If you are ready to have a blissful life - and who isn't - then it is time that you chose bliss. It really is a choice, and it really is that simple: choose bliss and then work to create it in your life. Here are ten steps to creating a more blissful experience:

1. Invite bliss into your life, and be willing to
experience it.
2. When you experience difficulties, remind yourself of the greater good and expect that the outcome will be positive.
3. Remember that your view is only one part of the picture and try to see all the other possibilities.
4. Imagine the ideal outcome for every situation and envision it working out that way.
5. Expect miracles, and then work to make them happen.
6. Don't allow negative self-talk to take place. Substitute positive affirmations instead.
7. Create blissful rewards for yourself in times of stress.
8. Make a "bliss" date for yourself on the calendar- whatever that looks like for you - and then keep the date.
9. Put bliss on the top of your priority list.
10. Keep reminders of bliss around you so that you can re-enter that state-of-mind anytime you need to.
In a world where you can create your own reality, anything you desire for yourself can be manifested. Of course, that isn't exactly a 100% accurate depiction of the world we live in, but according to those who live by these principles, life can very closely imitate this pattern. The trick to getting what you want out of life is to believe that you deserve these things and then move forward in a way that actively puts you in line to receive that which you desire.

Let's start with the concept of what we deserve. In this country's dominate culture there is a belief that one must prove themselves worthy, when in fact, we are all born inherently worthy of everything this world has to offer. All the gifts of the universe are available to each and every one of us, whether you are approaching this from a religious or a spiritual basis notwithstanding. Work from a place of knowing that you are good, you are worthy, and you deserve all the gifts that you receive and more.

Another part of receiving is being receptive. It might sound redundant or obvious to say that you need to actually be open to receiving, but the fact of the matter is that many people actually shut out a lot of the opportunities available to them. Practice being grateful and receiving gifts with grace. Being receptive also means that you aren't just sitting back to see what falls in your lap, you are putting yourself out there, actively pursuing your goals and interests. Go seek out what you desire, and be ready to find it!
The world is a rapidly changing place, and this is very much a mixed bag for most of us. The global economy and transfer of information has provided us with many amazing opportunities and yet we are still not working together to heal the damage done to the earth. Our population has already surpassed our ability to feed ourselves, and having eaten our way through most of the surplus, countries are now playing a risky trading game with food. How do we live in this world without becoming weighed down by the burden of responsibility, knowing that our actions have intense consequences that, at times, involve the future of the very planet we live on?

Start by breathing. Breathe deeply and fully. Focus on your breathing. Take full joyous breaths and slow calming breaths. Breathe through every emotion you experience and be grateful for each breath you inhale. In doing so, you are invigorating body and mind and providing your body with the full amount of oxygen it needs to thrive. Shallow breathing deprives your body of oxygen, which in turn slowly runs down your health and destabilizes your emotions, so the next time you find yourself getting upset, stop and breathe. Taking several slow deep breathes can completely change your state of mind.

Live with intention. Listen to your experiences and be gentle with yourself. If you are clear with yourself about how you intend to interact with the world around you, you can carry this into every decision you make, every action you take. Some of these can be personal, such as choosing to express love and kindness to all others or more broad intentions, such as choosing to always opt to purchase earth-friendly options. Whatever you do, act in the knowledge that you can make a difference with your actions, and even small or seemingly insignificant choices contribute to the whole.
In a world where families no longer all live under one roof and people talk on their phones through the checkout line at the store, having personal connections that are strong is an essential and important part of being a healthy person. Many people seem to have checked out of society, earplugs in place as they cruise through the world, and while the interactions they are missing out on may not be profound, they also lose a certain sense of community. They are, in effect, isolated and, in turn, separating from those around them.

The relationship one has with a life coach is usually different from the other people in a person's life because their interaction is free of the need for pretensions and restraint when offering suggestions for altering negative behavior or interactions at home, work, and play. A life coach is someone with whom you can sit down with and essentially review your life and really help you work on issues that may be holding
you back from your desired life-goals. They are someone to bounce ideas off of, to confide in, to share goals and dreams with, etc. A life coach can be counted on to have your best interests at heart and always work to keep you on the right track because of the unbiased viewpoints and suggestions they are able offer.

If you think about it, people in highly competitive fields usually have those they can turn to for advice. Whether these people are elected officials, Olympic athletes or famous Hollywood actors, many have advisors, coaches, trainers, and assistants who aid them in achieving their goals. Very few people would consider going it alone, and for good reason because having support in one's life is essential, and who better to provide it than a person whose interest in the situation is to help you achieve your goals?
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Three Steps to Better Health
1. Proper Nutrition: a diet of whole, organic foods is essential to good health. Plenty of foods rich in antioxidants, healthy beverages, nutritious, brightly colored vegetables, and a balance of the right fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates, and oils for whole body health. Limit or eliminate processed foods, saturated fats, and meat consumption.

2. Hydration: drinking enough water is essential for the health of your digestive system, kidneys, liver, and skin. Dehydration causes headache, fatigue, weakness, and a variety of other symptoms. If you drink water and it tastes sweet, or you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

3. Exercise: exercise should happen on a near-daily basis. The best ways to exercise are whole-body holistic models, such as yoga and tai-chi, both of which include meditation and personal/spiritual aspects. But a brisk walk of 30 minutes or more 3 times per week has great benefits as well.

Leisure: The Cure to What Ails You
If you've ever been in the middle of making a difficult decision and decided to walk away and take a break for a few minutes to do something fun or relaxing, then you already know the value of leisure time. Leisure time is something that is essential to well-being; it is a restorative technique to bring yourself back into a calm and ready state. After even five or ten minutes of leisure, you can experience a complete shift of perspective that may afford you the answers you were looking for and return you to a state of general well-being that will allow you to handle most any challenge that comes your way!

Clearing Negative Emotions
Everyone experiences sadness, disappointment, and anger, along with other negative emotions. The trick is to acknowledge these emotions in ourselves and dismiss them. There are a number of ways that you can do this, and what works for you may vary from emotion to emotion and moment to moment. For some, talking to their fears is a good way to open dialogue within themselves to figure out what is really bothering them. Sometimes, just acknowledging the fear is a good way to reduce its power. Other people have great success with visualizing the emotion or situation that is bothering them, and then surrounding it with love, allowing it to transform into something positive. If you do this and it helps, but the emotion is still present, do it again. The key in all of this is to be judgment-free and aware that the initial emotion or issue that arises may not be the real issue at hand, but a symptom of something deeper that is ready to be healed.
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