January 22, 2024 Newsletter Update
Be an Agent of Change!
As we enter 2024, we face critical challenges that threaten our existence – political, social, and environmental crises. It's time to seek new ways of living and healing, and I've found inspiration in the indigenous wisdom of the Amazon and Andes. These communities, standing bravely against global threats, offer us a powerful message: we need to transform the way we live, not just for ourselves, but for the planet.
I invite you to join me in learning from their rich traditions and practices. Their wisdom is not just ancient lore; it's a crucial key to our collective future. Together, we can honor their knowledge and integrate it into our lives for the betterment of our families, communities, and the world.
Let's embrace 2024 as a year of personal growth and global healing, guided by the timeless teachings of those who have long cherished and protected our Earth. 
Please share this newsletter with like-minded people.
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My Healer Training Group last week in the Ecuadorian Amazon- Siekopai-Secoya Tribe.
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Shungo – From my heart to yours,
Taita Yachak. Pajé. Somba Uni. Hau’oli Kāna – Itzhak
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 Visit: Spiritual Awakening, Planetary Shift in Consciousness, Adventure, Healing, 
and Finding Your Life Path.
Click to listen to this podcast by Jenny LaPage
- Itzhak Beery: La Limpia, Prophecy, Palm Wisdom, and Ushai 
(the Fifth Element) 01:28:24
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Calendar of Events
Please Join Me. Online webinars, in-person workshops, and trips abroad.
February 12; 19; 26; March 4- Advance Healing Techniques

הכשרה שמאנית למטפלים ומרפאים

עם שמאן יצחק בארי וג׳קו גולדברג

שומרי אדמה Level 2

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⊕ Feb. 26; March 2 & 9 Palm Wisdom -Livestream Online 
Shamanic palm reading is an ancient practice that interprets the lines, skin condition, texture and colour of the palms as well as the shape and length of the fingers and nails. It reveals much about our life purpose and key personality traits. Discover the art in this 3-part online workshop.
Those who understand the essentials of shamanic palm reading can gain important insights for themselves, and can also guide others on their path of self-knowledge and healing. It is one of the most important diagnostic and counselling techniques that the shamans of the Andes use to help their clients navigate emotional difficulties and decision-making.

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⊕ April 26 - The Night Watchman -Guayusa Ceremony 
Join Itzhak Beery at the College in a powerful shamanic evening to explore the dimensions of dreamtime and altered states with ceremonial Guayusa tea. This in-person event takes you on a magnificent vision quest that challenges your sense of space, time, and direction as you enter the night mystery.

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⊕ April 27-28  -The Birdman: The path of the Andean Healer 
To the Kichwa tribe of the High Andes, the Birdman is a powerful healer, mediating between heaven and earth. Their vibrant feather crown connects them with the ethereal energy of the birds. You'll soar in the flight path of the Birdman in this in-person weekend workshop with renowned shaman Itzhak Beery.

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⊕ April 29 - The Condor & the Eagle Shapeshifting -London, UK
Learn how to embrace their mystical and physical essences in your daily life. In this highly experiential workshop, we'll explore our reconnection with these ancient mythological forces through sound, dance, and movement aided by shamanic visioning. This experience aims to empower you to awaken the masculine and feminine energies within you, fostering harmony. Enhance your creativity and zest for life.

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⊕ May 18 & 25 -How Vision Heal, Livestream Online 
Join Itzhak Beery to learn shamanic diagnostic and healing practices for mind, body, and soul in this intensive two-part livestream workshop.
During the two classes of this workshop, we will be working with spirit guides for shamanic healing of emotional, physical, and spiritual maladies.

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May 29-30 INSPIRATION Healing Conference -Israel
ה-2024 INSPIRATION שלנו ליצור עבורכם את הכנס המעמיק והמקיף ביותר.
הצוות המקצועי של הכנס ואני ריכזנו עבורכם את מיטב המרצים והחוקרים שהציגו עוד מהפוטנציאל המדהים של הרפואה המשלימה והאינטגרטיבית ושמחנו לקבל מכם פידבקים חיוביים ונפלאים.

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⊕ Aug. 29-Sept 4 - Shamanic Medicine from the Amazon and Andes - Colorado.
Itzhak works from a space of warmth and joy that is contagious.  You will learn about and experience the following traditions during this weekend retreat:
-The Dark Side: Attachment, possession, energy vampires, empaths
-Cord Cutting: Sever toxic relationships. Facing the Demon / Energy Vampire
-Psychopomp: Guiding the departing souls
-Shamanic Art of Holding Space – Empath’s challenge to support, not help

-Soul mending: Trauma, retrieval, and integration, embracing the wound
-The Gift of Trauma: Finding your soul/life purpose through trauma narratives.

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⊕ June 16-22, 2024 - The 7th Annual Shamanic Andes Summit in Mindo- Ecuador -Let me know if interested-Limited places.
Let’s co-create a new, heart-centered way of experiencing our world.
At Amaroo Sanctuary in Mindo’s Cloud Forest, Ecuador
Shaman Portal warmly invites you on a journey filled with spiritual, mystical, and healing experiences in the breathtaking Andes of Ecuador.
Our gathering will be guided by renowned shamans, including Don Manuel Calazcon and his Taschila tribal family, Kichwa Taita Yachak Don Jacho Castelo, Yachak Don Pedro Cabascango, Jose Zambrano, Mama Maria Juana, Don Raul Yambrela, and others.
New Article: Shamanism as a living tradition
In the tradition of shamanic wisdom sharing, let me share with you a few true stories; I promise they are all authentic, although I do not use real names or locations. They are a touching reminder of the clash between different perspectives and the importance of holding judgment and jealousy… and instead holding respect, and acceptance of the traditions and beliefs of others. My journey is no different. Since 1995 it has taught me invaluable lessons about humility, acceptance, cultural sensitivity and the poisons of the ‘rightness right’ (those who pursue rightness), especially when it comes to the academic world and written traditions which is often another colonialist superior mindset of thinking and behaving that can often come with an attitude of moral superiority and an air of grander virtue.

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New Article: Can Zionism Claim Indigenous Rights?
I've engaged with indigenous peoples in many countries since 1995, some of whom have initiated me into their traditions. Sharing their wisdom with students worldwide, I was stunned by some who claim that Jews aren't indigenous and are labeled as white European impostors and colonialists.

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Arley: A 10-year-old Siekopai hero that dares to change the world. He needs your support! - CALL FOR ACTION!
Arley Payaguaje is only 24. So far, he has researched, seeded, planted, cultivated, and distributed over 10,000 Amazonian fruit-bearing trees to his Siekopai community around the Aguarico River territory. All grown on the fertile land surrounding his family's modest stilts wooden house. Encouraged, he plans on seeding and planting 15,000 more while researching ways to improve harvest production and even bring back native trees and heirloom seeds from other communities and Peru, their ancestral land.
Reforesting the Amazon with native fruit-bearing trees supports both sustainable economic development and the preservation of the forest's biodiversity. Supporting my Siekopai-Secoya friend Arley's project (see below) helps protect the Amazon and its ecosystem from the destructive impact of big corporations, and give them a chance of survival.
(read my article).
Listen to Jenny LePage podcast with Arley and our group. 
Listen to Jenny LaPage podcast with Shaman Don Basilio.

Read more and contribute to save the Rainforest
Shaman Directory "Gathering at the Cosmic Fire" Summit interview with Tricia Reid. (100:29)
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Give the gifts that last a lifetime:My Books, Publications, 
"These books changed my entire perspective on science and spirituality. Get them now!" – K.F.

"I want to personally thank you for writing your books and influencing me in a deep way towards spiritual growth." –S.L ​
"I love how the universe speaks and moves in the beautiful, magical way it does 🙏 I’m reading your book at the moment and then we are aligned!! Hello and how are you? Your beautiful story, guidance and inspiration and teachings are a gift in each page, thank you 🙏" –S.F

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FREE- Podcast 
Sam Liebowitz oThe Conscious Consultant Hourdiscuss about indigenous wisdom and what it has to contribute to today’s world, with Shamanic Teacher, Healer, Speaker, Community Activist, and Author Itzhak Beery. (Feb. 2023 58:54)
Watch more interviews
Book a Personal Healing Session or consultation
As opposed to Western scientific medicine, which focuses solely on curing symptoms, the Shamanic healing method is an all-encompassing system of physical and non-physical components that are interested in diagnosing and healing the root cause of the ailments’ symptoms. 
1. Personal Shamanic Healing - 90 min. session -In-person or Zoom
2. Shamanic Counseling - 90 min. or 40 min. sessions -On line- Zoom 
Book a Personal Session 
Read Healing Testimonials
⊕ On-going monthly & annual events
The New York Shamanic Circle  (Founded 1997).
We offer monthly Women's Circles (1st Sat. each month) and Open Circles (2nd Sat. Each month), plus workshops, and community events.
See us on facebook
Please email us here to be included in our mailing and Zoom lists.
⊕ Online ongoing webinars and shamanic events
Shaman Portal Wisdom Webinars.
I have created this webinars program as an offering to the growing worldwide shamanic community. Christian Thurow and myself are offering regular webinars featuring respected teachers who deliver thought-provoking and experiential lessons.
We are dedicated to expanding shamanic knowledge and practices as we strive for global harmony and sustainable wisdom.

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Shaman Portal site - Please visit and join in.
I have been committed to preserving the rainforest and its people's wisdom since 1997, I founded this website as a fulfillment of that promise.
Become a member to access our wide range of resources. Whether you are a shamanic teacher, healer, or simply interested in this fascinating practice, there is something for everyone here. If you are a shamanic teacher or healer, please consider adding yourself to our listings and contributing your articles, blogs, and more. We would love to have your insights and knowledge to share with our community. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a FREE SPQR Magazine.
See us on Facebook

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Itzhak Beery  •  4 GREAT JONES STREET, 5R  •  NEW YORK, NY 10012


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