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Your August 2019 Newsletter from Largo Veterinary Hospital
National Immunization Awareness Month
Itchy Pet Awareness Month​
August 8: International Cat Day
August 26: National Dog Day
Does Your Pet Get
The Back-to-School Blues?
Any changes in your pet's routine can cause forms of "the blues". In households with school-aged kids, summers can be full of fun for everyone in the family especially your pets. But what happens when the kids head back to grade school or college and the house is suddenly quiet and lonely?
With this sudden change in daily routine, your pet may experience depression or separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is triggered when pets become upset because of separation from the people they’re attached to. Your pets have had months of extra snuggles, walks and treats. Now there is a lot of silence with those loud people gone most of the day or every day at college.
From the pet’s point of view, all of the humans belong to him. They are part of his pack. That’s why dogs protect us from strangers! All of this means that dogs and all pets feel low when a member of their pack disappear. The change in routine can be upsetting.
Signs your pet is feeling blue include:
  • lethargy
  • lack of appetite
  • wandering around the house looking for the kids or pacing
  • destroying furniture
  • scratching at doors
  • chewing stuff they’re supposed to leave alone
  • getting into the garbage
  • howling
  • house-soiling
So what can you do to cheer up your depressed pet? An easy fix that you may not think of right away is good, old-fashioned exercise – and lots of it. Active pets have less time to be depressed. They can let off steam and get those endorphins flowing – and it’s good for heart health too – both theirs and yours. Increase the length of walks for dogs and spend more time engaging your cats. A new toy(s) is another option. Consider a couple days of doggy day care for your dog for new scents and bonding with other dogs. This will help create a new, well-loved routine.
Given enough time, your pet will stop being depressed and will adjust to new routines and a new way of life – and maybe you will too!
If your pet's change in behavior lasts more than a couple weeks, schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniels. The anxiety might have an underlying medical cause or Dr. Daniels might have some additional ideas to help relieve your dog’s stress.
Meet Spunker Hinkley
Our August 2019 Pet of the Month

I am a 2 year old Domestic Short Haired Kitty and I was adopted when I was a kitten. My favorite thing to play with is the laser. I know I'm gonna catch that light someday! I used to be mischievous in my owner's plants, I played with them so much that my owners cut them short. I am embarrassed to admit that I have crashed into several wall mirrors more than once. Even though I do silly things my owners spoil me and I get to snuggle in bed with them.
6 Reasons Your Pet Is Itching
The constant sound of your pet licking and chewing might be driving you crazy. Here are some of the causes:
  1. Allergies Just as we develop skin irritations in response to environmental triggers, our pets may have itchy, irritated skin too. Dogs can also develop a skin irritation called contact dermatitis when they encounter substances like pesticides or soap.
  2. Boredom or anxiety People with anxiety might bite their nails or twirl their hair, our pets can have physical responses to psychological upset, too.  This can occur in both dogs and cats. This is most likely to occur if the pet is not receiving enough exercise or stimulation.
  3. Dry skin Weather and food deficiencies are the main causes of dry skin in pets. 
  4. Hormonal imbalances If your pet’s body is not producing enough thyroid hormone or putting out too much of the hormone cortisol, superficial skin infections can occur. You may notice bald spots, and your pet may scratch or lick as if bothered by allergies.
  5. Pain If you notice your pet biting, chewing or licking the same spot your pet may have pain that area.
  6. Parasites Among the most common causes for compulsive  licking, chewing, or scratching behaviors are fleas, ticks, and mites. Although ticks are often visible to the naked eye, fleas often go unseen until there is a large infestation, and mites are microscopic. So don’t assume that your pet isn’t suffering from parasites just because you can’t see them.
Have You Heard of "Whisker Fatigue" & Does Your Cat Have It?
Whisker fatigue is an information overload that stresses out your cat. Because whisker hairs are so sensitive, every time your cat comes into contact with an object or detects movement, even a small change in air current or a slight brush against her face, messages are transmitted from the base of her whiskers to her brain. 
So, what causes whisker fatigue? Cats use their whiskers to navigate the world but they can’t tune out unnecessary messages the way we filter out background noise. They may find unnecessary stimulation in routine situations, like at her food or water bowl. If her whiskers touch the sides of the bowl every time she dips her head to sip or eat, this can cause whisker fatigue, for some cats.
Some signs to watch for include pacing in front of the bowls, being reluctant to eat but appearing to be hungry, pawing at food and knocking it to the floor before eating or acting aggressive toward other animals around food. 
You can prevent or stop stress related to whisker fatigue at feeding time by replacing your cat’s food and water bowls. Provide a flat surface or a wide-enough bowl for cat food so that her whiskers don't touch the sides of the bowl. In a pinch consider a paper plate. Most cats prefer a lip-less, large flowing water source, for drinking.
**Please do not ever trim your cats whiskers to prevent touching the sides of their bowls, it dims their perceptions and annoys them!**
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Read More
Summer Grooming Tips
What To Do if Your Pet is Stung
Surviving Your First 30 Days With a Puppy.
Parasites You Can Catch From Pets.
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