Online Event:  
13th Octave LaHoChi Healing Circle
with Jordan Deer Heart Ix Mazatl Ol-Si
Feb. 27th, 2024 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Please join us for a group online healing circle utilizing the powerful energetic healing modality of 13th Octave LaHoChi!
Wherever you are in the world and in your own personal journey, you can receive the healing energy of the Angels and Ascended Masters. We have been through so much as a collective of late, which has mirrored and activated our own individual tender spots that need attention. This circle can help soothe and facilitate the release of those energies and infuse the body with wholeness and well-being.
The range of known benefits is far-reaching and heals on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This powerful healing brings us back to the Heart of One to remember our own Divine being. It directly connects us to the Love, support and guidance for our Spiritual paths and deepens our connection to the Divine Mother.
During a healing session one may experience:
  • Feeling of profound peace and unconditional love
  • Releasing of blocked or "stuck" energies in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of the energetic field
  • Energetic acupuncture
  • Deeper connection to higher self and accelerated spiritual awakening
  • Filling of the spiritual bodies with brilliant light
  • Connection to the realms of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and pure Source love
  • And more! 
"I wanted to thank you for the absolutely beautiful LaHoChi healing circle. It was exactly what my spirit needed. I had really been struggling with an upsetting situation. After the incident, I made space to gently process and sit with my frustration. I knew in my heart it would be more beneficial to be in acceptance and move forward, but it had been so difficult to completely let go of the resentment and overall just really challenging to stay a positive vibration. During the healing, I experienced such a powerful, beautiful and loving release of all the negative feelings that were burdening me. My heartfelt gratitude to you for such a special, much needed, amazing LaHoChi healing experience.
Thank you for compassionately sharing your connection with the Angels and Ascended Masters to help me heal from a very difficult wound."
“Also, I've been wanting to share with you my testimonial from your last group 13th Octave LaHoChi healing session...I felt so completely relaxed. I could feel the healing taking place on ALL levels of my being. I'm truly at a loss for words to describe just how amazing it felt. Also, prior to the session, I'd been experiencing a lot of knee pain that had resurfaced from an injury many years ago. No exaggeration, a few days following the session, I had an OH WOW moment when I realized the pain was completely gone! 1 can't thank you enough!”

To Register or info on how to pay email
Exchange: $40
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About Jordan:
Jordan Deer Heart Ix Mazatl Ol-Si is the healer and medicine maker of Deer Heart Apothecary, based on Lenape land in Brooklyn, NY. As an initiated medicine woman, Jordan creates plant and stone medicine to heal on multidimensional levels. Her work draws upon her Yaqui, Toltec and Puerto Rican heritage and connection with the natural world. She is also a Reiki Master, a 13th Octave LaHoChi Master, and also practices Pranayama Breathwork, Shamanic journeywork and limpiezas, and Tarot as tools for soul transformation. Jordan is also a founding member of the MINKA Mystery School and has taught courses and facilitated healing work for humans all over the world for nearly a decade.
@deerheart.ixmazatl.olsi //
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