Five Ways To Earn

Sharing the knowledge of health and healthy products with friends and family is a extrordinary gift and one of the most important things we can do.  And the gift you give yourself is financial freedom.  By joining the team, you have that opportunity in a healthy, sustainable way that is good for you, your customers and the planet.

Start creating a better planet and better world for you and your family by joining the team.

We offer five ways to earn:

  • Profit on the sale of products
  • GOLD Ambassador Bonuses
  • Personal Group Volume Bonuses
  • Leadership (Organizational) Volume Bonuses
  • Tru-InfinityTM Bonuses on VivixTM Sales

How To Get Started

Designed by experienced Shaklee Business Leaders, First Step provides a basic, action-oriented approach that will help new Distributors know exactly what they need to do to get started building for success.

The five purposes of the First Step Training for new builders are:

  1. To affirm the excellent choice of building a business through Shaklee.
  2. To help create belief and readiness to grow.
  3. To show new builders "what to do" to get started.
  4. Teach new builders how to get paid through the Shaklee Compensation Plan.
  5. To provide a call to action - talk to someone about Shaklee every single day.

The best way for you to learn to use First Step is to begin teaching it to others. We encourage you to set up your own Opportunity and First Step Training meetings, and the City Network has been established to help!  

Be Part of a Better Tomorrow

Be part of a movement to make people and the planet healthier.

But most importantly, all of us at Shaklee are in this because we want to do our small part. And each of our small contributions put together will create that major change we wish to see in the world.


Jane Smith, your Shaklee Independent Distributor

To find out more information on products, home parties or becoming a distributor, please contact me.
My Website

311 Montford Avenue | Asheville, NC 28801

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