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Largo Veterinary Hospital
Your Monthly Newsletter from Largo Veterinary Hospital
JUNE 2020
June 4: Hug Your Cat Day. 
June 7-13: Pet Appreciation Week 
June 9: World Pet Memorial Day. 
June 21: National Dog Party Day.
June 22: Take Your Cat to Work Day.
June 22-26: Take Your Pet to Work Week
June 24: Cat World Domination Day.
June 26: Take Your Dog to Work Day.
Even indoor cats love to explore outdoors. Taking your cat outside during the summer gives you both a chance to enjoy the weather. Let your cat roam in a fully enclosed area of your yard. And whether your cat lives outside or has the chance to explore only now and then, here are tips to ensure she stays safe:
  • Provide plenty of fresh water and make sure she has a shaded place to nap and stay cool.
  • Check her paws often, as tar from hot pavement can become embedded between the pads.
  • Clear your yard of plants that are poisonous to cats.
  • Keep vaccinations current! Wildlife is very active in the summer, and bites can be dangerous for your cat. If your cat is bitten, consult your veterinarian immediately.
  • Give your cat a collar and tags with your phone number in case she likes to explore too far from home.
Even if you keep your cat indoors, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the season:
  • Plant a cat garden. Grow cat grass or catnip indoors in pots or in a patch of your enclosed sunroom garden. Your cat will flip for dried catnip, and will love to munch on fresh cat grass.
  • Entertain your cat for hours by placing a bird feeder on or near a window where she naps. Your cat will love to watch the birds, and you'll love to watch her.
No, dog's have an epidermal barrier on their skin along with “good” bacteria and other microorganisms on the skin’s surface will do much to keep him safe and healthy. Swimming often will not disrupt the action of these defense mechanisms. The epidermal barrier will remain intact, and the helpful bacteria on the skin will recover quickly.
You should know that it is actually the harsh ingredients in soaps that compromise the ability of dogs’ skin to protect itself. Too frequent bathing with soaps can irritate the skin, damage hair follicles, and increase the risk of bacterial or fungal infections.
However, if your dog romps in gulf salt water, lakes, streams, and ponds with unknown forms of dirt or contaminants, you should rinse him with just fresh water from the tap. Dried salt on your dog's skin can be irritating. Rinsing off potential pollutants simply makes sense,  because you might also discover any cuts or scrapes from a day of play.
Always dry your dog as thoroughly as possible. We know this can be tough with a frisky wet dog but lingering moisture can impair the skin’s defense mechanisms, and can lead to skin infections.
Note that although you do not need to bathe your dog after every swim, dogs with "normal" skin can be bathed about once a month with a pet friendly shampoo.
Research shows that having pets in the office lowers anxiety in employees and increases work efficiency. If you are considering taking your pet into the office consider these Pet Peeves first:
-->Coworkers are sneezing. First check that no coworkers near your desk or office are allergic. Next reduce allergens by bathing your pet before bringing her in to work regularly.
----> You need permission: Do NOT just show up to work with your pet if you haven’t asked for permission to participate. Ask your boss, your HR department, or someone else who can give you the okay. 
---->Not every pet is a good fit for a work environment. If your dog or cat is easily startled, uncomfortable in new environments, or anxious around new people, then your pet is not a good fit for the office.
---->Keep your pet comfortable. Even if your pet likes new people and situations, they might feel overstimulated by all the new sights, sounds, and smells of your workplace. It’s important to give your pet a nice place to rest and take a break.
---->Bring supplies. If your pet is going to be around for a full work day, bring whatever they’ll need for several hours away from home. You’ll need a bowl for water, food if meal time happens while you’re at work, treats, toys, etc. 
--->Barking, yipping or meowing is interrupting. Leave chatty, anxious, or aggressive pets at home. Consider attending an obedience class before your pet gets a bad rep in the office.

 JUNE is
Adopt-a-Cat Month,
 National Foster a Pet Month, National Pet Preparedness Month & National Microchipping Month.
Anyone can foster! Find out how you can become a pet foster parent.
YES! Mosquito bites carry deadly consequences and can
transmit diseases like heartworm and West Nile. Heartworm disease is the greatest concern when it comes to mosquitoes biting your dog or cat. This disease is caused by a tiny worm that lives in animals’ hearts and veins. Heartworm disease spreads when a mosquito bites an infected animal and then bites a second animal. Because dogs spend more time outside, they have a greater exposure time to being bitten by mosquitoes.

They experience the same irritating itch humans feel from a bite, but mosquitoes also can carry harmful parasites and diseases. That’s why mosquito control for pets is so important.
DON’T use human insect repellent on your pets Human bug sprays are great for us, but they’re toxic for our furry friends. DEET, the main ingredient in most drugstore bug sprays, can cause vomiting, seizures, and skin irritation when exposed to pets. When you apply bug spray to yourself, make sure your pet doesn’t lick your skin.
DO avoid leaving stagnant water around your home One of the easiest things to do is make sure there isn't any space on your property that would make a good breeding ground for mosquitoes. Get rid of anything that can hold water, whether it’s old buckets, used tires or a wading pool used during the summer. If you keep watering cans, your pet’s water bowl or other items outside, be sure to toss the old water every two days or so.
DON’T walk your dog during peak mosquito times Just like how us humans have rush hours, mosquitoes have their own time of the day when they’re the most active, and those times are at dawn and dusk. Avoid walking your dog during these hours and they’ll be less likely to be bitten.
DO buy insect-repellent products made for pets Fairly self-explanatory, but stick to products that are made for pets. That way you know they’re safe to use. Most flea and tick products are formulated to repel mosquitoes as well.
DON’T ignore natural remedies
According to research, Catnip is one of the most effective natural mosquito repellents. Lemon eucalyptus oil is also an effective repellent that keeps mosquitoes (and possibly other people) at bay with its repugnant smell. Geranium oil and soybean oil when mixed together can also be used as a repellent. Although you can find products with these ingredients in health food stores, you can also mix together these oils yourself and make your own D.I.Y. bug spray.
DO fix any broken window screens in your home. Most mosquitoes get into the home through open windows or broken window screens. If you wake up with new bites on your arms, your windows might not be protecting you and your dog-roommate as much as you think. Be wary of any holes or tears in screens that might be letting bugs in.
Meet Sailor Epperson Our June 2020 Pet of the Month
My name is Sailor and I am an orange tabby cat. I am not even 1 year old yet! My mom adopted me and I am so thankful. My most favorite things to play with are my squeaky mouse and mom's feet. Attacking her feet is one of my silliest habits. Shhh...Don't tell Dr. Daniels but my favorite treats to sneak off of plates are chips and pasta! You know it, I am so spoiled that I even get to sleep on mom's pillow.
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