June 2022 Vol. III: Issue 12
For those of you with a more astrological bent, you probably realize that we are in a period known as a "Mercury Retrograde." What this means is that the planet mercury appears to be going backwards in the heavens. It is an optical illusion and it happens usually 3 or 4 times a year. Usually this is a time of technological glitches such as computer malfunctions, travel delays, misspelled words and confusion in communications. This is because the planet Mercury is the planet of communication. Often people we have not heard from in awhile will reappear in our lives, and a Mercury Retrograde usually lasts about 3 weeks. It can really be a frustrating time. It is a good time to not plan anything new if you can help it but is a great time to review or to do anything which has the prefix re in front of it. Re means to do again. This Mercury Retrograde began on May 10th and will be over on June 3, 2022
What an opportunity! Just think, you can re-peat a lesson at no extra charge, until you get it right. You can re-group after a setback, in order to gather your wits and strength. You can re-structure your life should it happen to be falling apart. You can re-create your image should you happen to fall apart. You can re-position yourself in any situation once you re-evaluate it. You can always re-think the evaluation once it is done. While most of us are not fond of doing most things over again, when you consider the blessings of re, doing it over again may not be such a bad idea.
You can re-deem your character by re-tracting words spoken harshly. You can re-cover from your losses through the power of re-organization. At some point, we have all faced the pain of being re-jected , which can be a wonderful opportunity to re-flect on who we are. There is never really any reason to live with re-morse and re-gret when you consider that every experience is simply a re-hearsal for the next. You can always re-move yourself from a situation when you feel you can't re-late. It is a sign of your re-fusal to accept less for yourself than the best. When you re-lease habits, people, and situations that do not honor who you are, you will re-generate your personal power.
Re-fine your thinking! Re-form your life! Re-search what you need to do without unnecessary re-sistance! Do not be re-luctant to do the things that need to be done. Re-do what you need to do and then re-collect yourself. This is how to work with a Mercury Retrograde. The next Mercury Retrograde periods are September 9 - October 1st. and December 28th - January 18, 2023.
Rev. Michael J. S. Carter
June 5 - Sue Stone, piano: prelude, postlude, offertory and 3 hymns
June 12 - Second Sunday, Andy Gwynn, guitar and voice: Linda Metzner, piano: 2 hymns
Andy Gwynn:
-NC native, grew up in Eden, NC.
-BA English, Davidson College.
-Lived in Black Mountain since 1983.
-Retired. Worked for NC Dept. of Juvenile Justice. Worked many years at Camp Woodson, a therapeutic wilderness program for adjudicated youth.
-Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter.
-A founding member of a worship band for the early service at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church.
June 19 - Linda Metzner, piano: prelude, postlude, offertory and 3 hymns
June 26 - Two Choir anthems; Sue Stone, piano: prelude, postlude, and 2 hymns
Seventh Morning After the Crash
constant pain.
More intense pain --
then dangerous pain meds,
mental fog, constipation,
and risk of addiction.
Total dependence on others --
can't shower or wipe my own ass,
medical pokes, scans and measures.
"What number is your pain now?"
Only the doctors' orders count --
stay in bed, stay in your room,
stay at the rehab center
seemingly forever.
No BLT - bending, lifting, twisting.
Back brace protects but limits everything --
others required to place it on and off.
Life is at best on hold.
Due to COVID no visitors allowed.
Sleep interrupted frequently,
smallest efforts exhausting,
even breathing hurts.
Risks of major surgery or worse –
maybe surgery can't help.
Road to normal seems interminable,
at best a year of hard therapy ahead.
And yet . . .
Life as I knew it might return someday.
Rehab avoids putting my care solely on my wife.
My broken body demands I focus only on healing --
serving others and worldly worries must wait.
Loved ones are there when I need them,
their shared concerns sustain me.
I guess the rest is up to me --
can I be patient with myself?
by Jim Carillon
Oh what is more sweet than the month of June When our senses thrill and our hearts keep tune To the song of the birds and the rose in bloom?
Oh what is more joy than the early gray Of the dewy morn and the sun’s first ray That herald the dawn of a perfect day?
Oh what is more fair as the sun climbs high Than the azure hue of the summer sky And the snow-white clouds drifting idly by?
Oh what is more pure than the summer air That wafts from the woodlands and gardens fair A fragrance and perfume so rich and rare?
Oh what is more dear than the twilight hour When the daylight fades and each nodding flower Is kissed by the moonbeams’ mystic power?
O, Summer Queen! you are gone too soon With your sunny days and your shining moon, With your golden grain and your wealth of bloom.
And if we could hold in some magic way To your trailing robes for a single day, Dear month of June, we would bid you stay.
By Lottie Brown Allen
Everything hurts,
Our hearts shadowed and strange,
Minds made muddied and mute.
We carry tragedy, terrifying and true.
And yet none of it is new;
We knew it as home,
As horror,
As heritage.
Even our children
Cannot be children,
Cannot be.
Everything hurts.
It’s a hard time to be alive,
And even harder to stay that way.
We’re burdened to live out these days,
While at the same time, blessed to outlive them.
This alarm is how we know
We must be altered —
That we must differ or die,
That we must triumph or try.
Thus while hate cannot be terminated,
It can be transformed
Into a love that lets us live.
May we not just grieve, but give:
May we not just ache, but act;
May our signed right to bear arms
Never blind our sight from shared harm;
May we choose our children over chaos.
May another innocent never be lost.
Maybe everything hurts,
Our hearts shadowed & strange.
But only when everything hurts
May everything change.
By Amanda Gorman
Take a deep breath and count down from ten…
Repeat as needed.
Squabbling siblings, struggles to get out the door, selective memory issues… Life with children presents many occasions to practice patience, and of course the last two years have given us all plenty of opportunities to work on this trait (though not everyone has).
Despite all my chances to practice, I find I still have room for improvement, and plenty of work to do to teach my children patience. Patience of course is an important life skill at any age, and if I want my children to acquire it (which I do), I know they need to begin working on it now. The ability to maintain (or regain) composure is incredibly important in learning to delay gratification, and for all kinds of emotional regulation.
In the wake of yet another mass shooter tragedy this week (just days after the one before!), I find my patience tried. I am increasingly impatient with legislators, and with a society that could allow this sort of thing to happen again and again. Rage, frustration, terror, and exhaustion course through me.
I consider the merits of expatriation. But then I take a deep breath. I breathe, and am forced to remember that this most recent terrible act was perpetrated by a young man still in his teens, and the one before by an individual who clearly lacked empathy. I know blind rage will not move us forward, and that I must find a way to use the tools I have at hand. I will write to politicians. I will support anti-violence organizations. I will demonstrate. I will vote, and I will work to promote children’s mental and emotional health. I am reminded of the importance of teaching all children (all people) to learn to identify their feelings, process challenging information, employ empathy, and develop impulse control. Society would surely benefit if we could all strive to have more empathy and patience, so I will work on myself, and with those I can influence to create as much patience in the world as I can.
My thoughts and prayers are with us all.
Susan Enwright Hicks, DRE
It has been said that Patience is the first step to the Temple of Light. Oops! I can already hear the groans and see the eye rolls of many of my friends as soon as they read that phrase. So let’s consider what it means and then consider the part that patience plays in getting there.
One of the definitions of “temple” given by Merriam-Webster is “a place devoted to a special purpose”. So, yes, that could be a church, synagogue or other place of worship but it could also be a university, a sports arena, a train station or a hundred other places. Still, the word evokes a feeling of sacredness. I once asked a friend from South Africa to be quiet as we walked through a tunnel to the place where she would see a major league baseball field for the first time in her life telling her that she was about to enter sacred space - the temple of baseball. Most of us, at one time or another, have probably been advised to treat our body as a temple when we considered what we were ingesting and/or how we were otherwise treating it.
Light is defined as “something that makes vision possible”. This could be taken literally as the light from the sun or from a 60 watt bulb. It could also be seen as education or wisdom - that which enables us to understand, or see, that which we previously did not understand. It could also relate to a spiritual revelation that might come to us in any one of a number of ways.
So the phrase, “Temple of Light”, can be seen in several ways. Let’s look at it from the standpoint of a humanist or atheist, taking out any religious/spiritual connotations. We could see our brain as being a temple of light - a place dedicated to learning and understanding how things work. So how does patience play a role in getting us to the desired goal of learning?
That’s easy enough to grasp. Anyone who has ever learned how to play an instrument, ride a bike, hit a ball, or paint a picture can easily remember what that process was like. I doubt if there has ever been a single baby, in all of human history, who has ever stood up to walk without falling down many times. Who of us learned how to ride a bike without Dad or Mom behind us holding on for a while or landing in the flower bed a few times? Anyone ever lived in a house with another person learning a musical instrument? Bet you found lots of reasons to leave the house early on in that process. So what is the common denominator in all of these diverse aspects of learning? Patience. Without it, you NEVER get to hang an art piece in a gallery, ride in a 50 mile fund-raiser, play on a Little League team or play in a band.
OK - those of you who consider anything you can’t see or prove to be superstitious nonsense can now quit reading.
The other Temple of Light we might consider would be getting in touch with our divinity - our connection to God, Life, Universal Wisdom or any other label you would like to give to the essence of reality. For those who have had some experience of this, it may have come in several ways. Perhaps meditation, prayer, or taking a calming walk in the woods brought you to that place. I had a friend who, any time he needed to find clarity on an issue, would go running and the answer would come to him. Another friend took a hot bubble bath when she needed to get in touch with inner wisdom. Another friend would clean house. There are all kinds of approaches to take - whatever enables you to clear your mind and bring your heart to a still place so you can hear that still small voice, feel something click into place, or simply know what you need to know. Again, the common factor is patience. You can’t make it happen and you can’t decide the time table.
So, if you have a major decision to make in your life, whether your temple is your mind or the place of divinity, patience is the first step to your Temple of Light.
By Larry Pearlman
It has been a long time coming that Carrie would find her way to us. For the last 25 years she had thoughts about living in Asheville. Intuition told her to start looking for a place to live on November 1st. On November 2nd she found a place to rent! This is amazing considering the housing crisis we are in. Her intuition was right.
She moved here on December 11, 2021 and we officially welcomed her at our New Member Recognition in May. The amazing stuff doesn’t stop there. She is closing on a house in a few days from when I write this. This woman is learning how to follow her intuition!
After finishing her Ph.D. from Ohio State University Carrie had a psychotherapy practice in Rochester, NY for 30 years before retiring a few years ago. She was the first in the Rochester area to offer alternative approaches that included EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Thought Field Therapy, and hypnosis.
Although Carrie may have retired she certainly didn’t stop growing, stretching herself and being curious. Carrie started playing pickleball when she moved to Black Mountain and likes to hike and kayak. She hopes to facilitate journaling workshops here in the future and is interested in personality typographies such as the Enneagram and the Myers Briggs Personality Inventory.
Unitarian Universalism is familiar to Carrie; she was involved in UU Churches for 20 years in Rochester, NY and in Massachusetts. She was attracted to our sign that reads LOVE BEYOND BELIEF. She wants to make deep connections in a caring community. Now we are the lucky ones - to have found Carrie. Welcome Carrie!
By Heidi Blozan
Welcome to all new members!
Our Sunday Service (May 22, 2022) had some of our newest members recognized in our familiar ritual. The congregation and new members make a covenant together. Unfortunately, many new members joined UUCSSV while we were having only virtual services. They are also welcomed by the congregation. Heidi Blozan, chair of the Membership Committee called their names in recognition of their becoming members.
Our Annual UUCSV Congregational Meeting Minutes
Sunday, May 22, 2022
After the church service and a potluck, Evan Yanik, Board President, called the meeting to order and read the church mission statement. It was determined that there were 48 members present including those connected on Zoom video. A quorum required 42 members, and it was determined that a quorum existed.
The first issue to be presented by Evan was the proposed church budget. (See below) Evan presented the budget and discussed changes to major items. Plate income was much higher than expected in the current fiscal year, so the new budget expects that to continue. Compensation for church employees was discussed separately since there were some changes for the upcoming fiscal year. Once the discussion ended a vote was called. The proposed church budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year passed unanimously.
The second agenda item was approval of new Board members. Evan Yanik, Anna Marcel De Hermanas, and Barb Bryan are the departing Board members. Evan presented a slate of Dan Hadley, Marti Salzman, and Larry Pearlman as the proposed new Board members. Evan explained that Larry was also agreeing to be the church treasurer to replace Lee Reading who had served as the treasurer for 10 years. Lee received a round of applause for his dedication and hard work over those years. A vote was called and the slate of candidates was unanimously approved.
Before Evan could end the meeting, the Board presented him with a gift wall hanging that read, “Life is a Garden, Dig It” which is the motto found on all his emails. Evan received a round of applause from the congregation.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Milton Warden, Board Secretary
Lee Reading, retiring Treasurer
Having just held our annual congregational meeting, electing a slate of new Board Members and welcoming our new members, I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you a brief review of how our governance works at UUCSV.
We function as an independent congregation affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Using the democratic process, the volunteers who serve on the Board of Trustees in coordination with the Committee Chairs, manage the church.
So, when someone asks you to volunteer it is because we operate mostly with volunteer efforts. At the end of this newsletter, you’ll find a list of committee chairs to contact for information about serving on a committee.
We are grateful for all of our volunteers including the three Board members who will be cycling off the Board on June 30th.
On July first, Anna Marcel de Hermanas’ time will quickly free up to continue her volunteerism at UUCSV. Her ongoing work includes (but is not limited to - being a member of the RE Committee and RE teacher, a member of the Social Action Committee, and helping to coordinate programming for our Women’s Group. Anna has also been volunteering for short term projects such as the auction and fundraising for the UU Service Committee.
As an outgoing member of our Board of Trustees, Barbara Bryan says it has been interesting to open up the hood of our organization and see how the engine runs. She was a regular coffee hour host back in the day when we met in person. Barbara continues to serve on the (Memorial) Garden Committee, promoting the use of native plants in The Garden.
Our outgoing Board President, Evan Yanik, has been the “wind beneath our wings.” In addition to serving on the Board for three years during the high stress time of adapting to being in a pandemic, he has worked on the technology for the auction; and he’s designed, recorded, edited and posted virtual Sunday Services. He serves on the following committees; Personnel, Communication, and Finance. In the autumn Evan shows up with his family for leaf raking. His motto is, “Life Is A Garden, Dig It!” Thank you Evan for the heavy digging you’ve done at UUCSV.
And to ALL of our past Board Members, we thank you!
By Carolyn Shorkey
Evan Yanik
A Work in Process (Beyond Passing the 8th Principle)
A year ago, UUCSV’s membership passed the 8th principle, becoming one of more than 150 congregations who have done so since it was set out for adoption. Although the passing of an 8th principle after a long history of espousing seven principles surely marks for us and our denomination a willingness to move beyond what history has provided, it also demands of us that we “widen our circle of concern.” (UUA Commission on Institutional Change 2020)
In the report from the Commission, we are invited into “Conversation for Liberation,” which among other things, asks us to “commit ourselves to the aspiration of a fully inclusive and anti-oppressive community” and to use “conversations” to move out of comfort with our past good work and move into the hard work of acknowledging and changing the present systems founded on hierarchies of privilege.
Many of our members have embarked on these conversations in our groups and gatherings. Some of our committees have had these conversations in sessions to review and change our working documents to include explicitly anti-racist language and policy. Our Religious Education Director has attended training and routinely seeks out varied voices to reflect all of us now and into our future. Our building and grounds committee makes it a practice, when hiring, to first seek businesses owned by members of historically underrepresented hires. Our sign out front acknowledges the land we use today is the native home of indigenous people who have endured white supremacist laws.
Our choir sings the songs of many cultures, and our minister and lay service providers continue to speak an ever-more inclusive language. A new covenant group, based on the work of renowned author/therapist Resmaa Menakem, formed to explicitly work on what our 8th principle refers to as the “dismantl(ing) of racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” This is just a summary of the work being done to live this new principle.
What’s Next?
To support our ongoing work, a second covenant group on this topic (a daytime group to accommodate interest) is being planned for later this summer, and you may respond to this article at annamdeh@gmail.com if you are interested or have questions.
If you are a member of a committee that has not reviewed it’s policies to reflect anti-racist practice and might be interested in assistance from those that have, you may also reach out to me at annamdeh@gmail.com, and I will help you link to committee members who have participated in that process.
If you have an idea for a speaker, songwriter, or author who has helped you unpack your own white privilege, refer your resources to the Sunday service committee, the music or RE director, or talk with Michael to get ideas on how to share your experiences. Read the UU World and discuss the articles with other members, go to the UUA website and read some or all of the report by the UUA Commission on Institutional Change mentioned above (“Widening the Circle of Concern”). Take or retake Harvard’s Implicit bias test or McIntosh’s “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” (many of us used a version in Buiding Bridges or other racial equity training). https://form.jotform.com/212836674412053
There is important change work being done both here and in our denomination as a whole, and we need all of us to live into our newest principle.
By Anna Marcel de Hermanas
Most weekends, I write a letter. Yes, on paper. I affix a beautiful stamp and send it, then I have to wait. For it to arrive, and then for the possible, likely, but never guaranteed response. It's an act of letting go, trusting. I am committing my words to paper, with no control over how they are received by the addressee, and I am left hanging until a letter arrives back in my rural mailbox.
While it is probably hard to conceive by millennials, who grew up with instant, digital communication, letter-writing was still a custom during my childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Receiving a personal letter in the mail has always been a thrill, even an ecstatic event if it was originated by a lover! We wrote postcards from our travels, and we put our thoughts and feelings onto the page and into an envelope if meeting up in person was not possible. I still enjoy sending (and receiving!) cards and letters, some of you have received them and written to me (thank you!). I've never stopped sending letters to my friends in Germany, almost thirty years of email has not ended our lovely, handmade exchanges. We add drawings, a clipping, a scent, glitter, small acts to make it special - it's a treat to open and receive these ephemeral treasures!
When was the last time you sent a letter in the mail? There is something energetically different about the tangible letter, as opposed to an email, something obvious that travels from the creator to the recipient. The touch, the feel, the scent, the ink. Oh, please, do not give up on sending part of your precious self, literally, through our beloved postal service! Letters are treasures. Each one I receive connects me to the sender and I keep them in a gorgeous, special box.
During my penpalships with incarcerated persons over many years, thoughts, emotions and events have been shared, one by one, with care and reflection, knowing there'd be days and weeks before a response. This wait is good, very good. It means incubation and marinating, sometimes clarification and disentanglement. Just by waiting, and by considering crafting the next letter. Connections are made without the weight of everyday busy-ness. For the person in prison, it may mean a neutral, unencumbered, inspiring thread to the outside world. Patience is required but that's nothing new. For when we wait while keeping a person in mind, our energy reaches beyond distance and walls and holds the other person in our awareness. So precious, this holding of space and presence. Any of us could benefit from a fresh, neutral encounter with no expectation.
If engaging in a letter exchange resonates with you, and you are able and willing to send one letter a month, please consider a penpalship, connecting to an incarcerated person, via CLF UU's Prison Ministry's Pen Pal program. All that is required of you is your patience, kind attention, and a letter. You do not have to reveal your identity or contact information. CLF (Church of the Larger Fellowship) is a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, comprised of thousands of people from all over the world. As a spiritual community rooted in profound love, they cultivate wonder, gratitude, and the courage to act, striving to carry the flame of liberal religion to all who yearn for its warmth and light.
Thank you all for your kind consideration.
Love and Light to all of you,
Damaris Pierce
June 2 - Ruth Pittard June 8 - Allan Brown June 25 - Dr. Jane Carroll June 26 - Heidi Blozan June 29 - Kathy Phillips
To be listed in your birth month, just let the Tidings editor know by sending your info at any time to Tidings.uucsv@gmail.com.
Abbreviated Minutes (complete minutes are posted near the office)
May 26, 2022
1. Treasurer’s Report: This has been a recovery year from the pandemic and the projected shortfall is being surpassed. Lee reviewed some growth metrics for the church that show we are moving in the right direction including new members, volunteerism, new board members, Sunday service attendance, and the pledge drive. Evan indicated that Lee is retiring from being Treasurer at the end of June and Larry Pearlman, one of the new Board members, is Lee’s successor.
2. Liaison Reports
Building and Grounds Committee (BAG): Jackie reported that major work is being done on rain garden. Lisa Will and Spence Foscue are organizing the effort to convert the drainage pit behind the church into a rain garden. Lisa, along with a couple of other volunteers, has been very busy digging to fill the pit and expand the depth of the drainage area that will be filled with soil, sand, and mulch before being planted. Some additional activities of the Committee have been to repair our church sign and scheduling regular HVAC service.
Congregational Care, Social Action, Children’s Religious Education and Personnel Committees: refer to the reports posted on the bulletin board near the office.
Membership Committee: The recent membership Sunday went well and total membership is 128 individuals. The membership numbers are being updated and may be slightly inflated.
Safety Committee: Evan reported that the Safety Committee recently met with the Black Mountain police, and in response to their recommendations, Lisa has installed blinds in the Religious Education rooms. It was reiterated that the Board member doing the welcome and announcements should be responsible for locking the push bar doors in the portico 5 to 10 minutes after the service begins. This will allow for an emergency exit while preventing unsupervised entrance into the building during the Sunday service.
3. Board Transition - Evan explained that he and Lee will be removed from church financial accounts at the end of their terms in June and new people will be added to the accounts.
Respectively submitted,
Milt Warden, Board Secretary
Healing in the Time of Grief
I feel safe in saying that all of us have suffered some manner of injury during our life. It may have been a skin abrasion following a skateboard mishap, a bruise caused by bumping into something (or some one) while watching something else, or, maybe it was a deep gash requiring a trip to the ER and a series of stitches to close the wound. We have all experienced assaults on our physical body. And, we have learned that sometimes these injuries will heal on their own, heal with some minimal attention, or heal with professional attention and intervention.
In this series I proposed that those suffering loss through death were automatically enrolled in the PhD of Life program–Pain, Healing and Discovery. Grief healing, similar to physical healing, may occur on its own, with some attention, or with professional intervention. Unlike physical injury however, most of us are neither prepared for nor skilled in promoting the healing process. Watch any learning-to-walk child take her first fall. The shock shows immediately on the facial grimace. Then, the near-hysterical crying following by arms reaching for parental comfort. With experience, these bodily insults are soon brushed off, and we learn to get ourselves back on track. With practice! With experience! With loving support! These are the conditions that help us learn that we will survive a myriad of physical injuries.
Not so with grief.
Some bereaved seem to roll with the punches while others become immobilized. Grief healing depends on a vast array of physical, relational, emotional, social, and spiritual conditions and factors. Entire libraries have been written with advice about grief healing. I cannot begin to scratch the topic in a short essay like this. But, there are three things we all should keep in mind whether experiencing grief or supporting grievers.
First, grief is not one of those “insults” that will heal in a given time frame. Time is irrelevant to one who grieves. Those who suggest that six weeks, six months, a year, or even two years is enough to “heal” do not understand that the bereaved is emerging as a new person. All of life is about renewing ourselves – even those of us who have never experienced the death of a loved one are daily involved in re-learning ourselves in an ever-changing world. The bereaved are now engaged in that activity without the collaboration of their loved one. So, yes, tears will come two, three, five, twenty-five years following the death of a loved one. We, as support providers, regardless of how close or casual our relationship, need to honor the griever’s own time.
Next, grieving is a natural human response. What really makes it difficult is that it is a very complex human response. Even as an emotional reaction, grief is very complicated, involving sadness, fear, caution, annoyance, restlessness, anger, forgetfulness, yearning, shock, denial, aimlessness, neediness, misery, this list goes on for pages and pages! Not only will these feelings occur frequently, they will occur suddenly without any apparent reason. Hopefulness may be replaced instantly by hostility in an instant...just because the phone rang (even though you chose not to answer it). And, emotion is not the only way we respond to our loss. Relationships with friends change. Our assumptions about life in general change. The reliability of our daily routines change. EVERYTHING changes! And, that is natural and expected.
Finally, because we are social, we need to seek support in our grief. No one should ever think they can “make it on their own.” When friends avoid us because we’re still crying (one of the most frequently cited issues of grieving), it is time to look for others who can and will understand your grief. Grievers need relational support – if not from family or friends, then from others who understand the demands of grief (notice that I did not say “the grief process” because it is not procedural).
By Scott Traxler
Thank you to all who submitted their words for this month's Tidings. We have even put a few things aside to be included in future months.
For July we have a suggested topic of "Integrity."
Barbara Rogers
Board of Trustees:
Evan Yanik - President
Rose Levering – Vice President Jackie Franklin Rochelle Broome Sally Smith
Anna Marcel de Hermanas Barbara Bryan
Non-board officers: Lee Reading - Treasurer Milt Warden – Secretary
Committee Chairs: Building & Grounds - Deb Evenchik Social Action - Jane Carroll Finance - Lee Reading Nominating - Evan Yanik Congregational Care - Larry Pearlman Membership - Heidi Blozan and Maggie Schlubach Personnel – Linda Tatsapaugh/Kathryn Coyle (co-chairs) Communications - Susan Culler Governance – Evan Yanik Religious Education - Contact RE Director Susan Enright Hicks Coffee Hour Hosts Coordinator - Carolyn Shorkey Sunday Service Associates - Diane Graham (rotating) Strategic Planning Task Force - Michael Figuera Memorial Garden - Dawn Wilson
Sunday Service Production: Evan Yanik, AV producer/editor, and Deb Evenchik Annelinde Metzner, Music director and piano Sue Stone, piano
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley
500 Montreat Road
Black Mountain, NC 28711
(828) 669-8050 (email preferred during pandemic)