Caring for the Ones Who Care Susana Guadalupe Tapia León & Adriana Duran 
Sat. Sept. 28th * 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
With an open heart we welcome back Susana Guadalupe Tapia who is a Medicine Woman and Voice-Sound Healer and assisting her is Adriana Duran - Holistic Therapist and Community Dance Guide.  
As they Co-create a sacred space with a sense of safety, trust and well being among the hearts of the people who are supporting, and navigating in the waters of the healing practice within our communities. 
It is valuable to know that we can always nurture, trust, and count on each other!   
Intentions for the Healing Circle:
. Activate group consciousness: learning beautiful ways to stay aligned with yourself and your center.
.  The Art of Listening: A great Instrument of attunement to have when supporting others.
.  Breathe of life and Spirit! How to use touch and sound with a compassionate heart.
.  Voice and drum journey in the art of healing: liberation of tension and fear!  
.  Chanting, integrating and supporting each other’s visions
.  Community Dances: A festivity to honor, nurture and enhance the heart with gratitude.
.   The pleasure of serving: Being the tool of the greater Spirit.
To Register email Irma at
Exchange: $90
Location: SFR Soul Haven, 56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702
New York, NY 10036  
Btw. 5th and 6th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
About Susana G. Tapia León 
Susana Guadalupe Tapia León is a Grand Mama (Achic Mama)from the Ecuadorian Highlands. She is a Holistic facilitator, artist and musician who specializes in Sound Healing and Voice Expression Therapy. 
She has studied and practiced with traditional and contemporary medicine for over three decades and carries these teachings throughout the Americas. Her "Voyage to the Self" CD is available to be purchased. Susana has been a teacher, mentor, sister, friend to both Judith and Irma and continues to teach in NYC and holds many special sound medicine events.
Susana can be reached for private sessions at:
About: Adriana Duran
Adriana Duran is a Native New Yorker, who is in love with Ecuador since she was 3 months old. Her passion of Ecuador include the landscape, nature, music and enjoys travel.
Since childhood she has been involved with community work, in gratitude of her mother and her career. Adriana loves people and especially children.
Studies Holistic Psychotherapist, which began by self healing which lead to group share and children. She is now an educator of preschoolers. She also does laughing yoga, leads community dances of universal peace.
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Shamanic Fire Reiki Soul Haven  •  56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702  •  NY, New York 10036

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