An Online Event
The Art of Seer's Series
~A Four Class Series on Intuitive Reading~
With Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman
Wednesdays, March 13th, 20th &
April 10th, 17th. 2024
At 7pm-9pm EST
(See class descriptions below)
Our ancestors used many systems to do intuitive readings by reading from tea leaf to crystal sphere. Every month I will be teaching a series of intuitive ways to read, consisting of different methods and tools, such as working crystal spheres (obsidian & clear quartz), water gazing, crystal grids and much more.
Using natural rock to be able to scry within the formation of the unusual shapes within the stone. As seer’s we use the earth as a tool. As traditional healers from the Yucatan and Guatemala use stones for scrying, they are known as sastun as the rock formations come from these seer’s stones. Sas (meaning light) and tun (meaning stone or age). Sastun then literally means “light of the ages,” reflecting the longstanding traditional wisdom involved in healing.
Everything comes from within as individuals we enter the space of the unconscious mind to reveal the light within our perception of residual memories, futuristic interpretations and to interpret direct answers.
Remember everything in shamanism has living energy vibration of Spirit. An interconnection is made by opening up our channels to the Great Spirit, Universal Energy within us. We all can foresee the unseen some of us have this as a natural ability which we are still developing others can be trained to open up their intuition.
Some of us are taught these skills in order to open our natural psychic abilities which are dormant, the ability is there, trust is important, to allow the energy to flow.  Becoming "The hollow bone", where energy can just go through you as received through the higher power in order to become a healer and seer, not to use as personal power but to help humanity and community.
It is time you remove those obstacles that you are perhaps are not allowing to open. Seek and explore through your higher self and your connection to the Great Mystery.  Take the leap of faith in knowing you are one of a kind in this world, manifest your gifts and use them as they are intended to be shared. Walk the walk, talk the talk and always walk with beauty.
Attendees are asked to have a crystal sphere, tumbled stones at least 7 of different sorts, two eggs and a glass of water, utility candle, a bowl for water and a stone/rock. Reach out if you need help or guidance.
Calendar of The Art of the Seer Series
March 13th, 2024- Opening the 3rd Eye & Clear Quartz or Obsidian Crystal Sphere Scrying 
March 20th, 2024 - Crystal Grid Teaching & Reading
April 10th, 2024-Toltec Body Candle Fire Reading/ Egg reading

April 17th, 2024- Stone/Rock & Water Reading
Course Cost: $650.00 (can be paid in two payments due on March 12th & April 9th for $325.00)
Feel free to reach Irma if you need a private payment plan.
To Register & payment information email :
Irma at
or pay via Eventbrite:
There will be NO Refunds for Deposit or Training
This class will not be Recorded.

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Shamanic Fire Reiki  •  P.O. Box 720384 •  •  East Elmhurst, New York 11370

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