Shamanic Drum Circle with Tony 
Mon. Dec 16th * 7:00 pm - 9:00pm
Yes together is the key and optimum word to describe a drum circle because it is within the container of a drum circle that we collectively build community, connect with our benevolent and helping Spirit Allies in all the forms they take, and create an energetic vibration for love, joy and healing to happen.
For our December Drum Circle we will prepare ourselves spiritually for change - the change in our cycle and calendar when we will shift from Autumn into Winter.  
We will align ourselves with our Spirit Allies and seek their wisdom for this transition, and we’ll express our gratitude, with love and joy, for the lives we are bless to live.
All levels of Shamanism experience are welcomed.  
Please be respectful and arrive on time, bring your drum or rattle, a totem or item to place on our altar, an eye covering for journeying, and a journal and pen if you wish to take notes. 
Community Cost: $10.00
Location:  SFR Soul Haven, 56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702
New York, NY 10036  
Btw. 5th and 6th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
Must Register to attend email us
Please arrive at 6:45 - 7:00 pm afterwards lobby doors are closed.
You will have to wait until someone exists the building to get in.
About Tony Allicino:
Tony Allicino is a student and practitioner of shamanism since 1997, he has taught workshops at LaGuardia Community College/CUNY, The Open Center, Shantigar, Journeys to the Soul, Spirit Hollow, Kirkridge, Easton Mountain, Menla House, Dawn Manor, and SFR Soul Haven.
He studied shamanic traditions with Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Tom Cowan, Christina Pratt, Nan Moss and David Corbin, Uncle Angaangao, Ailo Gaup, and indigenous shamans of Nepal, and North and South America; ecstatic dances and movement with Gabrielle Roth, Emilie Conrad and Alessandra Belloni; tai chi and qigong with Sharon Smith, Juan Li and Mantak Chia; and Vipassana Meditation with Insight Meditation Society.
A participant of indigenous Sacred Dances throughout the United States, a Grail Reiki Master, graduate of Sandra Ingerman’s Teacher Training Program, a member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Society of Shamanic Practices (SSP),, and a SSP Shamanism Without Borders Community Leader, in 2014, he walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela across northern Spain, and since 2007 he has hosted a monthly Shamanic Drum Circle in Greenwich Village where he lives, conducts classes, and sees clients. He will return to Sicily in 2020 to co-host the "Myths and Mysteries of Sicily: As Above - So Below Tour" with Allison Scola, owner/curator of Experience Sicily.
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Shamanic Fire Reiki Soul Haven  •  56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702  •  NY, New York 10036

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