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August 3, 2023
This Sunday at UUCSV
 Next Week at UUCSV
News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
Adult RE
Member & Community Activities
This Sunday at UUCSV
Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
Hell on Earth
 Rev. Michael J S Carter
If within the next 10 years, the next year, the next 30
minutes, the ravages of nuclear war are unleashed upon
humanity – murdering billions of people, inflicting excruciating injuries upon countless others, sending civilization back to the Stone Age and destroying most of the rest of the earth, it won’t have happened without much warning.
The first warning was the worst. On Aug. 6, 1945, a United States Boeing
B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima
instantly killing over 70,000 – mostly civilian – children, women and men.
Three days later, on Aug. 9, 1945, the U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb, this time on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing at least 60,000 people – again mostly civilians.  A Nuclear midnight for civilization is upon us. The clock is winding down---it is later than we think.
Greeters: Elizabeth Wallace

Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
at UUCSV with Susan E. Hicks

August has arrived, so we’ll process some back-to-school feelings by revisiting Penelope Rex (of We Don't Eat Our Classmates) in We Will ROCK Our Classmates.

We’ll also have the opportunity to paint some rocks & add them to the art rocks map.
 Next Week at UUCSV
Sunday, August 13, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
Offering Compassion: UUs & Reproductive Justice
Rev. Claudia Jiménez

An invitation to explore our religious history and theological grounding as members of a denomination that advocates for reproductive justice. In particular, Rev. Jiménez will highlight the Clergy Consultation Service and UU involvement in their work before Roe. How can that history inform us today, post Roe?
Claudia has served as UUCA’s Minister of Faith Development since 2018. Prior to her ordination, Rev. Jiménez served as Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vero Beach, Florida from 2001 to 2018. She has 10 years of teaching experience in middle school science and in elementary schools in Colombia, Brazil, Canada, and Florida.
While in Vero Beach, she also was elected for two terms to the Indian River County School Board from 2008 to 2016. She is a certified Religious Educator through the Liberal Religious Educator’s Association and is a trained Our Whole Lives (OWL) Facilitator and a certified sexuality educator. She is married and has two adult daughters.
News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
Help Needed For Potluck
August 27, 2023
A host is needed for the August 27, 2023, potluck as Alice & Dave Wells will be out of town. The host will be responsible only for setting up tables and
taking silverware home to wash. Biodegradable plates will be provided. Contact Dave ( if you are willing to take on this important task.
W1 of 4

Out of Office Reminder
I will be out of the office August 1-6, 2023, and returning to the office on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. I will be performing my regular duties remotely and will be checking email daily.
Thank you,
Michael Donnan - UUCSV Office Manager 
Adult RE
Member & Community Activities
Inanna's Daughters
August 6, 2023
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Inanna's Daughters is a women's circle, gathering at the cross-quarter days (February 2nd, May 1st, August 2nd and November 1st) to celebrate the Great Goddess. On August 6, 2023, at the UUCSV, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., we'll be celebrating Lammas, the harvest festival, with readings, crafts, music and sharing.  All women are
welcome... Come join us! We circle on the lawn by the north parking lot, weather permitting. Bring a camp chair. Contact Linda Metzner or Rebecca Williams for more information.

Zoom Class
You Are Here: A Roadmap for the End of Life
Jan Booth and Trish Rux have been teaching and studying in the conscious living/conscious dying world for quite a while.  The class we teach about end-of-life planning continues to evolve.  We’re excited to offer this improved
version in September, You Are Here: A Roadmap for the End of Life. The
registration link (which includes the dates and times) can be found here.
It's about living the last chapter of our lives more intentionally, however long that is. It’s about planning ahead for the care that we will likely require as we age and need more support. It’s about the legacy we will leave in the way we die.
Join us for a 5-part Zoom class in September that brings practical information, reflection time, and inspiration to the whole question of how we might live out our last years in a way that matters most to us.
Church office: (828) 669-8050
Michael Donnan, Office Manager Hours: Tuesday & Thursday,
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Rev. Michael J S Carter, (Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Rev. Carter is available for pastoral care in the church office or virtually via Zoom or Skype. Please email Rev. Michael J S Carter to schedule an appointment.
The deadline for submissions to The Current is Tuesday at 12:00 p.m., please send yours to For more information and guidelines on submissions for our newsletters, website, online calendar, social media, Order of Service, and member news, please see our Publishing Guidelines.
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