ByRegion Healers Newsletter - May 11, 2013
Issue 298 - May 11, 2013   

by Allura Westly

Visit the
Spirit Card Center!

Akashic Records Intensive ~ Sacred Wisdom for Transformation

Guatelamala ~
September 21-Oct 2, 2013

The Earth energies have changed and will continue to shift for the next few years. We have completed a Karmic cycle of 26,000 years that ended December 21st 2012. Join Ernesto Ortiz, author of The Akashic Records ~ Sacred Wisdom for Transformation and Lorraine Meyer for an Inner exploration of the self in the land of the Mayas, where the Sacred Prayer magic came from. There is no better place in the world to explore the Akashic Records than in the birthplace of this energy. If you have been looking for a crystal ball that can help you and guide you in your life…. Look no further; the Akashic Records is the answer. If you need direction, change of career, healing, inspiration, that is what you will get when you learn this material. Details and registration:

2013 Asheville Percussion Festival

June 14-16, 2013
in Asheville, NC

The second annual Asheville Percussion Festival will take place June 14th-16th, 2013 at the Odyssey Community School in Asheville, NC. The mission is to provide a creative environment where percussionists of all traditions gather to explore, create and innovate. The festival will be hosted by Asheville’s ambassador to rhythm River Guerguerian. Details and registration: see the website

The Sacred Geometry
Oracle Deck

Sacred Geometry is the key to understanding the way the universe is designed. Called the language of light and science of compassion, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals and well, everything. Anyone who has ever gazed at a spider's web, meditated on a mandala or Yantra, visited a pyramid, walked a labyrinth, or peered through a microscope has felt the effects of sacred geometry. Now the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power. The set includes a 128-page 6X9 paperback book with 64 full-color oracle cards. See this page for more info or to order.

Catch a Falling Star and other prints by visionary artist Francene Hart

are available for only $45 each. Francene says about this painting: "I have long used images of the Divine Feminine - the Goddess in every woman. Catch a falling star ... hold a part of the Universe. It's about saving up wishes, or miracles." Each print is 12x18, matted, sealed and signed. Please see this page for more information or to order.

Upload music, listen to music, share music with your friends, and even make new friends. Most of the services are available with a free musician account and advanced features are available for less than 20 cents a day. For more info see the website.

Looking at our Defenses
by CJ Martes / Mystic, Author, Angel
We all have defense mechanisms and different ways that we try to subconsciously protect ourselves from perceived harm in our daily lives. Our defenses are the natural way that we try to keep ourselves from being hurt. These defenses simply spring into action long before we can have a conscious thought about it from our subconscious mind. This can make it much harder for us to conquer our fears.

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How to Deal with Disappointments
by Rev. Gabrielle Orr / Akashic Record Consultant & Teacher
Disappointment has nothing to do with other people, places, or circumstances. The fact is, disappointment never comes from an external source. In the case of feeling disappointed, it's our emotional response to EXPECTATION. Much of our excitement and enthusiasm in life comes from eager expectation. We look forward to things when we anticipate a desirable outcome. In fact, often times that excitement makes up a large percentage of the joy we experience. There are some adjustments we can make to reduce our feelings of disappointment without sacrificing enthusiasm. This article includes a few for you to consider.

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Standing at the Point
of Creation

by Sheri Rosenthal / Transformational Life Coach and Author
I must admit, I love Spring. Living proof of the miracle of life, it's such a wonderful time of transformation and change. Even in challenging economic times such as these – it is hard not to feel blessed by this season's display of flowering trees, bulbs and bushes. So how can we use the lessons of this season to help us through difficult times?

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The Recent Breakthrough In HEALTHY LONGEVITY

1. Makes the taking of your daily amount of fruits easier
2. Boosts your immune system
3. Balances the flora in your gut
4. Promotes anti-aging
5. Fights bad cholesterol

While there are many factors that can lead a person to a healthy and long life there is one major factor that stands out. It is the RIGHT EATING HABITS. It includes most importantly 2 cups of fruits per day.

To maintain a long and good health the USDA recommends 2 cups of fruits per day. Unfortunately according to John Hopkins University researchers only 11% of Americans consume enough fruits. This lack of fruits consumption is the main reason behind many illnesses such as; diabetes, cancer, heart diseases and etc.

To make it easier for people to consume their daily recommended 2 cups of fruits, Maxx, Inc. created FruitsMax, which includes 21 fruits fused into one tasty tablet with an added plus, "Narine" probiotics, that belongs to the Lactobacillus Acidophilus family. This specific strain of Probiotics was proved to: a) improve the absorption of fruits' vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, b) balance the bacterial flora in our gut and c) strengthen our immune system.

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Channeled Healings with Distance Awakening Sessions

Loving - Powerful - Clear - Concise - Healing - Empowering - Insightful

Distance channeled healing energywork, called Awakening, provides healing and clearing on all levels of your being. You will speak directly to Guidance in a Channeled Life Reading and then move forward into the energywork itself. This includes, but is not limited to, understanding the "blocks", more connections being made between your head and your heartspace, remembering clearly who you really are at all times and the clearing of illusions (this is their perspective of our unwanted experiences such as disease, limiting and negative beliefs, and all other forms of unclarity) thus healings occur on all levels. Your own Highself orchestrates your Awakening session making each one unique. These take 72 hours. Dr. Aaron will accommodate your work schedule.

See what others are saying about Awakening

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ByRegion Healing Arts Network  •  311 Montford Ave  •  Asheville  •  NC  •  28801
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