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Monthly News for June 2015 (revised)
Excuse this second send; editor omitted something from the initial version!
From the Minister

My goodness the time flies! And though the new church year begins in July, I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself as we are heading into the month of June. The summer solstice is on June 21, 2015. We are heading into the season of summer full speed ahead. With that said I want to take a moment to remind you that on Sunday June 7th we have a congregational meeting after the service and that on the following Sunday, June 14th, we will have our New Member Sunday Service. We are always grateful for those who have chosen to join our congregation and we will let our new members know that on June 14th.      
Sunday Services 
June 7, 11:00 am

David LaMotte
"World Changing 101"
David LaMotte is an award-winning songwriter, speaker, author, and activist. He has produced 11 CDs and performed 2500 concerts on 5 continents. He has published two illustrated children’s books, S.S. Bathtub, a rhyming book for small children based on his award-winning song of the same name, and White Flour, a whimsical introduction to nonviolence, based on true events. David’s most recent projects include his new book Worldchanging 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness, and, a web site that nourishes positive change by inspiring and empowering people to take action on issues they care about.     Read more about David
NOTE: Congregational Meeting after the Service!

Sunday, 14 June 2015, 11 am
Rev. Michael Carter
“Membership Has Its Privileges”

This Sunday, June 14th, we officially welcome our new members to UUCSV. We are eternally grateful for the gifts you bring to our community and of the privilege of having you in our midst. You are the lifeblood of our congregation. Having made the decision to join us, I would also like to emphasize the privileges that membership brings to you the member, for as in any healthy relationship, energy is exchanged equally and fluidly. Welcome Home!
Sunday, 21 June 2015, 11 ambballard2013lg
Byron Ballard
"Midsummer Dreams of Justice... and Peace"


June is jumping and summer pulls us in so many directions--travel, garden, visits from family and friends. But we don't change our essential nature because we get to wear short pants.  The things that move us, that touch our hearts still need to be tended.  How do we manage to live in all the worlds that need us--and that we need?  Join Byron Ballard for a praise-song of summer and some helpful hints about making this a summer of fun and progress.
Sunday, 28 June 2015, 11 am
Rev. Michael Carter
“Courage, Love, Possibility”
UUCSV String Band 

Many human beings look at the challenges facing our planet today and feel that the problems are so massive and unprecedented that they are quite difficult to perceive, much less act upon. In short, they are overwhelmed. The result of this world view can sometimes manifest as the very danger signals that should rivet our attention, place a fire underneath us, and bond us in collective action, tend to have just the opposite effect. The result oftentimes is an unprecedented apathy. This Sunday, we will explore the ideas of courage, love, and possibility in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds.  See you at church!
Sunday, 5 July 2015, 11 am
Pana Columbus
"Unconditional Love: Embracing the Shadow in Ourselves, our Relationships and in Our World"
Do you find yourself triggered by what others say or do? Do you find yourself behaving in ways that are out of alignment with how you would like to show up in the world? Join us as we explore the notion of “shadow”, the parts of us we hide out of shame or fear. Experience the possibility of unconditional love as we learn to embrace all of ourselves and each other.  Pana Columbus is an award-winning playwright as well as a private transformation coach. She has been a speaker at a TEDx conference at Acadia University, at churches, women’s retreats, fundraisers and board retreats.
Pete Seeger Songfest 
Talented UU songwriter and performer Jim Scott will visit UUCSV on Friday, June 19th for a concert and celebration of Pete Seeger. Show starts at 7:30 pm, doors open at 7:00. Suggested donation $10-$15.  Please be generous and affordble!  Ginny Moreland is looking for a few volunteers to help with sound, distributing posters, set-up and clean-up, and making and selling refreshments.  A portion of the ticket sales will go to the church. Join us for song and celebration!  
Jim says: "We’ll honor Pete Seeger, singing many of his well-loved songs such as If I Had a Hammer, Turn, Turn, Turn, Where Have All the Flowers Gone and many others. Led by composer/guitarist Jim Scott, who knew Pete well and collaborated on many projects with the folk legend, we'll raise our voices for the causes Pete championed and remember the great contributions to our American heritage Pete made in his 94 years of life."        Songfest, continued
Women's Group
The UUCSV Women's Group meets on the second Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m.  In June we are having an outing to Black Mountain's John Wilson Community Garden, led by Maggie Schlubach.  Please meet in the parking lot of Ingles near the McDonald's no later than 12:50 pm on Friday, June 12th, so we can carpool to the garden. According to the website of North Carolina Community Garden Partners: "Started in 2004 by town resident Dr. John Wilson on town owned property, the community garden strives to share fresh produce with families in need, provide growing space for the community, and educate all ages on the benefits of growing and eatingfresh produce. In addition to the area used for annual vegetable production, the garden maintains a medicinal and native species trail, mushroom forest, andnearly 100 fruit and nut trees and shrubs." 
Caring Committee
This month's Committee Spotlight shines on our Congregational Care Committee, ably lead by Ann Sillman. This is the best kind of committee - one that doesn't have any meetings!  In actuality Ann leads  a team of volunteers who, upon request, provide a variety of short-term services for members in need. The kinds of help provided include visiting a shut-in, offering a ride to someone who cannot drive, or preparing and delivering a meal.  You get the idea --  and when asked, you are completely free to decline for that request.
Ann asks: "If you are new to our church and can offer to help someone in need, please let me know. The more people I have on the list to call, the better for our church community. I am hoping to get several new names to add to the list of helpers."  If you'd like to join this list of potential helpers,or to request assistance for yourself or another member, please call Ann at 828-357-5206.  Our thanks go out to all of our Caring volunteers and to Ann for her splendid leadership.
ASL Interpretation
Our member Erin Spainhour has very generously offered to provide Amerian Sign Language interpreting for the deaf, upon reqeust, for our Sunday Services. If you have friends or contacts in the deaf community, please feel free to pass on this word.  She will need at least 48 hours advance notice for preparation. This service adds a whole new dimension to our aspirations as a "Welcoming Congregation" and we can't thank Erin enough for volunteering her passion and expertize for this purpose! She can be contacted at   
Board Report 
The Annual Congregational Meeting is June 7th. A slate of four nominees for vacancies on the Board of Trustees has been finalized: Sarah Kirkpatrick, Tina Rosata, Carol Sheeler and Dave Wells.The congregation will vote on the slate as well as the proposed 2015­2016 budget, and a change to the by­laws defining “Sustaining
Friends.” The meeting agenda with all details can be found here
Several items of business concerned our building and/or property:
● Two contractors will submit bids on the enclosure of the Portico. The Board agreed to a separate Capital Campain to raise at least two­thirds of the cost beforeconstruction could begin.
● We are monitoring possible water drainage issues during heavy rains, in responseto reports that there were some past instances of lawn flooding behind the church.
● “Hearing Loop” technology is being investigated ­ this system could help users of some hearing aids, at a cost of about $3,000. We are also striving to coach all speakers on effective microphone use, which could solve many problems.
● Recommendations regarding maintenance of the shed in back of the church has lead to a plan to reactivate the Building and Grounds Committee.
● Mary and Michael proposed (and the Board approved) that we change the north side of the wayside pulpit sign from “Faith Beyond Belief” to “Love Beyond Belief.”
The full minutes of each Board Meeting are posted on the main Bulletin Board outside of the office each month.  This monthly feature will provide just the highlights of current activity.  
From the Minister (continued)
I also want to remind you that I am available for pastoral care visits and all you need to do is to call me directly or to let Tricia know and we will set up a time. I am in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Many have taken advantage of this pastoral ministry and I wanted to remind you of it. Please remember that Ann Sillman is also available to assist in pastoral care needs as well.
 Lazy days are ahead for some of us as the summer season begins. I pray that as much as it is possible that you do find time for a little R&R during this time of year. I know I shall. Its nice to just rest for a time and renew the body, mind, and spirit. Despite the hay fever that I suffer from, I do so love this time of year. Allow me to share a few quotes with you about the merry, merry, month of June:

“ And what is so rare a day in June? Then, if ever come perfect days.” ---James Russell Lowell

“How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon?” ----Dr. Seuss quotes

“If a June night could talk, it would probably boast that it created romance.” --Ben Williams

“ Spring, being a tough act to follow, God created June.”---Al Bernstein

“ To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June.” Jean-Paul Sartre

“ He was but as the cuckoo is in June. Heard, not regarded.” ---William Shakespeare

Enjoy the summer. Live Long and Prosper.

See you in church!
Songfest, continued
Jim Scott brings a warmth, and authenticity that turns any size audience into an intimate gathering. His lyrical melodies, well-crafted words, guitar mastery and humorous surprises moved Pete Seeger to call him “Some kind of a magician.” Known to many as guitarist with the Paul Winter Consort and co-composer of their celebrated “Missa Gaia / Earth Mass,” Jim is a prolific composer in his own right. Jim’s visited more than 600 UU churches over three decades of travels.  His much loved “Gather the Spirit” and other songs are in the UU hymnbooks. He has also become a student of the movement for peace and justice in song, compiling and arranging the “Earth and Spirit Songbook,” a collection of over 100 songs of earth and peace by many contemporary composers, including Pete Seeger. Contacts for Jum:, call 508-755-0995, or email Jim@JimScottMusic
In this issue:
Sunday Services 
Pete Seeger Songfest 
Women's Group
Caring Committee
ASL Interpretation
Board Report 
Annual Meeting
New Members 
Friday Fling Change
Divine Feminine
Choir News for June
July Newsletter
Yard Sale
UUCSV Leadership
Workshop Interest?
Arts & Crafts Show
Annual Meeting
Don't forget, UUCSV's annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, June 7th, after the service.  At this meeting the membership votes to approve the budget for FY 2015-2016, a slate of nominees for the Board of Trustees, and one proposed addition to the by-laws. Read more details on the meeting.
New Members 

In honor of all new UUCSV members during the past year, we will celebrate with a New Member Ceremony in the June 14th. Sunday Service. All new members, who have not attended such a ceremony, are cordially invited to attend this moving experience. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Everyone (except new members) is encouraged to bring items for the coffee hour on this special Sunday.  -- Your membership committee.
Friday Fling Change
Please note, June’s Friday Fling will be on the second Friday, June 12th, to avoid a conflict with the Jim Scott concert on the 19th! Friday Fling is a fun party for grown-ups.  Red and white refreshments will be provided; please bring a potluck dish to share. The movie “Flight of the Red Balloon” (2008; Juliette Binoche; inspired by the 1956 short, a story of another young boy and his mother in Paris) will be shown. Potluck begins at 6:30, film about 7:00 pm/
Divine Feminine
Celebrate the Divine Feminine with conversation after viewing the last 2 films of the series Women and Spirituality.  "The Burning Times" and "Full Circle" will be shown starting at 6 pm on Wednesday June 24 at 102 Beech Street (right up the hill from UUCSV.) Light snacks are welcome, I'll fix decaf and herbal teas. Contact Barb Rogers for more information 828-333-2721.
Choir News for June
Our choir enjoyed singing for Memorial Day in May.   In June, our schedule will change a bit.  We will sing on the THIRD Sunday, June 21st, as part of a Summer Solstice service with Byron Ballard.   We will rehearse on June 14th at 12:15 after the service, then on Wednesday the 17th at 7 PM, and on the day of performance, June 21st at 10 AM.
Our choir is sounding big and beautiful, but we would still like to have you!  We sing in four parts, soprano, alto, tenor and bass.  Come sing with us!  Linda Metzner,  choir director 
Room in the Inn
Our next Room in the Inn event is scheduled for Friday, August 21 at the Black Mountain Presbyterian Church. Our congregation will be providing all the volunteers and meals for the day. This program serves the needs of homeless women in the community. 
Sign up for volunteers will begin around mid-June. Those wishing to sign up earlier can contact me at, 686-3112. We will need a morning and evening van driver, overnight volunteers and food for all three meals. Many thanks to all our faithful volunteers who have helped make this program a success.
Connie Krochmal, Social Action Room in the Inn coordinator.
July Newsletter
Since your editor will be traveling, there are two deadlines for July.  Please submit anything you can ASAP - by June 17th for early preparation. Material submitted after June 17 but before June 29 will be incorporated as time and space allow. The publication date will be roughly July 3nd - 5th.  
Yard Sale
Barb Rogers is hostessing a multi-family yard sale at her home, 102 Beech St. from 9-1 on just Saturday. June 20. (furniture, linens, kitchen items, vintage teapots, books, cds)  One day only!  828-333-2721.
UUCSV Leadership
Board of Trustees:
Jim Carillon
Diane Graham, President
David Groce, Vice-Pres.
Sue Miller
David Reid
Chuck Shimer
Mary Soyenova
Rebecca Williams
Minister, ex-officio, non-voting Board Member:
Rev. Michael Carter, 
Lee Reading
Workshop Interest?
The SV Friends ask if you would be interested in a workshop entitiled "Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography" led by Dan Wakefield, possibly this October. For information about Wakefield and his work please see this site. If you are interested please contact Dolph Hoehling at
Arts & Crafts Show
At least one congregation member that we know of (David Groce, stained glass) will be exhibiting! Join us between 10 and 5 on Saturday, or on Sunday until 4:00, following the UUCSV Annual Meeting. 

UUCSV  •  500 Montreat Road  •  Black Mountain, NC 28711

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