing to cooperate with! That function will not be dictated by a politician or pundit of any kind – not even by a founder of the Center for Peace! Creator will light the fire in our hearts and light the way of our personal return to love.
Our souls remember. We carry the imprint of Creator Itself! When we get around to it, we are – or shall be – just as clear about what we need to do as Christopher [grandson, 8 years old] is about what he would like for Christmas!
Is it time to turn swords into plows, put our hands to the plows, and not turn back?
I think so; but this I know: Nothing will stop an idea whose time has come!
What say you?