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August 31, 2023
This Sunday at UUCSV
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Adult RE
Member & Community Activities
This Sunday at UUCSV
Sunday, September 3, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
Entering the Silence
Rev. Michael J S Carter

We now live in a culture that embraces continuous sound in the form of white noise, machinery, idle conversation, music and a variety of other forms of media. They can all have a detrimental effect on our mental health and our ability to connect with nature. Have you ever just taken a walk with your pet dog for instance or walked in the woods in silence alone without talking on your phone? Let's
discuss as a gentle reminder what it means to enter the eloquence of silence.
Music: Linda Metzner, piano

Sunday, September 3, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
at UUCSV with Susan E. Hicks
This week we’ll talk about our connections to others and watch the short video We Are All Connected. Following the video, we will discuss it and how to appreciate the people around us.
 Next Week at UUCSV
Sunday, September 10, 2023 - 11:00 a.m.
Reparations in Buncombe County/Asheville
Dwight Mullen, PhD 

Dr. Dwight Mullen, retired professor from UNC Asheville, will discuss the goals, accomplishments, and timeline of the Asheville-Buncombe Community Reparations Commission. The Commission - approximately two dozen Black
residents of Asheville and Buncombe County—focuses on both the historical
injustices of discrimination (urban renewal, red-lining, private and public
discrimination, etc.) as well as disparities and policies that, by design or
inadvertently, continue to further disparities in job opportunities, education,
income and wealth, and access to power.
Dr. Mullen taught courses in public policy, American politics, and African and African American politics at UNC Asheville, as well as serving as the chair of the Political Science department there. He has chaired panels and presented papers at the National Conference of Black Political Scientists; overseen
research projects on the State of Black Asheville; and dedicated much of his professional and personal time to improving the delivery of public services to underserved populations.
News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
Message from The Board - Please Watch!
The UUCSV Board is always concerned about the safety of our congregation. In the past two years, we have installed window coverings and instituted door locking and monitoring during services. We also believe that preparing yourself by watching this video can keep you safe if you ever find yourself in an active shooter situation, whether at church, the grocery store, or any other gathering. Here's a link to this FBI-approved short video.

Parking Update from Building & Grounds Committee
You might have noticed “parking attendants” in the North parking lot this past Sunday, directing some of you to tandem park along 5th Street, where 1 car will be on the grassy strip and exit onto 5th street at the end of the service, and 1 car will park directly behind them. Our goals are to create more parking spaces and also to keep cars off of the grass areas where tree roots abound. When we park on tree roots, this negatively impacts the trees. And since we had 1 tree fall earlier this summer, we are trying to be more aware of how we impact these old and beautiful trees.  
To help achieve our goals, please consider the following:
  • Carpool when you are able
  • Park in a parking lot around downtown Black Mountain within walking distance to UUCSV. If the parking lot you pick is too far for you to walk, please contact Deb Evenchik (615-351-4364), who will arrange for someone to meet you at the parking lot and shuttle you to and from the service. The only thing we ask is that you arrive at the other parking lot no later than 10:40 a.m.
Thank you for your assistance!
Adult RE
Member & Community Activities
Single Use Plastics Ban in Black Mountain
Our 7th Principle calls for us to “respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are part.” One of the ways we can do this is by supporting a ban on plastic bags and styrofoam in Black Mountain. Single-use plastic pollution harms the health of people and planet. A proposed ban has been brought to Buncombe County for consideration, and this can be best
supported by having each town pass a resolution to opt in when the ban passes.
Will you let Town Council know that you support a ban? Send your message here: Town Council Letter.  If you’d like to help to galvanize on-the-ground support through disseminating surveys and petitions, contact Linda Tatsapaugh (828-779-2635, Thank you!
Church office: (828) 669-8050
Michael Donnan, Office Manager Hours: Tuesday & Thursday,
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Rev. Michael J S Carter, (Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Rev. Carter is available for pastoral care in the church office or virtually via Zoom or Skype. Please email Rev. Michael J S Carter to schedule an appointment.
The deadline for submissions to The Current is Tuesday at 12:00 p.m., please send yours to For more information and guidelines on submissions for our newsletters, website, online calendar, social media, Order of Service, and member news, please see our Publishing Guidelines.
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Black Mountain, NC 28711
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