An Online Event:
The Cave of Balam Kitzé Jaguar, Bone Woman & Chaac 
with Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman 
Friday, June 7th, 2024 - 7pm - 9:30 pm EDT
An Intensive Personal Healing Journey With Our Dark Sacred Shadows
You are invited to enter the inner caves of Balam Kitzé Jaguar Medicine who is highly respected and venerated by the Maya people. The Maya believed that the jaguar has the ability to cross between worlds - between the living world (which was associated with the day) and the spirit world (which was associated with the night).  Enter the shifts and realms of personal healing with the Balam Kitzé  Jaguar and his guides and allies Bone Woman, and Chaac, the Maya Deity of Thunder and Lightning. They will guide and accompany us into the underworld caves of shadows and ancestors, to help awaken and restore our vital life source energy.
The workshop will move us into our own inner caves and jumping into the womb cenote waters of self-reflection and allow us to move to discover how to let go of ego, self-realization of our deepest fears and the inner darkness of old repetitive patterns. 
Enter a shift of perception and arouse new cosmic energy of liberation. 
The cenote waters (sinkholes) wells deep within the earth to clear and open the path of luminous energy fields within.
Techniques of recapitulation using techniques with the obsidian smoking mirror (or black pot or black bowl of water) used for recovering personal energy as we continue the path and unfold personal lineage history and traditions. Opening the door to allow the energy to sustain us with clarity and illumination within our sacred path.
The teachings from Bone Woman and Chaak working inside the center of sacred space within the cave and working with Balam Kitzé to open the Heart with the medicine left as a gift from the Heart of the Jaguar.
Please have an obsidian mirror or a black bowl/pot with water, seeds or something symbolic of seeds, a stone (not a crystal) to offer after the land after the workshop. 
Cost: $195
To Register or for payment information email irma at
Please note this will not be class will not be recorded.
A Jaguar Note from Irma
I have been working with a Jaguar Medicine for many years now.  This inspirational work has lead me to a Series such as Sun Eyed Snake Jaguar, One Balam Jaguar Medicine; Entering the Feminine and Masculine, Maya Journey Into the Soul of the Jaguar, Entering the Creation of the Jaguar Feminine, Song of the Young Jaguar and now presenting the new work The Caves of Balam Jaguars. Jaguar medicine has always had a special place in my heart I am happy to present this new work still using many of the old tools such as Jaguar mask and the obsidian scrying mirrors.
In gratitude to the Balam Jaguar guides and the people also who have inspired me along the way. Thank you, Anita Garr. my mentor who is a Mayan Day Keeper who followed her dream, thank you for all your help and guidance, encouragement and love. Thank you to Sergio Magnana for deep work with the obsidian mirrors, dreamtime and diving deeply into the caves.
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Shamanic Fire Reiki  •  P.O. Box 720384 •  •  East Elmhurst, New York 11370

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