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Your Monthly Newsletter from Largo Veterinary Hospital August 2018
August 5:
August  5-11:
Aug. 8:
August 15:
August 17:
National Black Cat Appreciation Day
August 22:
How bad is it when... dog eats the cat's food and vice versa? Cat food is higher in protein, vitamin A, fat, and taurine. All nutrients that your cat needs to thrive. If your cat fills up on dog food she can become deficient in these essentials. On the flip side your feline's ul
tra rich, high-protein kibble can upset your dog's stomach and cause weight gain. Avoid temptation by keeping their bowls in different areas or staggering mealtimes.
really bad!
...I let my pet sleep next to me in bed? Sleeping with your pet is an important ritual for many people. It doesn’t need to be avoided if both pet and owner are healthy.
Good health for a pet means no fleas, ticks, or other parasites, no illnesses, up-to-date vaccinations, and regular checkups with Dr. Daniels. 
not that bad!
...I forget to clean my pet's food and water dishes? Imagine if you licked your plate clean every night and then left it out on the counter for your next meal? Gross. Your pet's food bowls should be washed with hot, soapy water after every meal, and water bowls every couple of days. It's also a good idea to wash your hands each time you pick up the bowls.
really, really bad!
Meet Django Bestman
Our August 2018
Pet of the Month

I am a 5-month old Main Coon who was adopted from the SPCA. I can be 
easy to entertain as my favorite thing to play with is a paper ball. In my short life I have been quite mischievous and successfully destroyed a 1,000 piece puzzle...3 different times! I have no shame though and nothing embarrasses me. Don't tell Dr. Daniels but me favorite treat is cheese. This is silly but my favorite place to sleep is on mom's face!
Save the date: August 22nd is
Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
Ideally every person visits their doctor once a year, surely we all attempt to go to the dentist every 6 months, and we even make it a priority to get the oil changed in our cars regularly but what about your cat? Why is it so easy to push off taking our cats in for annual exams?  Cats go the veterinarian half as often as dogs and many people only take their cat to the vet when their cat is sick.
We've lectured dozens of times that cats are masters at hiding illness so taking them in for a check up is a must do! Let's make this easy. Save the date, August 22nd is Take Your Cat to the Vet Day. Call now and schedule your cat's appointment.
So what will Dr. Daniels do during these routine visits and why are they important?
  • Physical Exam: Dr. Daniels will check for signs of illness by doing a head-to-tail exam to look for changes or abnormalities. 
  • Immunizations: These are important ways to protect pets from preventable infectious diseases. These vaccines are specific to your cat's age, lifestyle and risk exposure.
  • Parasite Prevention: Dr. Daniels will also check your cat for external parasites like fleas, ticks and ear mites, and check a stool sample for internal parasites, like roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and coccidia. She will also remind you of the current products available to prevent internal and external parasites.
  • Labwork: Depending on your cat’s age and physical exam findings, Dr. Daniels may recommend screening blood tests. Screening blood tests are an important way to detect diseases early, even before they become symptomatic. As cats age, diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease become more common. 
Truth, cats don't usually like to visit the doctor. In fact, we know many of you avoid taking your cats to the vet because quite simply: your cat hates to go. If you find yourself chasing your cat all over the house, battling to get them into the carrier, listening to their continuous meowing during the car ride, and dealing with a feisty feline at the vet, be sure to visit this article
August a great time to make an appointment to bring your feline in for a check-up! The goal of routine medical care is to prevent preventable illnesses and to detect diseases early while they are easiest to treat. If you have any questions or special requests, please visit or call us, we are happy to help.
Does your pet get the back-to-school blues?
In households with school-aged kids, summers are typically full of fun for everyone in the family – including the dog. But what happens when the kids head back to school in the late summer and the house is suddenly quiet and lonely?
With this sudden change in daily routine, your dog may experience depression or separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset because of separation from the people they’re attached to.
Signs your dog might be suffering from separation anxiety include destructive or anxious behaviors like:
  • Howling
  • Chewing
  • Pacing
  • House-soiling
  • Attempting to escape from the house or yard
Here are some things you can do to help your pup overcome the “back-to-school blues.”
  • Consider preparing Kongs or meat bones stuffed with peanut butter or some other favorite treat and freezing it. Working to get the treat out will provide your dog a distraction from his stress and hours of enjoyment and mental stimulation while you’re gone.
  • Check out some doggie day cares in your area. A day or two of supervised play and exercise may be beneficial to your lonely dog.
  • Take your pooch for long morning walks to get him plenty of exercise and tire him out.
  • Schedule an appointment with your Dr. Daniels. Your dog’s anxiety might have an underlying medical cause or Dr. Daniels might have some additional ideas to help relieve your dog’s stress.
  • Spend quality time with your dog when you are at home; include him in family activities to assure him he’s still an important part of the family.
Read More:
How to Tell a Pet's Age from It's Teeth.
Dog DNA Tests: The 6 Most Common Results for Mixed Breeds
Frozen KONG treat Recipes
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Largo Veterinary Hospital  •  1120 Starkey Road  •  Largo  •  FL  •  33771

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