Being In Dreaming
A MedicineWay (9) Month Intensive
Course for Dreamers
Enter Into Wakeful DreamTime
What if you slept?
And what if in your sleep your dreamed?
And what if in your dream you went to Heaven?
And there you plucked a strange Flower:
And what if when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand.
Samuel Taylor Coleridor (1777-1834)
Dreaming is one of the most ancient medicines and shamanic practices. It is here when we enter the world and when we transcend to the next.
Awareness of the many deep levels of dreaming within Toltec tradition there are 9 levels to explore and enter. As we continue our MedicineWay path, this class opens you up to discover the beautiful study of how to become a dreamer and work with dream energy in the everyday practices. 
As we enter different vortexes and different "time out of time" dimensions of dreaming. We will open up to travel with the help of understanding the dream-body as we develop through exercises and special techniques such as bridging dreams, dreamtime travel, practice the "old seers" ways of using gazing into dreamtime and shift the dream. As you open your telepathy to become a Seer and find the inner freedom of a warrior and activating the Dream Fire from Within.
Open the doorways to the unseen which is always seen by the dreamer and  healing wounds of ancestors as also healing the enormous energy of the inner healer within ourselves as well as others.
Long awaited for "Being in Dreamtime" Series, a good way to continue your medicine and shamanic studies and energy practices into the dream time the pattern of life, where we reach into dreaming with our totems, the cosmos and understanding the knowledge of our ancestors, their stories and teachings.  Follow the trails left behind where it's time for us to pick up and continue the story.
The Dreamer within in you greets the Dreamer within me, as the Dreamer within me greets the Dreamer within you. Let us become the Medicine Dream party of 2018.
Dates & Time: First Sat. of every month begins in October 2018 until June 2019 from 1pm to 4pm
Dates: Oct. 6th, Nov. 3rd, Dec. 1, Jan. 5th, Feb. 9, Mar 2, Apr 6, May 4th and June 1st.
Cost: $1222 for 9 month program, Half Deposit $611 due by August 31st, 2018
Then 3 payments of $203.67 Nov. Feb. & May
Note * If you need a different payment plan please email me at
Participants will be working with crystals, stones, journey work, drums & rattles and other instruments of choice.
All classes must be completed, make up classes are additional $145.
Dream assignments will also be given out and need to have completed before the end course.
For questions or to Register contact Irma at
About The DreamWeaver
I am happy to bring the medicine of dreamtime back, for a couple of years I shared some of the dreameweaving medicine with NYSC and the Edgar Cayce Center, A.R.E. here in NYC.
Even though the MedicineWay Apprenticeship Program just barely touches base on dreamwork. My dream is activate the Art of Dreamtime and open it up to share and teach it to others.
You might say "three hours of work? what can I get from that? Well if you know me three hours becomes a whole day. Isn't that what dreaming is all about. The Medicine in dreamtime is an important contribution to tradition healing. Discover the magic, after all they say if you don't dream at night then something has fallen asleep in your memory and needs to be awaken.
The Dream Party is here! I hope to see you there.
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Shamanicfirereiki  •  P.O. Box 701354  •  East Elmhurst, NY 11370

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