1. Be sure that your new kitty is tested for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). your house to start the introduction process.

2. The key to introducing a new pet is to GO SLOW! Give the new cat about one to two weeks in her own room where the two cats can sniff each other under the door. Once they are doing this with minimal hissing, switch their places and let your new cat roam the house safely for a few hours while the other rests in another room in the house.

3. The next step is to let them see each other from across a room.

4. Let the cats out together in a supervised situation and put down a treat. Use two dishes on opposite sides of the room so that both cats are in the same room eating their special treat. Do this at roughly the same time every day, and soon the cats will be running to be in the same place at the same time. Soon they will associate a good thing with seeing each other.

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