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Monthly News for October 2015
From the Minister
The autumn equinox is rapidly approaching as I write this column, and the leaves have already begun to change. As many of you know I love this time of year. My favorite color is October. As the days get shorter, they invite us to withdraw just a bit, to slow down and to nurture ourselves. September liturgically for many may be the season of  remembrance, but October invites us to to gather our harvest, to collect the things and people that are meaningful to us and to appreciate them.  It is the season for reaping what we have sown.
We will have a chance to come to appreciate the darkness as the days get shorter. In some ways we must for only in the darkness can we really see and appreciate the stars. We will come to appreciate the warmth as the days and nights get chillier and then just down right cold. The same heat we complained about in June, July, and August, will be a comfort to us. Funny how the polarities and seasons of life call us back to ourselves and what it is that we really want to do with our lives. These months of visual outer and inner change can be a great time to reassess, to renew, to reconnect, with each other and ourselves. We are being called to listen more closely to the language of the heart. We are being called to enlarge the boundaries of our hearts.                 
Sunday Services 
Sunday, 4 October 2015, 11 am
Beth Magill
"Everyone is Musical....Period."
Small Ensemble Singers
​We are musical beings and it is our responsibility, and our right, to honor this gift, and who we are, for ourselves, for our children and for our communities. By doing so, we change ourselves, and others. And when we do that, we’re one step down the road to changing the world.
Beth Magill is a musician who plays with various musicians & bands, primarily The Magills (, is an active session musician and has appeared on numerous recordings, performed on NPR’s Mountain Stage, served as the music director for Highland Repertory Theater’s production, A Mislaid Heaven, teaches tin whistle, leads community sings with her husband at Asheville’s Diana Wortham Theatre, as part of the theatre’s Intersections series, and believing everyone is musical, offers workshops that empower people to be their naturally musical selves.​
Sunday, 11 October 2015, 11 am
Rev. Michael Carter
"Letting Go of the End of Your Rope."
Letting go is one of the most difficult ( and frightening) things we are called to do in this life. Whether it is the loss of employment, a relationship, a move to another geographical location, you name it; the fear of the unknown will keep us stuck in situations long past their expiration date. But once we surrender, (not the same as giving up), as we allow life to happen to us, instead of making or forcing things happen in life, we can embrace the rhythm and flow of our own individual lives, and become the unique, creative, authentic, loving, souls we were meant to be. This morning we will explore that fear and the human ego mind set that keeps us from embracing Life with our hearts, minds, and our arms wide open.
Sunday, 18 October 2015, 11 am
Willow Allen
As part of UUCSV’s “Autumn Appalachian Adventure” weekend, Willow will share her experience of hiking the Appalachian Trail, which she described in her 2012 book, Summoning the Mountains. Amy (Willow) Allen holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Appalachian State University combining Anthropology, and Social Work with an English minor. She has over 28 years of experience in backpacking and hiking. Summoning the Mountains is her first book. She lives in Western North Carolina with her husband and Pachinko, the cat. Her latest adventure has been a year of team driving in an 18-wheeler with her husband. Amy continues long-distance hiking and has completed the Foothills Trail and parts of the Benton MacKaye Trail.
Sunday, 25 October 2015, 11 am
Rev. Michael Carter
"Creeds Not Deeds"
We as UUs have committed ourselves to a “creedless faith.” For many of us, faith without works is not only dead but just plain old unacceptable. For some of us, social action is our faith! We believe in ordinary people doing extraordinary things. This Sunday, using a portion of the story from the book of Genesis, where Abraham attempts to bargain with “God” to not destroy the city of Sodom, we will explore in a bit more detail, what that story can mean to us as UUs in today’s world. Abraham was about doing something to save the city. He wasn’t just talking about it. Please bring your bibles (just kidding) and let’s get down to business!
Sunday, 1 November 2015, 11 am
Pana Columbus
"How to Save Your Marriage: a Puppet Show"
Why do some people feel fear when their partner says, “I need to connect”, while others feel panic when they hear the phrase, “I need some space.”? Join Pana Columbus and her two puppets as she explores through humor the cultural differences between the masculine and feminine. Learn invaluable insights of what doesn’t work and what you can do to bridge this seemingly insurmountable cultural gulf.

Pana Columbus is an award-winning playwright as well as a private transformation coach. She has been a speaker at a TEDx conference at Acadia University, at churches, women’s retreats, fundraisers and board retreats.  Pana’s website:
New Member
Anne Campbell is the newest UUCSV member. She previously attended the UU Congregation of Asheville before moving to he Black Mountain area over a year ago.  She was married to the late Robert F. Campbell, and has three adult children. Ms Betsy Daley, Walter Campbell and Ms Cathy Breedlove.
Anne grew up in Asheville and has lived in Winston-Salem, NC. Nashville, TN, and Gainesville, GA. She received an AB from Duke University and her MLS from Peabody College. She worked as a Librarian.  Anne’s major interests are the Elachee Nature Science Center in Gainesville, GA and the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries. She lives at Highland Farms with her dog, Heidi. Please welcome Anne to the UUCSV.
Luunch Bunch
October’s Luunch Bunch discussion will focus on generational diversity, particularly in today’s workplace. Many of the issues that older Americans face in the workplace are often dealt with outside of the office as well. For the first time in history, all generations of people are interacting in the workplace in American society. What are the unique advantages and challenges of this situation. This is what we will explore in our discussion group. We will meet in the sanctuary as a brief film will be shown with the discussion to follow. If there are any handouts, we will let you know in advance and they will be left in the minister’s office. Hope to see you there!                            Michael
MLK Class
The Thinking and Theology of MLK Jr
Tuesdays, October 13, 20, and 27, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm

This three week class will be presented  by Be Scofield on three Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at UUCSV.  You are invited to attend any and all sessions as your schedule allows.  
Beginning with King’s upbringing in the Black Church, we’ll explore how his thinking evolved through college, seminary and during his PhD. Influenced by Protestant liberal theology and the African American Religious experience he searched for a faith that was both emotionally satisfying and intellectually appealing. This led King to some surprising conclusions. He rejected the literal divinity of Jesus, didn’t believe in a literal heaven/hell and thought the Bible was a myth that contained many metaphorical truths. Drawing from the work of King scholars such as James Cone, Lewis Baldwin, Clayborne Carson and Taylor Branch we’ll examine some of the key themes, experiences and ideas that shaped King’s vision of the social gospel. His theology will also be placed in the context of his more radical views on capitalism, war and poverty. We will also explore King’s relationship to Unitarianism as he and Coretta attended Unitarian services in Boston and he had expressed interest in the tradition.
Linda Metzner News
​We all know how much beautiful music and joyful presence Linda has brought to our congregation in the last five plus years as our Choir Director.  Some of you may know about her numerous other contributions to the arts and good causes since her arrival in Asheville in 1987.  Right now she needs assistance with medical costs and also hopes to produce a CD of her compositions with soprano Kim Hughes. (Did you hear them at the August 2nd service?!)  

You can learn more and help out  Linda by visiting her crowd-funding campaign, "Annelinde's Music and Medicine".  Donations are gratefully accepted  to pay off long-standing medical bills as she gets ready for surgery in October, and also to help pay for her new CD with soprano Kim Hughes. Any amount would be deeply appreciated. Enjoy the short video on the site, produced by
Rebecca Williams of "Mountain Girl Media."
The Board Report
Highlights of the September 21st Board of Trustees meeting.
Financial status was reviewed: pledges are on target and we are financially healthy. Funds raised for the Linda Blasky ramp will be released to her, we thank everyone that contributed to this cause.
A motion was made to start asking for a love donation for adult RE classes and the motion was approved. This decision, however, has been put on hold and will be revisited at the next BOT meeting.
David Wells made a safety presentation and it was decided to hold youth RE fire drills on the 5th Sundays.
Carolyn Shorkey updated the status of the fall fundraiser and reminds us that there is still time for participation in this event.
Carol Sheeler presented a new membership pamphlet and it was approved by the Board.
Each Board member reviewed and gave an update on their goal for the year.
It was decided that Diane Graham and David Groce will be the contacts for anyone desiring to rent our building/grounds.
Michael reported that he is involved in several community activities concerning anti-racism and pastoral care.
The next Board meeting is October 19  at 6 pm and all are welcome to attend.                                                              David Groce
From the Minister (continued)
This silent but powerful language  gives us the incentive to carry on when times are out of joint and men and  women have lost their reason; it is the source of happiness when worlds crash and dreams whiten into ash...Listen closely, do not ignore this still small voice.
I so do love this time of year. For me personally, this season called Autumn is always calling to me, beckoning me, to slow down and to ask the question anew--- What are you doing with your wild and precious life?
"Autumn," by Max Coots
August made the Summer seem forever, and days were only pages routine-torn from kitchen calendars. Our clocks tick-tocked time, not us. To us the days were just some more of Summertime.
Then Autumn came.
It came at night, but left the days for sun and self-deception, to make us think that Summer stayed. But Autumn came....
Art on the Lawn
Come out to support Herb Way, Ginny Moreland, Barb Rogers, and possibly other UUCSV artists who will be exhibiting at this free event!
Displaying art%20on%20lawn%20october[7].jpg
In this issue:
From the Minister
Sunday Services 
New Member
Luunch Bunch
MLK Class
Linda Metzner News
The Board Report
Art on the Lawn
Pride Festival 2015
Friday Fling
Choir News
Women's Group
The Apple Press!
The ERA is alive
UUCA Book Sale
UUCSV Leadership

Pride Festival 2015
This Saturday, October 3rd, the Blue Ridge Pride Festival occupies Pack Square Park from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm.  UUCA and UUCSV have a joint booth where we celebrate gains in LGBTQ rights, spread the word about our welcoming congregations, and have a lot of fun. If you want to help us "Stand on the SIde of Love" by assisting with the booth, please email Monroe Gilmour ASAP at
Friday Fling
This month's Friday Fling  will be held on Friday October 16th, at the church, with a potluck beginning at 6:30 p.m., followed by a movie. This month's selection is "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen". (No, this is not a documentary about fishing in the desert!) Bring something good to share; red and white refreshments are provided.
Choir News
In October, our schedule will be a little different because of my surgery on October 19th.   We will perform on the 18th.  So we will rehearse on the 11th at 12:15 ( making way for the potluck somehow) and then on Wednesday the 14th at 7 PM, then at 10 AM on the 18th before the service.

Willow Allen will be speaking about her treks on the Appalachian Trail, so I'd like us to sing the rollicking song, "Happy Wanderer!"   Many thanks, Linda Metzner, choir director.
              Linda Metzner
              Choir Director
Women's Group
Here's Your Chance!
Unitarian Universalists are often reluctant to explain or talk about their religion with people of other faiths. Many of us have an elevator speech but need a deeper, more meaningful way of expressing our beliefs.

All female members and friends are invited to the October 9th meeting of UUCSV Women's Group when we will begin thinking about/ writing our individual "This I Believe". Carolyn Shorkey will be there to help us begin the process. On November 13th Carolyn will again be assisting us as we share the beginnings of our writings.

The Women's Group meets on the second Friday of every month at 1 PM in the Community room across from 4D Lynx Drive. FMI, call Helen Bell at 551-6077.

Everyone is welcome. An opportunity not to be missed.
The Apple Press!
On Wednesday September 23rd Mary Soyenova and a hearty band of helpers turned several bushels of unwanted fruit into delicious fresh apple juice! Here's their story:  Geoff Stone provided the apple press, borrowed from Earthhaven.
Mary Soyenova gleaned apples from trees around town. All were unwanted apples and all organic.
We met at the Unitarian Church, pressed apples with members of the congregation and gave out about 12 gallons of apple juice. This resource would otherwise have gone to waste  as the apples rotted away on the ground. 
Leftover peelings were taken to Hickory Nut Farms and donated to their pigs and some were given away as compost.  Nothing was wasted!  
Care Team
If you or anyone you know needs Congregational Care for support please contact Ann Sillman at  828-335-1588 . While Ann is traveling this month, there will be a message on her answering machine to let you know who is covering Congregational Care in her absence.
The ERA is alive
...and kicking!  Reports of the death of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) have been greatly exaggerated. The amendment was introduced in the NC General Assembly this year for the first time since 1982. Unfortunately, it got stuck in hostile committees. However, the Senate ERA bill, H184, could come up in next year's short session.
Meanwhile, efforts are underway across the state to inform and mobilize women. In October, Roberta Madden will speak on the ERA at the state NOW conference in Winston-Salem and Women's Forum luncheons in Raleigh and Greensboro. A statewide ERA planning meeting will also be held in October.
UUCA Book Sale
Used Books Galore -- The annual used book sale at the Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of Asheville, featuring thousands of good condition books in almost every category, will take place on October 23-24, 9am-4pm, at 1 Edwin Place, Asheville. For more
information, call 828-254-6001
Next Newsletter 
The deadline for the November issue will  be October 25th.  Please submit items to newsletter.uucsv@  Best format is simply in the content of an email.  
                Ginny Moreland
UUCSV Leadership
Board of Trustees:
Jim Carillon
Diane Graham
David Groce, President
Sarah Kirkpatrick
David Reid, Vice-President
Tina Rosato
Carol Sheeler
Dave Wells
Minister, ex-officio,
non-voting Board Member:
Rev. Michael Carter, 
Lee Reading

UUCSV  •  500 Montreat Road  •  Black Mountain, NC 28711

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