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July 21, 2022
In this issue:
This Sunday at UUCSV
RE (Religious Education)
Next Week at UUCSV
News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
This Sunday at UUCSV
Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. 
“The Names for God"
Rev. Michael J S Carter
Music: Linda Metzner, choir director; Sue Stone, piano

Why do we name anything? Why do we give a label to a rose for example, a person, a feeling? We do this either to communicate one’s feelings (for instance, if I say I am angry as opposed to I have a lot of anger) or to describe a flower, or to identify oneself with that feeling. By giving something a name, we think we have understood it. Yet by giving something a name we have merely put it into a category, and we think we have understood it but we sometimes need to go deeper. We do this with people, places and things. We also do this in our religious language as well. Let's explore how this need to label causes confusion when we talk about what we believe, especially when we talk about "God."
Order of Service
Gathering Music: "Mystery” (Jeremy Geffen, arr. Jim Scott)
Welcome & Announcements: Sally Smith
Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: Diane Graham &
Rev. Michael J S Carter

Opening Hymn: #273 “Immortal, Invisible”
Reading: #611
Choir Anthem: “Ancient Mother” (Brooke Medicine Eagle)
Joys & Sorrows

Hymn: #123 “Spirit of Life”
Meditation & Prayer: Rev. Michael J S Carter
Offertory & Choir Anthem:
Amen/Amin” (Pakistani & African American medley)

Sermon: “Names for God” – Rev. Michael J S Carter
Closing Hymn: #23 “Bring Many Names”
Closing Words: Rev. Michael J S Carter
Postlude Music: “There Are Numerous Strings” (Rabindranath Tagore)

Music: Linda Metzner, choir director; Sue Stone, piano

Religious Education:  Nursery/Pre-K caregivers: Childcare at this time is limited, and is performed as needed by either Susan Enwright Hicks, DRE, or one of our trusted childcare volunteers
Video:  Evan Yanik
Sound Team: Bill Altork, Rhea Bockhorst, Larry Pearlman & David Reid

The YouTube video of today's service will be available Sunday afternoon, as well as all previous Sunday Services at UUCSV Productions. Click to go to YouTube here. 

Joys & Concerns:
We want to hear from you about your joys and concerns. If you cannot attend in person and would like to be heard, please send your message to Rev. Michael Carter by noon on Friday so he can read it during the Sunday service.

For online offertory and/or pledge donations:


RE (Religious Education)
July 24, 2022
No Virtual RE this week
11:00 a.m. at UUCSV - Storytime and then play outdoors (weather
permitting) or play games indoors with Susan

Inspired by our congregation's work with new American families, this week’s story is a story of hope about a
refugee boy from Nigeria, Tani’s New Home, by Tanitoluwa Adewumi. 
Summer Volunteers Needed! Susan is looking for adults who would enjoy sharing their interests/talents with children on summer Sundays. Do you have a hobby, profession, or talent you could bring to share? Musician? Magician? Amateur Birder? Bocce Champ? We’d love to learn from you! On July 31, 2022, Larry Pearlman is going to share about his time with the Peace Corps!
RE Committee Members and nursery care volunteers are still needed! As we transition into in-person and multi-generational offerings, we need more help to plan our programs, and on Sunday mornings in RE spaces to make sure kids are safe, and young visitors receive quality care. If you are interested in helping shape future programs, or to volunteer as an RE childcare provider please let Susan know by email or by phone at 828.450-5319. Thank you!
Next Week at UUCSV
Sunday, July 31, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. 
"Forces of Change"
Rev. Michael J S Carter

The times we live in are no doubt historic. These times can be both frightening and exciting times for many of us. The world is changing and we must change with it; we must let go of the old paradigm or be dragged.  Many of us say we want change but when the time actually comes, we shirk away from it. Why? Because in so many ways change is beyond our control.
It’s an interesting dynamic that I witness in some people. Even
in these times, I have come across people who don’t think that things have changed much regarding cultural issues. They can't seem to see that change is all around them. Let's explore.

News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
Personal Note from Maggie Moon &
Update on Meal Delivery
From Maggie Moon:
I don't want to let more time go by without letting each of you know how very much your meals and other contributions have meant to me and Al while I have been laid up. It is humbling to be in such a state of dependency, and Al has been there every moment for me for the past 4 weeks since the accident. Your help has been essential for us to get through this difficult time. We feel so blessed to be part of this community!
I am feeling a little stronger every day, walking short distances with a walker, but still on pain medication round-the-clock. It's going to be awhile till I get to take off this hefty brace and get back to my life. Thankfully, the weather has been mild enough so we can be outside a bit.
We just learned yesterday that Al is having surgery Monday on his back to
relieve a pinched nerve that has plagued him for months. The meals will be especially helpful now.
Many many thanks for your kindness and thoughtfulness and for all the good wishes and prayers sent our way with your offerings.

From Carolyn Shorkey, UUCSV Caring Committee Chair:
Maggie and Al are requesting some suppers while she is healing from
multiple fractures. They both eat poultry, fish and vegetarian cuisine with a LIMITED amount of legumes (beans). They also welcome fresh fruits, fresh veggies, rice and potatoes. Maggie avoids sugar, but Al (our hero caregiver) appreciates a dessert. Please call to arrange dropping off a supper at 804-339-1712.

Meals for Maggie and Al, only: July 18 - 30, 2022 
Meals for Maggie, Al and 2 grandchildren: July 31 - August 5, 2022 
Please go to this website to sign up. You will not have to create an account or a password. Simply select the word "Take" beside the date that you wish to
deliver a meal. Then, fill out a form with your name, phone number and email
address. It's as easy as that! 
Thank you!

UPDATE – Circle of Welcome and Afghan Family Fundraiser

The fundraiser for our sponsored Afghan Family is this Sunday – July 24, 2022 – from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. at Lake Tomahawk Pavilion. Six musical acts will entertain us and refreshments will be provided by caring and generous
members and friends. 
We need additional cold drinks (iced tea, lemonade, and water) and coolers of ice. If you can bring drinks and/or ice please let me know on the sign up sheet in the church foyer. To all who bring refreshments and everyone who attends and donates, THANK YOU.
Our Circle of Welcome can always use volunteers to provide transportation to the family for medical, legal, grocery, and other trips. The family gratefully
accepts diapers (size 4t), baby wipes and other household and personal care products.
For questions or concerns about the fundraiser, contact Anna at Or if interested in volunteering contact Katherine at 

Care Committee Equipment
For those of you who aren't aware, your Care Committee, chaired by Carolyn Shorkey, has a small cache of medical equipment to lend including crutches, walking boots, shower chair, walkers, and the fancy Rollator shown in this picture next to one of the walkers.
The pet carrier shown in the picture isn't part of the Care Committee lending
program but is available for free for the first person to contact Larry Pearlman.

Tidings - August Edition
Tidings, our monthly newsletter, will have this topic for our August issue: "The Earth's Health," or "Environmentalism as UU's." Please submit photos,
articles, poetry or other ideas to by July 25, 2022. Thanks! 

Volunteer Opportunities
Please visit our Volunteer Sign up Page to see
opportunities for being of service to UUCSV. Note that some of these links have changed for 2022. Thanks to all of our volunteers. We couldn't be here without you!
We are always in need of Sunday Greeters.  Please sign-up and volunteer to be a Greeter!
If you would like to volunteer to supervise the collection plate, please sign-up here.
Asheville Tourists Baseball Game Update
Let’s go to an Asheville Tourists baseball game! Susan has purchased tickets for the July 26, 2022, game (Section FF and Rows B & C). She’ll have them available on Sunday at UUCSV. She will also be available to meet you at the gate at McCormick Field on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. Please text or call Susan at 828-450-5319 if you have any questions. For those of you who have not paid yet, following are her details for Venmo or PayPal (you can also pay by check):
Susan will be buying the August 12, 2022, tickets next week. 
Church office: (828) 669-8050 (email preferred during social distancing)
Michael Donnan, Office Manager (Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

Rev. Michael J S Carter, (Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Rev. Carter is available for pastoral care in the church office or virtually via Zoom or Skype. For in-person meetings, protocols of social distancing and face masks are followed. Please email Rev. Michael J S Carter to schedule an appointment.
The deadline for submissions to The Current is Tuesday at 12:00 p.m., please send yours to For more information and guidelines on submissions for our newsletters, website, online calendar, social media, Order of Service, and member news, please see our Publishing Guidelines.
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