Procrastination doesn't serve anyone well in their life and if it's a habit you've picked up, it's time to stop.  Let's look at a couple of common reasons for procrastination, and ways to change your behaviors and habits.

Lack of Interest:  If you aren't interested in a project and can't find a way to change that, set goals to accomplish something that interests you.  Reward yourself for reaching those goals.  Always try to work when you're at your best – physically and mentally – to optimize efficiency.  Make the rewards real; if you don't reach your goals, you don't get your reward.

Fear of Failure:
  If you find yourself avoiding a task because you're worried you can't do it well enough, sit down and visualize the task being completed.  Think about how you will feel about successful results.  Keep that vision with you as you work on the project.  Work towards success and assume that failure is not an option.

Too Distracted:
 Remove any possible distractions and create a series of small goals.  Complete one small task at a time and then move on to the next one on the list until you've finished.  Some find it helpful to self-limit, such as deciding that you won't get up from the desk until you've finished the first five tasks, or not opening any other browser windows until an article is written.

If you can't figure out a course of action and this is preventing you from even starting your project, create deadlines for yourself.  By giving a deadline for decisions and task completion, especially if you share these deadlines with others, you force yourself to make necessary decisions that ensure progress.
Marriage, being a commitment that is intended to last a lifetime, has taken a hard hit in recent decades, and by that I am referring specifically to the high rate of divorce and the "as long as we both shall feel like it" attitude that seems to surround the institution as a whole. One reason for this may be that many people are not reaching out and using the tools available to them to keep their marriage alive and spicy. To breathe a little life into your marriage, you might consider:
  • Taking a trip on which the entire purpose of your travels is to spend good connective time together. Look for locations with a romantic atmosphere, and activities that the two of you can do together. If there is a special interest you both share, that might be a good place to start planning. Take advantage of special offers and plan to splurge on each other a little bit.
  • Take communication, healing, or spiritual classes together. These are good opportunities to learn and grow as individuals and will give you new skills to bring back to your relationship.
  • Set aside uninterrupted time - that isn't over a meal - to talk each day. This will be valuable connective time that you can keep no matter how busy your schedule gets.
  • Speak each other's love languages. Learn more about what makes your partner feel loved and cared for, and keep that in mind when trying to show them how you feel.
  • Go on actual dates! That's right - dress up, leave the house, spend time out in public with the express intention of being on a date. This means paying attention to eachother, touching each other (in a socially acceptable way of course!) and creating an experience for just the two of you.
  • Go on adventures. Studies have shown that experiencing new things together is a vital part of what sustains the magic bond that glues two people together. That constant bond is even more powerful than increasing levels of support during difficult times (which is vital to the health of a relationship, but in a different way).
How does self awareness relate to your career, you ask? It is quite simple really: when you are self aware, you are able to see clearly all that is around you, including your work reality. You will be able to perform to your highest abilities, know yourself well enough to be able to ask for what you need, and inform others of your abilities, expectations and interests. You will also be able to understand your mistakes, and admit to them – something that goes further in the business world that most of us ever consider.

If you are seeking employment, be assured that a strong sense of self awareness will go a long way in making a good impression on any potential employer. During a personal interview, the interviewer is not just listening to the literal answers that you give to their questions; they are also watching your body language and listening to what you are telling them about yourself. If you seem self-aware, confident, and knowledgeable, both about your field and yourself, your chances of landing the job are much higher.

If you are already employed, you have the opportunity to upgrade your work environment through self-awareness. When you encounter problems at work, use your skills to determine what the problem really is, and what your contribution to the solution can be. In moving up the corporate ladder, if that is your path, knowing that you are ready for that next rung up and being able to communicate that clearly and honestly with the people responsible for granting that promotion is an essential skill. Self awareness skills are also beneficial when it comes to goal setting, time management, and building healthy work relationships.

Exercise is an often overlooked way of ensuring a healthy, happy life. Physical health, however, extends much further than the state of the body – it also affects us mentally and emotionally. Exercise is a great way to relieve minor depression, increase energy levels and stamina, speed up metabolism, sleep better at night, and so on. If you are looking for ways to increase the vitality of your life, look to physical activity. Let's look at the benefits of exercise in terms of both success and happiness.
We all want to be successful in our lives, including in business and career arenas, in our personal goals, in building a family and maintaining friendships, etc. All of these things contribute largely to our sense of happiness. Happiness is the responsibility of an individual, and what makes each person happy varies, but there are usually a few common threads that emerge.

In regard to exercise, there are a number of ways that you might view working out as a vehicle for increasing your success. Obviously, there are the personal goals involved with having a strong, healthy body. There is the sense of achievement when exercise goals have been reached, and a sense of self confidence that arises both from the achievement and from the physical appearance that comes with a healthy, fit body. Similarly, the uplifting effects of accomplishing something, particularly if it's challenging, can influence us beyond the momentary post-workout bliss, and actually inspire us to success in other areas of our lives. Certainly, the increased energy levels will be vital in achieving goals and conquering problems. All said and done, the benefits of exercise far outweigh any excuse one might have to avoid it!
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Time Management Tips
In order to successfully manage time, you need to first accept that there are only twenty four hours in each day, and you can't possibly work for all of them. You also cannot bend time, or change it to fit your needs. All you can do is do your best to fit everything you want to get done into your schedule and then stick to it. If you're ready to change how you manage your time:
  • create a list of everything you need to get done and prioritize the tasks.
  • look for ways you can avoid wasting time.
  • set time limits on projects and stick to them.
  • plan each day in advance so you know what you are doing.
  • use planning tools, such as calendars and scheduling software.
  • say no to projects you don't have time for.
  • eliminate distractions to help you focus better.
  • evaluate your time management skills periodically and make changes as necessary.

Conflict Resolution

Most people are made uncomfortable by conflict. It can bring up very primal urges of fight and flight, leaving you with a pounding heart, a flushed face, and very on-edge feeling. In order to resolve conflict, it is important that both parties are able to talk, and listen, to the other person. The most desirable way to resolve a conflict is to find a win-win solution, that is, a solution where both parties are satisfied with the outcome.

When sitting down and talking one-on-one doesn't lead to a solution, it may be time to bring others in. Mediation and counseling are two methods that are commonly known to aid in conflict resolution between co-workers, family members, and partners. In these scenarios, a neutral third party agrees to listen to both sides and facilitate problem-solving between the two conflicting parties.

When in doubt, take a deep breath and remember that the other person feels the same way you do, and if you work together, you can both feel good about the results.

Helping your ADHD Child at Home
Children with ADD and ADHD often benefit from an organized home life with a very clear structure and routine. As you well know, these aren't the strong points of anyone with an attention disorder, and so it can be very helpful to have that built-in to their home life. This will create a more pleasant and relaxed (stress-free, even) environment for everyone- parents, children, and siblings.

One way to help keep your child on track is to provide them with a daily list of what they need to do, complete with little boxes where they can check off what they've gotten done. Each morning, when your child gets up to go to school, they can consult their list, which will tell them exactly what they need to do: get dressed, eat breakfast, take medication, brush teeth, make sure backpack is packed, etc. This list gives them a reference point to come back to if they get distracted, and helps to ensure that you don't spend your whole morning chasing after them to get things done. The list technique works for all kinds of things, and can be a very satisfying way for a child to experience a sense of accomplishment when they see their list with everything checked off on it.

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