Nothing is more important than clean drinking water.
Provide your family with instant, clean, delicious water for just pennies a day with Shaklee's BestWater system.
This water filtration system offers better tasting water that is also safer - reduce particles, reduce unpleasant smells and more.
For more information please contact me at 888.876.5432 or my website.

Find the Right Option for You
BestWater MTS Water Filtration System - Countertop

BestWater MTS Water Filtration System - Under the Counter
This advanced carbon filtration system installs easily, providing instant, clean, delicious water for just pennies a day. With the undercounter model installed under your sink, only the attractive chrome faucet shows on your countertop, positioned where you want it to dispense great tasting water. The MTS2000 system is ideal for the majority of homes with municipal water supplies. It carries a Five-Year Warranty.
The compact design of this system belies its impressive capacity to produce up to 1,000 gallons of filtered, great-tasting water.

Shop All BestWater Products

Green Kitchen Tips

Clean Out the Coffeemaker
Using your coffeemaker every day can lead to a buildup of minerals (especially if you live in an area with hard water) and residual coffee, both of which can affect your daily brew and may even clog the machinery.
For an easy and green way to clean the inside of your machine, whip up a solution of four parts water to two parts white vinegar. Pour it into the water well, turn on the machine, and initiate a coffee-less brew.
Nuke Your Sponges
Washing dishes and wiping down countertops makes for dirty, smelly sponges. While many folks like to "clean" theirs in the dishwasher, that's not an effective way to kill germs or bacteria and can actually spread the harmful organisms to your dishes. Instead, place wet sponges in the microwave on high for 90 seconds.
Use the Dishwasher
Appliances might seem energy-intensive, but running the dishwasher when it's completely full is actually more energy- and water-efficient than hand washing. For an extra green measure, skip the heated dry cycle and let your dishes air-dry.

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