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Carl Robinson, Ph.D. on Leadership Happy New Year!
We help maximize the effectiveness of individuals and organizations by helping them improve their ability to lead, work together, select and develop their people.  Some of our related business services include: executive coaching, executive team coaching and executive assessments for development and selection.

Carl Robinson, Ph.D., Managing Principal
Seattle, Washington

In This Issue:

It Doesn't Have to Be this Hard

Use the Multi-Pronged Approach in 2012!

Your Turn: Can You Solve this Situation?

Are You Ready to Engage Your Employees?

In this engaging book, Intrinsic Motivation at Work--What Really Drives Employee Engagement (2009, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.), Kenneth W. Thomas shows us how we can (and must) address employee engagement.  And let's face it,  employee engagement is vital, since more is being required of workers than ever before!

Thomas gives the reader new insights and tools for engaging employees in today’s environment.  He starts by giving general tips on leading for engagement, and then jumps into leading for meaningfulness, choice, competence, and progress, all of which are spokes on the wheel of employee engagement.

The tone and readability of this book makes the tools that Thomas provides even more accessible.   This is a must-read for the new economy.  Pick this book up right away—you won’t be able to help yourself from enlisting employee engagement as a critical tool for you and the people that you lead!

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Words of Wisdom

The two words "information" and "communication" are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things.  Information is giving out; communication is getting through.
--Sydney J. Harris



It Doesn't Have to Be this Hard

Effective delegation is the best indicator of effective management simply
because it is so basic to both personal and organizational growth. 
--Stephen R. Covey
The Producers
Are you a Producer?  If you are reading the Performance Report, then you probably are.  Managers or executives have already proven that they are producers.  But if you are a producer who can delegate effectively, then your accomplishments far exceed your efforts, because those you foster will also be producers for you, exponentially increasing your output. 
Most managers may think this obvious; of course you have been delegating tasks for years. 
However, let’s focus on effective delegation that focuses on results instead of methods.  This kind of delegation allows people to choose the method of accomplishing the task you have delegated to them, and makes them responsible for the results. 
This initially takes more time, but is well worth the investment.  By developing mutual understanding in the following areas, you will be able to foster stewardship delegation versus task delegation. Let’s review those areas:
Desired Results—Start by creating a mutual understanding of what needs to be accomplished.  Be clear, and focus on what needs to be accomplished, versus how it is going to happen. 
Guidelines—Identify parameters and possible pitfalls; are there mistakes you have made that you can share?  Are there resources that are off limits in this situation?  Share these with your subordinate, so he or she doesn’t waste time and energy going down a “failure” path. 
Resources—Identify the human, technical, financial or organizational resources that are available.
Accountability—What are the standards of performance?  Don’t leave the set-up meeting without conveying a performance expectation.  
What will bring out the best in your staff?  Fostering trust.  Trust is the highest form of motivation.  This takes time and training, but is well worth the investment. 
Stewardship Delegation, as it is called by Stephen Covey, in his landmark classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, will ultimately result in much more work getting done. 
Effective Stewardship Delegation will result in much higher returns, and naturally combats Gofer Delegation that requires management of methods as well as results.  If you spend your time managing staff in this way, your time will be spent doing all of the process and results management.  How many people can you manage in this way?  Not very many.  Investing in Stewardship Delegation will have positive results for everyone. 

Use the Multi-Pronged Approach in 2012!

How can you ensure that your work projects, career goals and personal plans for 2012 will succeed? Make more than one plan, that's how
Studies show that the use of four or more sources of influence in combination is ten times more likely to succeed than relying on a single source of influence. That being said, are you facing organizational issues or career challenges that seem to hang on, no matter how you try changing the force of inertia? 
Change initiatives can be approached in a variety of ways, many of which are valid. The key learning here is to enlist more than one method.  Perhaps you have a lack of accountability, consistently low morale, or a quality issue that seems to be endemic to the organization. Maybe you have been trying to get recognition or a new position, without success. 
All of these issues can be most successfully dealt with by offering up more than one solution.
Don't know where to look for new potential solutions? You are probably just stuck in a rut. You have been using the same sources for a while; sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Starting today, use a multi-pronged approach to your challenges.
Combine the multipronged approach with the following tactics, so you can move to the head of the line:
1. Enlist peer pressure and social support as your allies.
2. Change the work environment.
3. Take a cue from your first grade teacher; use rewards and 
4. Build personal motivation in others. 
Implement these tactics to expand your toolbox of solutions. With this multipronged approach you will make greater strides in each situation and in your career. 

Your Turn: Can You Solve this Situation?

You are the Human Resources Manager for an auto parts manufacturing plant. 

One of the line managers quit and you replaced him with an innovative thinker who has already come up with two efficiency ideas since he started, two weeks ago.  Here are the details: 

-You hired Jim in the hopes that he could help reinvigorate the team.  There is a lot of cynicism on the floor, and Jim's attitude could help change the atmosphere.

-Instead of acting as a catalyst, the rest of the floor managers have not accepted Jim.  His presence seems to antagonize them.

What do you do? 

>Send in your solution!

Advanced Leadership Consulting • 2815 Eastlake Ave., E, Suite 300 • Seattle, WA 98102
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