Nick Catton
 Kaizen-Muse Creativity Master Coach

Greetings Creativity Seeker
I'm Nick Catton.
I specialise in taking my clients from creatively disillusioned to artistically enchanted.

For creative people, there are few things worse than feeling cut off from our artistic expression. Creativity can either be a source of energy, delight and purpose or a source of endless overwhelm, guilt and shame. Whether it be the inability to follow through on our inspirations or actually achieving our aims but no longer feeling the love, the creative path is rarely straight forward.

I believe that learning about *your* creative process is one of the most valuable things you can do to get you back on track.

Whether your calling is whispering or yelling, taking time to honour it with intuitive listening followed by small steps you will begin to crack the door open to a whole new level of self-trust and artistic self-leadership.

Creativity Coaching will help loosen the grip that common but stifling blocks such as perfectionism, high expectations, procrastination and overwhelm have on your creative process. Through a combination of reflection, in-session experiences, guided relaxations and post-session follow up notes I will help you build an intuitive map of your creative expression, how it shows up for you, and how you can joyfully and effortlessly continue to show up for it.

In a world where we are constantly exposed to the finished work of others falling madly in love with your own process is one of the most powerful relationships you can develop.
Check out my Creative Mastermind Group
May be an image of Nick Catton
You can reach me for an introductory session at THIS LINK 
or email me at nacatton @ (without the spaces)

Follow me on Instagram

***Free yourself from the cult of excellence, the outstanding and the extraordinary and embrace the whim, enchantment and joy of creating life on your own terms.***

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Nick is creating a life for himself in the remote Atlantic island of El Hierro with his cat Wednesday and Dog Humboldt. Between building his own home, gardening and coaching he enjoys writing poetry, rapping and connecting with others living life on the frontier of their own enchantment. Nick is a teacher in the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training.

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