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Carl Robinson, Ph.D. on Leadership July 9, 2012
We help maximize the effectiveness of individuals and organizations by helping them improve their ability to lead, work together, select and develop their people.  Some of our related business services include: executive coaching, executive team coaching and executive assessments for development and selection.

Carl Robinson, Ph.D., Managing Principal
Seattle, Washington

In This Issue:

5 Steps to Building a Vision and Getting Others on Board



5 Steps to Building a Vision and Getting Others on Board

One of the most important things on which any organization can focus its concerted efforts is in the creation of a vision. This forward-looking statement provides a clear picture of where the organization wants to be in the future and what it will look like when it gets there.
But a vision is more than just a group of words on paper or a poster that hangs in the hallowed halls of the corporate office. The vision gives an organization direction and a metric by which it can monitor achievements toward its goals and its ultimate success.
A vision, however, only works if those who are meant to support it actually do so. To this end, the following 5 steps are defined as a way to help you build a vision your entire organization will want to get behind.
  1. Communicate: Your first and very crucial step is letting employees know what you are doing. Whether it’s the first time you’re putting together such a statement, or the organization is attempting to rebrand or reposition, the organization needs to receive clear communication on what is happening and why.
  2. Ask for Input: Asking for employee input is not only good for allowing everyone to feel valued, but it also brings the real possibility of new ideas or direction that may not otherwise be considered. It’s unrealistic to ask a management team that stereotypically spends its time high in the ivory tower to develop a realistic view of the organization’s ability to reach its goals without the help of those working on the front lines. Asking for input will help ensure every angle it taken into consideration.
  3. Put it Into Words: Once the direction has been determined and a clear vision of where the organization will be in the future has been identified, it’s time to put a pen to paper and communicate it to those affected. According to the Leadership Review, a recent study produced by Claremont McKenna College, organization vision discussions that were ambitious and difficult in nature are actually seen as a bonus to employees, likely because it provides them with something for which they can strive. Also keep in mind that everyone learns differently; so, it’s wise to communicate the vision clearly using a number of channels (email, Intranet, phone message, live conference, etc.).
  4. Identify Roles: Everyone will have a role in keeping the organization on track and headed toward its envisioned state. Creating a clear vision also includes clarifying how every role within the organization will play a part in making this a reality.
  5. Tie Performance to Reward:  Annual objectives for any employee should always support a organization’s mission, vision and core values, and should be identified as such. Tying organization goals into the reward system employees receive for reaching their own personal goals will help enforce the overall initiative and ensure success.
Jon Madonna, the former CEO of KPMG, once said that “nothing stops an organization faster than people who believe that the way you worked yesterday is the best way to work tomorrow.” So, plan for tomorrow by effectively using the people you have today.

Advanced Leadership Consulting • 2815 Eastlake Ave., E, Suite 300 • Seattle, WA 98102
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